The details of the dream and the particulars of the dream interpretation of horses that once dreamed are characterized differently. An accurate and detailed interpretation of the plots in which this ambiguous symbol is present is presented in this article.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
The total meaning of this symbol in different sources may vary slightly.
In popular dream books, the following interpretations of sleep are found in which the horse dreamed of a dreamer:
- Miller's Dream Book. According to the American psychologist, a well-groomed and healthy horse promises wealth and joy. Washing an animal promises hard work, buying a horse from a dishonest seller - dubious enterprises and losses, selling a seedy nag - incredible luck.
- Family dream book. According to this source, a healthy thoroughbred horse symbolizes courage, honor, victory, work or an enemy. Buying an animal is a sign of hope, and a hobbled horse promises considerable income.
- Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov. Here, in a dream, a horse symbolizes strong friendship, success in love affairs, work and creativity. Dressed up animal portends an interesting post. Buying a horse dreams of good news, sale - to get rid of debts.
- In the 21st Century Dream Book, a horse means slandering a sleeping person or visiting a hospitable house. Catching an animal is a loss. A horse prancing in front of a dwelling portends trouble, and a person entering the house portrays a successful marriage.
- According to the Chinese dream book, a horse entering the dreamer's home portends happiness or good news from a child. An animal carrying a valuable load promises job loss.
- Dream Book of Wangi.The Bulgarian seer believed that such a symbol is seen in a dream to a distant road or to the baseness that someone close will commit. Untamed horses promise serious problems.
- Freud believes that a horse in night dreams represents a woman, a sexual partner. Night vision, in which a man sees many horses, can also symbolize his desire to become a father.
- According to the authors of the English and French dream books, the stallion in a dream is a harbinger of a bright future and financial well-being. An especially favorable sign is a horse harnessed to a beautiful carriage.
- According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a horse in a dream is a symbol of indestructible authority. Such a dream promises to strengthen old ties and successfully overcome difficulties.
- Esoteric dream book. According to the authors of this dream book, a dreaming horse warns the dreamer about a trap into which enemies want to lure him.
In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is important to remember all its details. The meaning of the dream is largely determined by the behavior and appearance of the animal.
See the animal graze, eat grass
If the dreamer saw a grazing horse, then in life he can not worry about his business or career. This dream portends a successful business, strong business ties, an advantageous offer.
For a girl, such a dream can mean a quick and successful marriage. However, if the vegetation on the pasture is sparse, then a dream means that in life you will have poor, but reliable friends.
A calm horse eating grass or drinking water means solving current problems. The dreamer will come out of a difficult situation and will easily endure all difficulties.
If you drink a horse in a dream or feed the animal with your hands, then in reality your desires will be fulfilled. Such a dream promises the patient a quick recovery.
Wounded or dead horse
A wounded animal in a dream symbolizes the difficult life situation of friends or relatives.
- Dead horse bodes sad news, hard work away from home.
- According to some dream books, a dirty, exhausted, or dead horse portends poverty, a decline in vitality, great losses, shame, or defeat.
- If the dreamer manages to cure a sick animal, then in reality he will easily survive all the difficulties.
- Exhausted horses can symbolize cohabitation with a person who is not compatible with you in character.
- Riding a lame horse symbolizes certain obstacles in business.
Had a herd of horses
Herd in dreams personifies the surrounding society. The interpretation of such a dream depends on the behavior of the horses.
- If you dream of a herd of horses, in which the animals are friendly and calm, then in reality you will gain popularity and meet useful people.
- Also, a lot of healthy beautiful horses promises a prosperous future and a pleasant experience.
- A man who dreamed that horses from a herd is shoeing, should wait for a speedy promotion.
- If in a dream the dreamer owns a whole herd of horses, then in reality he will take control of some situation.
- Aggressive running horses warn the dreamer of an unpleasant situation that may arise if he does not learn to be more restrained in communication with others.
- If in a dream you admire the herd of stately beautiful horses, then in reality you will find a cloudless family life or the realization of a long-held dream.
