If you look at any well-known dream book, the keys seen in night dreams, in most cases, is interpreted as a favorable sign. It is important to remember the accompanying details, then to reproduce from memory the smallest details of a dream. The overall content of the plot will help to most accurately interpret the dream with the key.
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Interpretation of sleep in dream books
Among the wide variety of interpretations of night visions, a similar picture associated with keys often symbolizes changes, obligations, unexpected news, access to secrets or a path to closer relationships.
- According to the family dream book, personal apartment keys awake in awakening to a sleeping person some kind of insight, the soon disclosure of someone else's secret, and getting an answer to a topic of interest.
- According to Tsvetkov’s interpretation, the door keys seen by the sleeping people mean that he is waiting for a curious lesson, event, holiday that will leave a strong impression. A lock key means an answer to a question, a solution to some problem.
- According to the idiomatic interpretation, to observe other people's keys or a bunch in dreams symbolizes the aspirant's desire for self-realization, release of potential forces, recognition by others of his talents and merits.
- The American sleep psychologist David Loff identified the key seen by a sleeping person with power, control, and power (in a personal sense). The loss of this tool by the interpreter’s dream book is considered as a loss of the above definitions, as well as a loss of access to the necessary information and people, inability to obtain information for the execution of a business, project.
- The modern dream book predicts the onset of life changes.
- Pythagoras considered a dream in which he had the opportunity to observe ten keys in one bunch, as a favorable portent.The efforts expended will finally be justified, and the dreamer will rejoice in the wake of the fruits of his labors.
- According to the Muslim dream book, a bunch of keys of impressive size is a symbol of the possibility of achieving power.
- Grishina interprets a dream in which he happened to close the door with a key, as a symbol of the fulfillment of a long-cherished desire. Unless, of course, the sleeping person tells his vision to anyone.
- The interpretation of Akulina is interpreted as a dream in which he had to keep the keys, as an expectation of a new position, promotion.
- A dreaming box with keys is a harbinger of profit in reality - Miller's interpretation. He interprets the dream of tainted keys as a harbinger of separation, the cause of which could be jealousy.
Nostradamus believes that losing his own keychain in a dream predicts similar events in real life - some not catastrophic, but capable of saddening the loss. The dreamer is recommended to get rid of carelessness and beware of fraud, theft. It is important that when you wake up, remember in detail the whole picture you have seen, in order to understand and remember all the hints given by the Higher Forces.
Keep a bunch of keys in a dream
The keychain that belongs to the sleeper is dreaming, which means that the existing material and spiritual values are safe, and the person already knows how to not lose everything and gain something new.
- The housekeeper or related keys in visions portends the imminent receipt of an attractive offer that does not imply a dreamer's refusal, a promotion may be possible.
- Quite a lot of different keys in a bunch - a sign of future dramatic changes, committing mandatory actions that require responsibility.
- Keeping a bundle in which one key remains is the meaninglessness of those activities to which the sleeping awake devotes a lot of time.
- If a girl dreamed of a bunch with ten keys in her hand, it is necessary to recall the events of ten days ago - they are crucial.
- Several multi-colored door tools assembled together portend an exciting journey ahead.
- If you had to hold many keys in your hand in a bunch - you need to pay attention and take a closer look at the paths that have opened in life in order to choose the right direction.
- To see a bunch is a harbinger of meeting a new interesting person, a potential friend / girlfriend.
- She dreams of holding keys in her hand - in reality, the dreamer leads the relationship, controls important areas in his life or some situation. It is the main thing in a particular case. If the keys are in the hands of another person, then the dreamer will have to obey him in a certain matter.
In order to preserve his goodness and not lose his wisdom and knowledge, the dream book recommends taking a closer look at the details that accompany the main sign. It is he who can send advice on personal relationships in the family or in the service.
Find someone else's keys
If you happen to find the keys in a dream, it means that the dreamer will have the opportunity to assert himself in an important situation for him. Such a find symbolizes the ability of a person to independently create his own happiness.
- If the sleeper finds keys that do not belong to him, has no idea what lock they are for, then the dreamer is on the way to unleashing his potential. He is in a creative search for ways to realize his own hidden talents or the gifts of other people. Especially if you feel in a dream that the find is very valuable.
- At the same time, it is important to pay attention to people who are in night dreams next to the sleeping one at the moment of discovering the keys. Those who possess the same information as the sleeping person are waking up and involved in future events, which can be learned from the interpretation of the details of the dream.
- A dream in which it was possible to find a bunch of foreign keys, portends the establishment of life in all its spheres, circumstances will turn out well, the dreamer will be lucky.
- Detection of foreign keys in a vision foreshadows in the near future all kinds of awards in reality - a significant gain, respect, recognition of merit. If the dreamer has unresolved questions, this finding will become a sign that a person will be able to fix everything, fix it, find the right solution.
- If you find in a dream several alien broken keys, this portends the sleeping man with a break with someone's relationship.
