Almost every dream book interprets the lift in a straightforward manner: going to the upper floors means developing, becoming more successful and richer; sink to the bottom - degrade. There are unexpected explanations that are not related either to the career ladder or to interpersonal relationships. Properly using the interpretation, the dreamer can be saved from trouble.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Longo’s dream book says that getting stuck in a dream in an elevator car is at risk of being cheated in three days. It’s a deception so petty that it can go unnoticed, a bit like a body kit at the store’s checkout counter.

  • If the lift descended at high speed, then this promises a meeting with a unique person.
  • But to climb the elevator in a dream means to be in a difficult position: you have to hide the truth from loved ones in order to protect them.

The dream books of Rommel, Miller and Wanga unanimously connect this story with a career: a rise to the upper floors promises business development, career growth, and revenue growth. The descent bodes downshifting, that is, withdrawal to lower positions.

But with the speed of movement the opposite is true: the higher it is, the slower the development. When you dream of getting stuck in an elevator, this is a danger.

Freud, as usual, connects everything with an intimate life: a trip in an elevator symbolizes a secret romance.

  • Broken, stuck, fallen lift embodies the fear that the connection will open and everyone will know about it. This is if the accident occurred during the trip.
  • If the passenger noticed a breakdown before boarding, then his relationship is at risk.

Interesting fact: Miller, the author of the famous dream book, was an entrepreneur by main occupation. He was engaged in the interpretation of dreams and writing books in his free time, along with many other hobbies.

Stuck in an elevator

It was necessary to rise or go down, but suddenly the cabin was stuck between floors?

Here are the conclusions that can be drawn from such a dream:

  • The sleeping person has problems with the respiratory tract (cab doors are closed, air does not enter). Attention should be paid to lung health.
  • The need to be patient. In life now boredom, stagnation, nothing happens. However, active actions will not help, it remains only to relax and wait.
  • The risk of being late. Hint that you should be more punctual, come to meetings on time. And still have time to say important words, take the necessary actions, do not put off anything until later.
  • Instability, "suspension" of the situation.

There is another interpretation of such a plot, recommending that you be careful to avoid the trap prepared by ill-wishers (here, to get stuck means to fall into a trap).

Rise or fall down on the elevator

Interpreting a dream, interpreters pay special attention to the direction of movement. If the cabin goes down, then this is a bad sign: they are waiting for problems at work, a worsening of their financial situation, a drop in the quality of life. Although this may not be a prediction of the future, but an explanation for understanding the present. The dreamer feels that his life is going downhill, and he can do nothing about it.

The lift moving up is a completely different conversation. Here everything is the other way round: development, grace, improvement of affairs, career growth, high position in society. Perhaps the patronage of an authoritative person.

Dreamed of a lift

What does it mean in a dream to ride the elevator, which suddenly begins to fall:

  • major failures that destroy life;
  • spiritual decline, that is, immoral, immoral, sinful behavior;
  • collapse of hopes;
  • health problems;
  • difficulties in working matters.

Was the dreamer alone in the booth? If there were still people in it, then in reality one should stop shifting one's problems to others. We are talking about troubles that can and must be overcome independently. The reason for the failure lies in the small number of attempts. This is not the time to stop, we must continue to try.

Well, if you dreamed of a fall of the elevator, which the dreamer observes from the side, he himself is not inside or managed to get out. This is a sign that it will be possible to evade big problems.

It is interesting what Freud says about dreams: a dream is a hallucinatory fulfillment of desires. The brain visualizes the unconscious needs of a person, thereby as if realizing them.

See the elevator shaft in a dream

The condition of the mine is also important, and what the dreamer did:

  • To fall into the mine is to become happy without much effort. This will happen as a result of events that will turn life upside down. It is not worth wasting energy on resistance - without these changes, happiness cannot be achieved.
  • Just looking into the mine means that you should not make hasty conclusions, make decisions under the influence of emotions. Especially when it comes to money.
  • If the mine is littered with something, then a difficult period is coming, which will have to endure in very cramped material conditions.
  • An explosion in a mine dreams of success on the love front.

By the way, there is another interpretation for the fall, which, however, does not contradict the first. A fall in a mine symbolizes a lack of spiritual development (the fall).

To fall because someone pushed means to fall under bad influence.

Mine abandoned or operational?

  • Abandoned heralds barriers from strangers. Their actions are not aimed directly at the dreamer, but they indirectly interfere with his success.
  • A functioning mine warns: enemies take active action. Caution and vigilance, self-control are the trump cards.

Dream of a broken elevator

It should be remembered the circumstances of the dream: the lift was broken immediately or at first it worked properly, and then suddenly stopped?

  • In the first case, this is a warning that you should not be too presumptuous. It is useful to soberly assess your capabilities and not neglect outside help.
  • In the second, when the elevator broke down in the direction of travel, sleep warns of danger. Where it comes from is not known. It is recommended that you recall other details of sleep and seek their interpretation in order to clarify the situation.

It is not easy to interpret the ride in the elevator. Much depends on the circumstances of real life and the small details of the plot. However, one should know that no matter how the dream is interpreted, an elevator is only a way of transportation, and having doubts about its serviceability, it is better to always go up on foot.