Pets often dream. Some of the night visions with the participation of furry pets promise pleasant events, others warn against possible life problems. In a dream book, cats can “predict” different events. Good or evil promise such dreams, it depends on the color of the furry pet, its behavior and some other factors.

Interpretation in dream books

Cats, according to many esotericists, are the most mysterious animals. Despite their cute and lovely appearance, they are associated with mysticism, therefore most often predict negative events in human life. True, a lot depends on how these pets look and what they do.

Velesov's dream book represents a cat, as a deceitful and envious friend who is capable of even stealing. And also a vision can predict danger, therefore, in reality it is not worth walking along the dark streets alone.

Miller's dream book portends failure to the person who saw a cat in his dreams. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to try to scare the animal away from itself. If such night visions are visited by people associated with trade, then this is a sign of envy of competitors. It is very possible that they are plotting.

In the folk dream book there are several interpretations about cats. Seeing a big cat in a dream is not a very good prediction warning of a possible adultery. Stroking a cat for a man can predict a dreamer a quick meeting with a beautiful stranger, but you should be careful - this girl with a hole.

Had a lot of cats

If in a dream a person sees a large number of cats of different colors, a similar plot warns that new people will appear in his environment in the near future - big lovers of gossip and gossip behind his back.This is some kind of warning that should be taken as advice that it is advisable to stay away from such people as far as possible.

The envious and ill-wishers who appeared in a dream are actually capable of harming, therefore it is very undesirable to have friendly relations with them. It is necessary, on the contrary, to devote as little time to them as possible, try to avoid communication, otherwise unpleasant incidents may occur.

Black, ginger, white, gray or tri-color

In order to accurately decipher the dream in which the cat or cat was present, one must take into account their color as a factor that carries extremely important information:

  1. If black cats dream, such a vision portends the onset of an unpleasant event in real life. Most likely, the dreamer has hidden enemies who have power and authority, so it will be difficult to deal with them. It should be noted that in reality a person may not even know his ill-wishers, so you need to be extremely careful with new friends or take a closer look at the already known circle of people.
  2. If red cats dream, then this is most true for men who do not always behave honestly with the dreamer. Therefore, with them you need to be constantly on the alert. It is easy to recognize such representatives of the strong half of humanity. Usually this is a powerful person with a strong-willed character and good looks. But, as the dream book predicts, he can commit meanness in relation to the person who saw him in a dream. Friendship with such "authorities" should be avoided.
  3. Cats of white color symbolize hidden danger, moreover, a blow will be dealt at the moment when a person does not expect this. The dreamer needs to be careful, be patient and gain strength in order to be ready to meet the enemy face to face.
  4. A beautiful gray cat in a dream points to a man who is plotting something bad. Gray color symbolizes deceit, anger and hatred. Therefore, it is better to stay away from such people, otherwise you can expect trouble, recovering from which will be very difficult.
  5. Three-colored pets that a person saw in a dream are an occasion to pay attention to yourself. Most often, such animals indicate the inconsistent nature of the dreamer himself, his unpredictability, often changing behavior, which depends on the momentary mood.

These are the most popular interpretations of night dreams, in which a fluffy and mustachioed pet was present.

Talking animal

If a person in his nightly dreams talked with a cat, then this is a sign of loneliness. The dreamer most likely needs love and communication. Other dream books decode such a vision as a warning that they are trying to deceive the sleeping man. Therefore, it is necessary to be more careful and not take unfamiliar people a word, try to track every information received.

The cat personifies the enemy in a dream, and if there are a lot of pets, then it is likely that several people are involved in the deception. It is advisable to prepare for the upcoming negative event, enlist the support of relatives and friends, and then the enemies will not be able to catch you by surprise.

Why dream cats with kittens

If there was a cat with kittens in dreams, then dream books explain this phenomenon in different ways. Some interpret such paintings as a sign of enrichment, promising in the near future unexpected profits. Others see a lack of attention in such stories. Such a dream once again evokes thoughts of how a person is lonely, helpless, in dire need of communication with relatives and friends. Still others foreshadow a serious illness or a difficult life situation.

To find out the exact meaning of the plot that had appeared at night, it is necessary to recall the details of the dream, again, but in reality, to imagine how the animals looked and behaved, how the dreamer acted and felt. Only by collecting the whole picture, it will be possible to determine exactly what the dreams predicted.

Bites and scratches in a dream

Each dream interpretation interprets cat bites and scratches in its own way, so you should consider the most popular interpretations:

  1. In modern collections, the bite of someone else’s aggressive cat warns of the need to refrain from frank conversations with the owners of the pet, as they harbor a grudge against the dreamer. Expect gossip and slander.
  2. A dream interpretation, dated to the 21st century, decodes the bites of a furry animal as a disease that a person may encounter in the near future.
  3. In a family dream book, such visions predict financial problems, because of which the sleeping person will be very worried. Another interpretation speaks of the betrayal of a loved one.
  4. The famous seer Vanga believed that if a cat shows aggression in a dream, tries to bite or scratch a person, this indicates jealousy or subconscious fears, about possible separation and separation.
  5. The universal dream book portends the appearance in the life of a sleeping person of flatterers who are trying to rub themselves in trust, and at a convenient moment to commit treason.

As you can see, most of the predictions have an excellent interpretation, but all of them are warning in nature, so dreams in which there are scratching cats are a sign that a person should be collected, attentive, ready for any troubles.

What does it mean for women, men

Male and female dreams have different interpretations, they can be deciphered as follows:

  1. If the cat appeared to a sleeping man, such an animal represents for the dreamer some important person who can influence fate. If a cat bites in a dream, then this is a symbol of an unclean game, which in reality is played by enemies. It is worth paying attention to the close environment, among which there may be “enemies”.
  2. When cats dream of a woman, such a vision foreshadows an early meeting and acquaintance with a man, but these stormy love relationships will bring a lot of emotions, confusion. If a cat in dreams was very fluffy and fond, such dreams symbolize passion, as well as respect from relatives and close friends.

Given the fact that cats belong to mystical animals, it is impossible to underestimate their appearance in dreams. Almost any night vision with such pets is a harbinger of hostility and meanness. But this necessarily takes into account their external data and behavior that can radically change the interpretation of sleep.