It happens that dreams are filled with such power and power of the events occurring in them that a person who sees a similar picture continues to experience strong emotions even after awakening. However, dreams are often associated with the elements. Read in an article about how a thunderstorm deciphers dream books of famous interpreters.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Few people can safely say that they love such a natural phenomenon. The word itself, consonant with the threat, is most often scary.
About how various dream books interpret this symbol, read below:
- The thunderstorm in the Wanderer's collection seems to be a negative sign that predicts adverse changes in the dreamer's life. And, the stronger the elements, the more critical will be the blows of fate.
- According to the dream book of Denise Lynn, lightning is the personification of creation, creativity, some kind of beginning. Such a phenomenon portends to man a breakthrough from darkness to light. Another meaning of the dream is a warning about a collision with open rage, anger, which sweep away everything in its path.
- Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller explains the dream symbol “thunderstorm” with material gain, achievements on the love front or at work.
- Vanga's dream interpretation interprets the thunderstorm seen in night vision as a heavenly punishment, a sign from above that a person’s life is far from righteous. Such a dream may warn that it is time to revise life's values.
- Freud compares a thunderstorm with a sudden passion that is like lightning. This dream promises the dreamer vivid emotions associated with a person from whom such manifestations have never been expected.
Why dream of thunder and lightning
Loud peals accompanied by bright arrows of Zeus carry a huge charge of energy and mean the following in dreams:
- Why is there a thunderstorm and lightning? Thunder in a night picture can warn of the fury and anger of leadership.If the sky in the night story about the raging elements remains clear, then discontent will arise literally out of the blue. Perhaps the reason will not be an omission in the work, but a bad mood of the boss.
- Thunderstorm, which in a dream passed side, portends the news.
- Lightning sparkling directly above the dreamer's head indicates that he is in danger and trouble will just pour on his head. The element that erupted over one of the relatives warns of a threat looming over them.
- If the sleeper is observing in a field in an open area, behind a thunderstorm with bright lightning, it means that in reality there is a clear danger. In the event that the weather is bad in the city, the person who saw this episode will receive unexpected news.
- Thunderstorms and lightning can appear in night vision to suddenly arising worries and troubles. You will have to make every effort to eliminate everything.
- Lightning that struck the house - to the unexpected news, “will fall down”, like “thunder from a clear sky”.
With heavy rain, rain
A thunderstorm accompanied by a heavy rain in a dream indicates the following:
- The dream, in which the sleeping person fell under a shower accompanied by a thunderstorm and lightning, warns of a rapidly developing conflict, which will be hasty and quickly end.
- If you dream of rain and thunderstorms at the same time, it means that in real life troubles are possible that will cause frustration and tears.
- The dreamer, watching the rain and lightning from the window, will be happy that troubles and misfortunes pass him by.
- Cold rain, felt in a dream, predicts the occurrence of problems in relationships, some kind of trouble. Warm summer rain - cleansing of all unnecessary and superficial.
- The strong, flowing streams of water from the sky, seen in a dream, advise everyone to chat less. His gossip can ruin friendships.
- The downpour, which turned into a flood, is an environmental disaster.
Hear thunder in a dream
Dreams occur in which thunder is heard.
They may mean the following:
- Such strong sounds heard in a dream warn a person that it is time to make the right decision. You can no longer put it off.
- A strong thunder in a dream can warn of the disgrace of leadership, of righteous anger on his part.
- The thunder, heard as if from afar, portends adverse events that will occur soon, as well as unexpected news.
- If in a dream there is a feeling that everything around shudders from thunder, then tragic trials, incidents, incidents are coming.
- Sound peals can dream of noise, bustle, anxiety, panic. It is possible that they will be wasted. The danger that caused them will be false.
Dream with a hurricane
A hurricane, having dreamed with thunder, warns of such possible waking situations:
- There was a natural disaster in which a gale-force wind tears off the roof of the house, and a shower floods the dwelling. This threatens the waking of serious health problems at the head of the family.
- The rising thunderstorm and storm portend abrupt changes, beyond which the dreamer simply cannot keep up. In addition, such a dream is able to indicate to a person that it is necessary to show more decisiveness in business and interpersonal relationships.
- A hurricane wind accompanying a shower and a thunderstorm in a dream can signal the sleeping man to the end of a certain life period, spiritual development, knowledge of the truth.
- A hurricane that develops into a tornado and drags in a dreamer is a very bad sign, indicating that dark forces are trying to get it out of balance.
Dreamed of an approaching thunderstorm
A dreaming impending thunderstorm may indicate the following events:
- The appearance in a dream of thunderous black clouds warns the sleeping man about possible misfortunes, troubles, and outbursts of anger.
- An approaching thunderstorm front may warn of the threat of dismissal initiated by superiors.Dissatisfaction with the quality of work on the part of management is growing every day. It's time to think about the attitude to their duties - no one has abolished discipline.
- Such a dream can become a warning to a family person about a scandal with relatives. You need to reconsider your own behavior. Perhaps the dreamer himself draws this conflict with his restraint, selfish actions.
- If the sleeping man saw an approaching thunderstorm above the house, such a dream promises the end of a quiet family life. Tests presented by fate will test loved ones for strength. The main thing that is required in such a situation is to maintain a sober mind and calmness.
Do not be afraid of dreams, in which there is such an element as a thunderstorm, thunder peals, torrential rains, hurricane winds.
After awakening, it is necessary to analyze the signs, compare them with the verified dream books and your inner sensations, so as to always be ready for unexpected twists of fate. Everything can be fixed in our life. Watch exceptionally good and bright dreams, wake up with a joyful mood. Goodnight!