Mice disgust most people, and some fear panic. It is unpleasant to see a rodent not only in reality, but also in a dream. Typically, such night visions portend problems, the extent of which depends on various details. Let’s figure out what small mice dream of.
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Interpretation of dream books
To begin with, we turn to popular dream books and find out what events such chimeras speak of, according to famous interpreters:
- Miller. This dream book says that such dreams warn of insincerity surrounding and future troubles in the family. But if the dreamer managed to kill the rodent, this means that he will be able to defeat his ill-wishers.
- Hasse. In this dream book the most gloomy interpretation is given. According to the interpreter, the mice dream of a great misfortune, and if the animals are white, in the near future the dreamer will die.
- Wang. What little gray mice dream of, the soothsayer explains this: in the near future, the shameful secret that the sleeper keeps will become known to many. And if a small pest gets close to a person, it threatens with financial problems.
- Of flowers. This interpreter claims that rodents who have been haunted warn of secret enemies who will harm the dreamer in every way. It’s bad if the mouse bit a person, it means that he will be defeated by his enemies.
- Freud In the opinion of this famous “psychologist”, rodent ghosts symbolize dissatisfaction with relations, as well as the fact that the dreamer is ready to make a radical decision in order to get out of this situation.
- Nostradamus. This predictor is of the opinion that it all depends on the number of individuals in the dream. If the rodent is alone, it portends minor troubles affecting the family and financial side of life.But if there are a lot of voles, such a dream will be a harbinger of any global problems, be it a natural disaster, famine, epidemic or war.
- Esoteric dream book. This source says that rodents dream that the person who soon saw them will fall into a stupid position, and will appear before others in the most unfavorable light.
However, do not consider the opinion of the interpreters the ultimate truth. The value of night visions depends on many factors. In a particular case - from the color and size of rodents, their number, as well as the dreamer's behavior.
What do the little mice in a dream mean?
It is believed that gray mice symbolize trouble in various areas of life - family, work, relationships with friends and colleagues, as well as health problems. If the rodents in the dream are small, the difficulties that arise will be the same.
More dream books:a dream about a bat
Their appearance and behavior also affect interpretation. When the mice behave aggressively and try to attack the dreamer, this promises quarrels with strangers. If rodents damage property, spoil food and things, chances are money problems will arise in the future.
And when the gray mice look sick and dirty, health problems that are not life-threatening are possible. Probably some old disease will make itself felt, or a person will feel unwell due to accumulated fatigue.
Another thing is if the color of their coat is light. Why do small white mice dream? Most likely, a person will face changes in his personal life, and soon someone will appear next to him, bringing joy and happiness.
When a young girl sees a lot of mice in a dream, this suggests that she will soon have a new fan. For a man, such a night vision promises a meeting with his fate.
If in addition to white rodents, people are also present in a dream, this portends a meeting with old friends or a big celebration in honor of a joyful event.
When many small mice are dreaming, still very tiny, with a snow-white clean fur coat, this suggests that the dreamer will be able to cope with all the problems that arise, relying solely on his own strength.
White rodents in dreams
The forecast for the future is more favorable if white rodents have dreamed. This color is a symbol of positive events, which means that such a vision does not bode much trouble. Some interpreters claim that white mice seen in a dream portend positive changes in life, for example, moving or changing work to a more interesting and highly paid one.
In accordance with other interpretations, white mice, dreamed of by people, until you meet your soulmate, portend a pleasant acquaintance, which will end with a matchmaking and wedding.
But there is a different, less positive opinion regarding such a dream. Some dream books say that a large white mouse symbolizes fear of a person who occupies a higher position or for some reason dominates the dreamer. Perhaps this is the boss, spouse or one of the parents.
And some sources say that a rodent of a white color dreams of a meeting with a hypocritical person. The dreamer will overly trust him, and he will turn out to be a "wolf in sheep's clothing."
The interpretation of bats
Why do small bats dream? As a rule, these nocturnal residents are considered the personification of darkness and blindness. But some nations believe that they bring good luck and happiness.
This dream is interpreted depending on the details. If a calmly “hanging” bat was imagined, then in real life a person will be able to avoid serious troubles and easily get out of any situation.
Observing her flight promises fulfillment of desires, and all matters that seemed to have little chance of success will end in favor of the dreamer.
When the mouse preys on insects, such a dream is a harbinger of a large monetary profit and well-deserved respect of others.
If a bat is injured, a person may be in danger at night. Perhaps the risk of robbery is high.
Some sources claim that bats can be considered harbingers of disease and problems. But if it turned out to catch or kill the animal, the dreamer will be able to defeat the disease and get rid of dangerous enemies.
Why do you dream of dead animals
If dead mice dream, such a vision indicates that a person has neglected his obligations for too long and ignored them. In the near future he will have to correct his own mistakes.
And also the dead animals seen in a dream speak of excessive self-confidence, as a result of which relations with many people were broken. Fixing this now will not be so simple.
Often, dead rodents are in dreams of financial loss. And if the corpse of the mouse is disfigured, it is possible that one of the ill-wishers brought damage to sleep, which would seriously harm him in the future.
When the animal fell into the mousetrap, such a vision portends a situation in which the dreamer will need a certain amount of ingenuity and speed of action. Only in this way can he get out of a difficult situation.
To poison mice in a dream
When a person dreams that he is poisoning mice, in real life he will have to take many steps, including risky ones, to deal with ill-wishers. The same thing foreshadows the arrangement of mousetraps in your home.
If rodents run away without taking poison and not falling into traps, this means that in order to achieve their goals a person will have to overcome many obstacles.
Dreaming rodents
When it was necessary to catch runaway mice in a dream, the interpretation of such a vision depends on how the "hunt" ended.
If it was possible to capture at least one animal, this means that all obstacles and hardships are left behind. In the near future, the dreamer will face career growth, big profits and good news. And from any difficult situation, a person will definitely come out the winner.
But there is another interpretation of such a dream. According to him, it is believed that a person who grabs a mouse will soon be in an absurd position. He will have to blush for his actions, and perhaps turn into an object of ridicule. Only prudence and caution can help in this case.
When a man dreamed that he not only caught the animal, but also ate it, the interpretation is also twofold. Some sources say that soon the dreamer will deal with all competitors, while others warn of the likelihood of humiliation and shame.
If the mouse was never caught, but did not stay near, but ran away, this promises fulfillment of desires. All enemies and creators will be powerless and will not be able to interfere with the achievement of goals.
In conclusion, it should be said that one should not understand literally the interpretation of dreams. If night vision, according to the compilers of dream books, warns of any trouble, it is enough to exercise caution, and not to panic.