A train trip, dreamed of in a dream, always portends any changes in life. Most often, such a dream is a good sign. In any dream book to go in a train - to movement, a surge of vitality and energy.
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Interpretation in the dream books
All sources contain the general interpretation described above. Only the details that help to better understand the interpretation of a particular dream are distinguished.
- According to the dream book of Nostradamus, if you had a dream of a trip in the train, then things will end successfully. Dirt in the car - a warning against the implementation of plans related to new work. Accidents on the road and crash is another's shame or scolded honor. To be in such a train is to have unreasonable fear.
- According to Wangi's dream book, such dreams are a symbol of longing. Saddened people experiencing mental suffering often see this vehicle in a dream. Sit in it - to a quick change. If at the same time the train is long, then the new life stage will last long enough. It is also worth paying attention to your family, taking care of loved ones.
- Miller's dream interpretation interprets being in the train as a harbinger of a speedy journey. All in all, this dream is a good sign. If the sound of the rails is almost inaudible, then the work will bring maximum income, and all things will be completed successfully. But such a successful period will come soon. Will have to work hard to bring it closer.
- A gypsy dream book defines a passing fast train in the form of lost profits. Drive inside a vehicle - successfully move towards your goal.
- A freight train represents hard work.
Why dream about a trip by rail
A dream indicates that a person is on the right track.He will have to pass with dignity all the tests in order to achieve the intended results. All that is needed is decisiveness and pressure. Although there are interpretations foreshadowing luck, which itself will come into hand. As a result, the dreamer does not need much effort to achieve the goal, so you need to choose: wait for an easy solution to the problem or act yourself, no matter what.
For a girl, such dreams can become a sign of imminent marriage. If a woman takes a long time to choose a car to get into, then in reality she is prone to frequent changes of partners. It is better to look closely at the opposite sex and not make hasty conclusions. The long composition symbolizes a new romance.
Riding in a dream in a train with a man - to make new acquaintances, with which you can solve your problems. The second half dreams of a marriage proposal.
The trip itself indicates that the person is on the right track. He is calm and decisive. In his life, nothing bodes trouble and turmoil.
Also, such a dream portends the deliverance from the disease. And the number of cars directly shows how quickly this will happen.
In general, the number of wagons is an important part for proper interpretation. The more of them, the more pleasant the meaning of the dream. A small amount indicates adverse changes.
It is important to conduct a psychological analysis of sleep:
- Riding in a train is a desire to get away from reality, to escape from oneself.
- Walking the car is an attempt to change the environment.
- Sitting in a compartment is reluctance to move forward.
- Lying is a feeling of hopelessness and fatigue.
- Jump into a raid - to receive an unexpected inheritance.
Any quick movement is a good sign. Most likely, the dreamer makes decisions with lightning speed and can competently act in uncertain situations.
Take a train in a compartment car
To see a compartment car - to new achievements. It can be a small job or a large project.
Sleep often shows upcoming events. This plot means a journey in the near future.
- A train is a symbol of the movement of a time cycle. The faster he goes, the faster his wishes and dreams come true. The main thing is that a sudden collapse does not happen, as this portends the collapse of all hopes and plans.
- To see a lot of people in the compartment - there are those among friends who can provide support.
- If nobody is there - the path to the goal will be lonely, no one will come to the rescue.
- Riding in a train car in a dream with a friend or relative - to a possible meeting with them in real life.
Dreaming about the voyage on the top shelf
This dream can be interpreted in different ways, based on the dreamer's preferences.
- To the one who in real life prefers the top shelf, a dream predicts a good state of things. In a difficult situation, a person will be on top and will be happy with the circumstances.
- Anyone who usually sits on the lower shelves should be wary of adverse life changes. Disorders in the family and at work are possible.
Often such dreams are interpreted with psychological overtones. They reveal the facets of human nature and individual phobias.
- The ride on the passenger train suggests that the dreamer is used to walking to the goal along the beaten track, planning every step carefully. Any surprises of fate are perceived by him very painfully.
- The top shelf symbolizes the pursuit of new heights. Most likely, a person dreams of moving up the career ladder or a high position in society, but cannot achieve this. Sleep in this case is a reflection of his thoughts.
- Also, a similar plot often personifies a fear of heights, with which the brain is trying to cope through a dream.
Dream Train Roof Ride
Such extreme dreams are characteristic of courageous and adventurous personalities who are ready at any time to choose a non-standard path. They know how to defend their own opinions, not taking their opponents seriously.For such people, a dream promises success in business and the quick achievement of the desired.
The roof is a symbol of protection and peace. Standing on it in a dream means defying fate.
The further outcome will completely depend on the character of the dreamer, his perseverance and assertiveness. For strong people - this is a sign of a high position. For the weak, a threat.
But those who felt fear during the trip, in reality, will have a hard time, because they expect troubles and discord in the family. Doubts will prevent you from achieving your plan.
Riding while standing on the roof puts your life at serious risk. Be careful. Perhaps in the near future some unpleasant event will happen.
Slow monotonous movement of the composition
If the train moves on rails very slowly, constantly stopping, then the dreamer will have to face problems that will significantly slow down his work. Their solution will require a lot of time and effort, as well as perseverance and determination.
Stop is a bad omen. It reflects the troubles in which the dreamer will be involved. The number of stops equals the number of obstacles and failures. It can also mean a long course of the disease and a long rehabilitation period.
Monotonous ride - to a calm measured life. No major changes will happen in the near future.
This information will help you understand what a train ride is about, based on the interpretation of small details. The train is most often a good sign. It personifies forward movement, vitality and success. Even negative dreams should not be taken too literally. They only warn people about the possible negative consequences of their actions.