If the child dreamed of flying, then the adult will certainly say that he is growing! But soar above the earth in a dream can not only children but also adults. We offer you to find out why adults dream about what they can fly, the dream book will also tell you about flying on an airplane, a broomstick and a balloon.

Interpretation in different dream books

Consider several popular dream books to get different interpretations. This is necessary in order to get a clearer and more logical picture when analyzing sleep in small things.

According to Grishina:

  1. If in a dream, evaporate over the straw, then soon bring yourself trouble. If you see grass, then expect good news from a close friend.
  2. For a man, such a dream portends separation from his wife, but only if the flight took place on the street.
  3. To rise up, then quickly head down - overstated ambitions, a thirst for power, which was born due to complexes, dissatisfaction with desires (including sexual ones).
  4. To know in flight that it is unrealistic for a person to fly is a symbol of deep self-knowledge.
  5. If in a dream a person joyfully flies, jumps from one surface to another - self-doubt. Communicate more with people, go out, and the complexes will leave.
  6. Flying in a dream above the earth so high that it is barely visible at home - to wealth, happiness.
  7. Flying over the water surface is a danger to life or inner peace.
  8. Seeing how you fly over the mountains - obstacles will soon arise in your path, but you can quickly overcome them.
  9. Fly up - you have to work hard. Down - will soon have to repent of their deeds.

According to Shereminskaya:

  1. In a dream, flying on your own, without transport and animals, will soon make a good profit, but you need to be careful with a large amount, do not waste everything on trifles.
  2. If a person moves across the sky by plane or other transport (balloon, animal) - dreams will come true soon, their plan will be fulfilled. The long work that you conducted almost without profit will soon bear fruit, pay off many times.

According to Shuvalova, the dreamer in reality seeks to overcome certain difficulties and get rid of problems. The desire to gain power, to become a more influential person.

Dream Book of Zhou-Gong:

  1. Feeling the wings behind you - great joy will happen soon.
  2. Fly without wings - get a good position, nobility, success and wealth.

According to Miller:

  1. If the dreamer is less than 20 years old, then the dream speaks of his physical growth. If older - spiritual growth.
  2. It is easy to soar, the sky is clear - to the realization of desires.
  3. Behind the wings - to disappointment.
  4. Seeing your fall is a fall and in reality (a fall in work, a spiritual, moral fall, a fall in the eyes of people, a family breakdown). But if you didn’t fall to the ground, but were able to rise up again, you will overcome all obstacles and you will be able to get out of the most difficult and complicated situations.

According to Veles, it’s difficult to fly, you somehow stay in the air - you are supported by many people. If at the moment you are in a difficult position, they will help from the side.

According to Martyn Zadeki, flying both in transport and without it will change the situation in a good direction. You will get profit, happiness, everything will work out if something went wrong.

The esoteric dream book says: to fly on a bird, a vacuum cleaner, a beast, an airplane - a long journey, a journey will soon come. Fly with the help of the appeared wings - to purchase expensive equipment or a car. If the flight is completely independent (without transport and wings) - use your existing abilities or talent favorably.

Muslim dream book:

  1. A person associated with power will receive a good high position.
  2. Fly over the mountains - overcome all adversity.
  3. If the dreamer is not connected with power - expect illness.
  4. Fall after a flight - pay attention to what you fell on - this is what you get in reality.

Whatever the interpretation, it is not complete without the interpretation of trifles. For example, the prediction can be completely different for a woman or a man.

What does a woman dream about?

If you have to fly in a dream to an adult who in life does not often travel through the sky, then you must definitely look into the dream book. Let's see what such a dream holds out for women and men.

The value of night vision for a woman:

  1. When I dreamed that you were flying out indoors, you easily tear yourself off the floor against your will, you cannot find support - complete dissatisfaction with the present state of affairs in the family. You are unhappy with your husband and children, you want to get more personal space and freedom.
  2. Fly above the ground, just soar - you can go too far, it's time to stop before it's too late.
  3. If you joyfully climb up, then dive down - a lot of happiness lies ahead. But if you feel fear in such a flight, expect troubles, unexpected news that will not please.
  4. Fly, you cannot land - dissatisfaction with yourself. This may concern both appearance, character, and behavior, actions.
  5. Seeing someone else soar in the sky leads to an interesting acquaintance that will lead to friendship or even a serious romance.

Predictions for men:

  1. To break away from the earth against his will, to try to hold on to objects - to changes in work, in the service (translation, reduction or promotion) that the dreamer does not need. For example, they want to raise him, but a person is afraid of responsibility and a greater volume of labor, he is happy with everything in his position. Lower - the dreamer is fighting for his place.
  2. To fly on the street without landing (low above the ground, close to the roofs of houses) - to part with a beloved woman of her own free will.
  3. If you fly on the street, but jump from roof to roof, a new love will soon appear, for which you decide to leave your current girlfriend or wife.
  4. Seeing a forest, mountains, rocks underneath is a lot of obstacles on the path of life, but you will overcome weight, the main thing is not to despair.
  5. Flying over steep slopes and mountains is a long-awaited increase, gaining power.
  6. Moving across the sky in a bird or outlandish beast - in real life have the support of influential people. If the dreamer has wings - independence in decision-making, and they are all correct.
  7. If there is someone who drags you up, or fly by the hand with another person - get help from where you did not wait, but you need it now.

Regardless of gender, if you hover very high in a dream, then soon expect happiness, a solution to all the problems that will no longer affect you. There will be wealth, fulfill your long-planned plan, realize long-held dreams.

