Fighting in a dream can talk about soon reconciliation with enemies or ill-wishers. Being defeated in a fist fight means that trouble awaits. If you win during the fight, the plans will be realized. Sleep can have different meanings because many factors influence vision. It is important to remember all the details of where and how the fight happened - the dream book will help to reproduce the picture of future events.

Interpretation of a fight in a dream

  • Sometimes a victory in a brawl may indicate that serious issues will be resolved.
  • Participation in it means that in achieving goals the dreamer will face many problems.
  • In addition, pugilism can promise quarrels in a close circle of friends.
  • Sometimes sleep indicates too weak a defense against envious people. In this case, the struggle can also symbolize internal conflicts or an imbalance with the environment.

If the sleeping man saw a continuous battle or participated in a mass brawl - this may indicate envy of the world around him, but the courage shown in the collision will help to avoid the danger in reality. A prophetic dream will overcome great difficulties.

If you had to see a fight in a dream from the side - it is worth preparing for the confrontation in real life. It is inactive to look at fighting people - someone close will be defeated.

Also, monitoring the battle may indicate a conflict with others, especially close relatives, which can be avoided. This symbol in a dream can mean a split personality, an internal confrontation. Vision directs thoughts to the need to compensate for these contrasts. Perhaps the sleeper feels threatened, and a fight in a dream is a defensive reaction. She can also express rage, frustration, or self-destructive thoughts.

Fight men, women

This symbol can represent radical changes in the environment, a change of friends, marital status.

A fight between people is a warning. The dreamer should be more careful.

However, the meaning of the vision depends not only on where and how the battle took place. For example, why dream of a fight between men or between the sexes?

Depending on the gender of the participants, sleep can be read in different ways:

  • Did a man have to fight a woman? The vision reflects possible resentment against the weaker sex, the desire for revenge, or, on the contrary, attachment.
  • To see the struggle between the sexes - to a tense period in the relationship.
  • The battle between animals suggests that the danger that threatens can be avoided.
  • The place of the fight (battlefield), regardless of the participants, means profit from their business.
  • Talk about the upcoming fight is a sign of the emergence of hidden enemies in the professional field.
  • When a man dreams about a man’s victory over a woman, the dream bodes failure or disappointment in love. Loss, on the contrary, will overcome difficulties.
  • The desire to fight with someone may warn that the sleeper is wasting time on sorting out relationships.
  • If a woman dreams of a man attacking in battle, it can mean courage, perseverance and wealth.
  • The company of fighting women and men speaks of fears, possible loss and difficulties.
  • A woman to see her partner in a fight with other men is the need to reconsider their relationship with him. Perhaps such a person is not the most worthy party for the sleeping one.

Reading this dream will not be fully understood if important details are missed. It can be: dirt, blood, season and the reason that prompted such actions. It is much easier to search for meaning in the dream book, but how true it will be, time will tell.

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To see a fight with a friend, husband, father

Family fight says that not everything is smooth in a relationship. The reason may be disagreements, hidden desires to put the husband or wife "in place."

  • Offending parents in a dream is a bad sign. Even at rest, they should be honored and appreciated.
  • Beating a son or daughter is not always a meaningful dream. It simply may be the result of their bad (wrong) behavior.
  • Getting a blow from an adult child is unpleasant, even if it is a dream. Take a closer look at each other, you need to talk frankly.
  • It has long been believed that if in a dream a husband beats his wife, then he loves. This is exactly what the authoritative dream book of Loff claims. However, the main thing is not to repeat these actions in real life.

To fight with a dead man in a dream - why

A hand-to-hand clash with the deceased, even if one strikes each other, is a good sign. Sleep means that you can quickly cope with difficulties.

  • However, if you had to fight with a relative who died, a dream indicates a possible quarrel with loved ones.
  • A fight with a deceased friend notifies about problems in his family.

But it is worth remembering that the loss of a loved one is an unhealed heart wound. Regardless of the plot of the dream, the deceased can so extend a helping hand from the other world. Perhaps it is time to start living, leaving behind sad memories and overcoming mental anguish.

Fighting with a friend, sister

First of all, such a vision symbolizes the rivalry for the love of a man or loved ones.

The fight, where you have to separate someone, has a completely different meaning - it is not always appropriate to poke your nose into other people's affairs, but sometimes these actions are very effective. Subsequently, they will thank you.

What does the fight with blood symbolize

Blood is of great importance, but first of all, this dream concerns blood relatives, parents, children, brothers, sisters. If there was a bloody massacre, the dreamer's actions will be fruitful, perhaps they have gone in the right direction. To shed blood - to achieve the desired in life or deal with competitors.

The interpretation of the fight in the world of dreams is not an easy task, requiring many clarifications and knowledge of the current state of affairs in real life.It is undesirable to ignore such a dream, because it may hide hints on how to avoid unpleasant events after waking up.