- Finding the keys of others in night vision predicts the dreamer a situation in which someone's experience and knowledge will help him to realize his own plans and goals. In any case, despite the favorable conditions, you will have to work diligently, including mastering the necessary skills.
- Such keys in a vision can be held in your hand or transferred to someone. Such actions are interpreted as a choice, a chance. Giving, a person refuses the proposed opportunity to reorganize his life, for example, to take a different position in the service, to get a promotion, to build radically different plans. Subconsciously, the dreamer knows what he wants, and his decision in a dream is not considered from the position of good or bad. Failure is the reluctance of change.
Finding someone's keys in dreams portends positive changes that relate to the life of a sleeping person, his family, relationships, his activities, the sphere of employment, various acquisitions. Keys, as a rule, are not presented to any person. This is a sign that is sent to worthy, trustworthy individuals. The dreamer should mobilize, create an action plan in order to properly direct his forces.
Lock the door in dreams
Closing the door with a key in a dream while inside the apartment means that the one who sees this vision has something to hide, something that is not worth knowing to relatives.
The dream reflects the dreamer's desire to constantly hide his secrets from relatives or friends, acquaintances. He has concerns about if someone reveals a secret.
- Closing the door outside is a sign that the dreamer will have a new close person with whom relations will be officially registered in the future.
- If a woman closes a door in a dream, it means that marriage awaits her.
- There is a traditional interpretation of such a dream by Freud - the male dreamer is dissatisfied with his personal and intimate life, the female dreamer is an impressive (often conscious) fear of an unplanned pregnancy.
- A dream in which a person closes the bedside table with a key symbolizes creative discoveries or the likelihood of travel.
Closing the door that marks the entrance, a person blocks access to the soul, to his world, his personal life. It is also protected. If a dreamer knocks on a door closed by someone, this symbolizes vain hopes, or regrets. But opportunities are constantly coming, it is worth not only being able to close the doors from the eyes of others and unkind thoughts, but also be able to swing them open towards something necessary and important.
Keyhole in the keyhole
If you dream of the keys to the apartment, inserted into the keyhole, then the sleeping person will in reality look for a simple solution to his problems. Symbolically, the key in the lock is only a step, one action, because you just have to turn it to open or close access to something. A way, a means to an end is already available.
- A vision of an unlocked door, but with a key in the lock, portends familiarity with a good-natured and decent person who will become close.
- The key in the keyhole can be a harbinger of turmoil in the dreamer's personal life, which will provoke the development of depression, apathy.
- Hazard interprets this as a property acquisition for living, a change of interior for someone who in a dream observed a key in a keyhole.
You should not be afraid of the interpretation of sleep in this form, provided that the key is not in someone else's hand. If someone passes a sleeping tool that does not fit the lock, it’s a hoax. The real key is true information or an event in reality.
Had a chaotic key search
What dreamed of house keys, which had to be searched for a long time, will help the interpreter of dreams to understand the vision in detail and take into account the smallest details. This is a positive sign.
- If a long search for the lost keys in the vision was successful, the dreamer will have the opportunity to carry out something conceived, it will be possible to correct the errors, thereby avoiding unpleasant consequences.
- When in a dream, in the process of a random and continuous search, you have to select the right key, in reality, a person should be prepared to make a difficult decision.
- Strong employment, enthusiasm for finding a kit in night dreams indicates that in his life the dreamer neglected the service, work, obligations undertaken by himself. You need to be more responsible and get together.
- Such a dream may mean that relatives are offended by the behavior of the sleeping person.
- Nostradamus interprets the search for keys as a desire to find a way out of a difficult situation, a solution to a difficult task. Therefore, finding the key in a dream portends in reality that things will begin to improve, a successful way out of the current life situation will appear.
- Searching for night vision of the keys to your own home is actually trying to solve personal problems.
- If you find and bring them together - the dreamer will suddenly overtake happiness.
When a lengthy search for keys turns out to be in vain, and another person suddenly hands them to a tired dreamer, this is a great sign. Sleep means that the sleeping person is literally tired of problems that have not been resolved. But someone’s help will correct the situation in reality, everything will work out.
Seeing a golden key in a dream
An unexpected dream with a beautiful golden key portends an acquaintance with an influential person who will be very useful to the sleeping person. The interpretations of such visions are different, but they all carry a positive message.
- To see a gold product in a dream means a decent salary, a substantial profit.
- Such a dream symbolizes the fulfillment of desires, a combination of circumstances, successful for the outcome of an interesting case or project.
- The golden key may be a harbinger of strong positive feelings and experiences.
- If the seen object turned out to be copper, it means that a waking sleeping person will work hard, which will lead to a joyful result.
- The gilded key observed in night vision is a sign that a person needs to temporarily postpone solving important and serious issues, not to start new projects. A favorable period will come soon.
The dream of the golden key is unique, it is not so common, it is even less remembered. Such a plot does not contain negative subtext, the interpretation of sleep promises well-being in life or in its individual areas. One who sees the golden key can be sure that the efforts spent on the search for truth will be appreciated, paid off and rewarded.