To dream in a dream a white, black, red horse
The significance of the dream in which the horse was present is largely determined by the color of the animal. So, the most favorable sign is the white suit horse. Trying to find the answer to the question of what the white horse is dreaming of, it is worth turning to the famous dream books for help. According to most sources, this image symbolizes complete well-being in all areas of life. The dream promises the dreamer the best resolution of current affairs, love and understanding in the family, joy in communicating with friends.
Black horses are a symbol of trouble.Such a dream may indicate that against the background of external well-being, some kind of sadness will deeply seize in the dreamer's soul.
Especially unfavorable is the vision in which black horses are aggressive, rushing, destroying everything in its path. This can portend sad events that will significantly change life for the worse.
Reddish horses in a dream mean a sudden transition from worse to better or vice versa. If you dream of a brown horse or a stallion of bright red color, then in reality your wishes will be fulfilled, you will have a successful career and a useful acquaintance. Also, the bay horse is a symbol of satisfaction with all areas of its life.
Riding a horse
A dream in which the dreamer rides on his handsome handsome horse, as a rule, portends victory, exaltation, prosperity and respect.
However, such a dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the circumstances and features of the appearance of the animal:
- quick jump - the dreamer is prone to risk, and he should be careful;
- a steedy horse - a messenger of scandals;
- to ride a horse in a dream, and then fall from it - to ruin;
- ride a horse into the city gates - others will appreciate your dignity;
- you were riding a horse, and he carried you - expect meanness from a friend or boss;
- to ride a horse through a clean stream - to joy (if the water is dirty, the joy will be darkened by something);
- to ride a horse in clear water - fulfillment of desires and monetary gain;
- the horse rages under you - difficulties on the way to the goal;
- the horse threw the dreamer off — to illness, the activity of enemies;
- for a man, a dream in which he engages in horse riding surrounded by ladies means uncertainty in love or attraction to a dishonorable person;
- if the dreamer is surrounded by males who ride horses, then in reality he can count on the support of decent people;
- to ride bareback in a dream - to overcome difficulties in life;
- to climb a mountain on horseback - to achieve a high reliable position (the descent, on the contrary, portends failures);
- Feel fear sitting on a horse - a person close to you will begin to worry about you;
- to ride on a white horse and see behind him a rider on black - successes will alternate with failures;
- if in a dream a man saddled someone else's horse, then soon he will meet a woman whose love he uses for personal gain;
- a black horse under a rider - disappointment in life (for a woman, such a dream can mean cheating on her husband);
- for a girl, a dream in which she gallops on a bay stallion symbolizes a refusal to an intrusive boyfriend and monetary gain.
If in a dream you do not manage to curb the horse, then in reality luck will pass you by. Riding on a lame and dirty nag portends a lie and envy from loved ones.
Run away, run away from a violent horse
A dream in which a mad horse attacks a dreamer can be interpreted in different ways. If in a dream you are trying to escape from a violent horse, then in reality you are probably missing a certain opportunity provided to you by fate itself.
If a dreamer, fleeing an angry animal, experiences a strong sense of fear, then in reality, enemies attack him openly. The fight will be difficult and this time will lead to a final outcome.
A dream in which a horse has bitten a dreamer portends career growth. If it seems that the animal kicked you, then in reality your beloved will refuse you.
What is foal dreaming of
A foal in a dream is a favorable sign. He portends change for the better.
Such a dream promises mothers the health of children. Also, an animal can symbolize victories in love affairs, liberation from a heavy mental burden.
If the foal kicks, then in reality the dreamer should be more careful. In reality, he can make a rash decision that will cost him dearly in the future.
Feed the foal in a dream - reconcile with opponents in reality.
Eat horse meat, kill a horse
If you dreamed that you had killed a horse, then in reality your dear people will suffer from your own egoism. Killing a sick, exhausted horse in a dream means problems that the dreamer will be able to avoid.
If in a dream you eat horse meat, then in reality you will not give up your positions under any circumstances. Eating horse meat can warn of bad news. For married people this dream promises an early divorce.
If you dreamed about a horse, you should pay attention not only to the appearance of the animal and the details of the dream. For a proper interpretation, one should take into account the phase of the moon, the day of the week, and the number on which night the dream was seen.