I dreamed of flying without wings

Such night visions can bring both pleasure and joy, and horror, despair. When you wake up, do not expect obligatory joy or misfortune, remember the night vision in the little things: whether you were in transport, animals, or yourself, as in a fairy tale, were torn off the surface of the earth that you felt during the flight. This will be discussed later.

  1. Flying in a dream in an airplane, looking joyfully down - expect happiness. If the transport is shaking, you are scared, or just afraid to fall - difficulties are ahead, serious health problems are possible.
  2. To be a pilot in air transport is to completely control your life and current situation. Nothing will stop you; everything that concerns you is subject to you!
  3. Fly without transport, as if by magic, through the seas, feel joy at the same time - you are a self-sufficient person who knows the limits of his freedom and will not let anyone encroach on her!
  4. Fly without wings and transport, easily maneuvering, rush through narrow streets - the desire to work for the good of your own and those around you. You have the purest intentions, and soon your work will be well rewarded.
  5. To fly higher and higher without falling down, you will have to work hard, but from this you will receive only joy, satisfaction.
  6. Fly down without going up - be more reasonable and prudent in business and judgment: you may soon have to repent.
  7. To realize in a dream the ability to fly in the absence of wings, to try to take off - the dreamer is sometimes sharp and arrogant, sometimes rude, which hurts loved ones! You overestimate your real capabilities, in many ways you consider yourself better than others. Think about it until you have lost all your friends.
  8. You are afraid of the flight, you doubt the possibility of returning to the earth - soon you will have to fight for personal happiness, for a place at work, an increase. You will not succeed if you are so afraid. Overcome fears, and you can turn your fortune in your direction.
  9. I dreamed of flying on a bird or for an arm with an angel (with any character, if only there were wings) - you grow spiritually, develop, become a mature person.
  10. Soaring on a bed or chair - in reality, you will encounter an unusual situation for you or an interesting person. Both that, and another will bring you only positive!
  11. Moving across the sky on a beast - correctly distribute and spend your strength, time and money. The dreamer is a competent and responsible person.
  12. To fly by the hand or next to another person is a feeling of loneliness, loss. You need to talk, make friends or a friend.
  13. If in a dream you flew across the sea, the river (flew to the shore) - soon realize your dreams, plans will not be broken.
  14. To soar in the clouds, to see them underneath, around, above - you want to receive universal recognition, love and glory. But for this you need to be less arrogant, lower the requirements for others and your own self-esteem, self-conceit.

Flying without wings in a dream, if you move without transport and outside help - an illusion in reality. This is claimed by the Psychological Interpreter of Dreams. It says that the dreamer is confused in his own dreams, ceases to realize the boundaries between the desired and the real. This can prevent him from living a full life.

Fly day, night

Some dream of night flying, while others seem daytime. And this may also vary in interpretation.

If you flew in the dark, you could not understand where to go, then there are many in life, but work is useless. You need to find something to catch on. It is this little thing that will become in the future that with the help of which you can get a big profit and satisfaction from the work done.

Soar in the moonlight - you want a lot from life, you have a huge number of plans and desires. But dreaming is one thing, working is another. If you don’t work hard, you won’t get everything that you’ve dirtied. Dreams will remain dreams.

If you were flying at the height of the day, then the dream book will hint at the dreamer's possible frivolity. It is time to take responsibility, learn to manage yourself and your capabilities, that is, to grow up.

What does a recurring dream mean?

It happens that people constantly see the same dream. What will it mean for the dreamer if he occasionally has a dream about flying? It doesn’t matter how one has to fly - without or with wings, on transport or without it, the interpretation is the same.

You strive for freedom, but do not make any movements for this. You are a completely non-self-sufficient person, even the smallest problems are solved by avoiding them! You think that they will do everything for you, decide, direct you on the right path. What kind of freedom can one talk about in this case? You need to start living independently, learn to make decisions yourself and deal with emerging situations.

Flight over land, river, sea

If you move high above the ground so that you can hardly see the outlines of cities, it seems that you are about to find yourself in space - success is expected in everything. Happiness is near, and it will soon knock on your door!

Seeing a river beneath you is a quick solution to your problems.

Soar above the calm sea surface - pacification, calm and measured life. If there were any problems, they will leave soon.

If the sea is raging beneath you, then expect trouble. Serious health problems are possible.

In both cases with the sea, if the coast is visible, then calm will soon end (in the case of calm water), disasters will pass (if the sea is raging).

Fly on a broom

Why dream of flying on a broom, broomstick or vacuum cleaner? Interpretation does not depend on gender: the dreamer relies on someone or something. And such a hope gives him the strength to go forward, fight, live. Believing in someone gives you peace, a feeling of happiness. But it's time to think that flying on a broomstick is a fiction. This means that you are wasting your hopes on someone, it seems to you that he is helping you. In fact, all that the dreamer could achieve is the work of only his hands and strength.

See a parachute flight

If you dreamed that you were preparing for a parachute jump, then think in reality once again well over what you want to do. Perhaps you make a mistake, and the company should be postponed or completely canceled.

If you jumped, but don’t give in, but fly slowly, you can see everything - the waking up is very dangerous for prosperity, but outside support will help to finish the job successfully, without loss.

If you dreamed of flying in a balloon (which can be confused with a parachute, or in a dream the parachute turned into a balloon with a basket), then what you started is a good idea! You will succeed, so go ahead, bolder!

A dream in which you could fly, not only brings joy or fear, strong emotions, but also helps to make plans, prompts, warns. Do not forget to look into the dream book, because dreams are the clues of our subconscious, signs. They help in life. Enjoy your dreams, happiness and waking success!