Almost all people have dreams. Some relate to this phenomenon calmly and indifferently. Others try to decipher them, to understand the meaning and meaning. From ancient times to the present day dream books are helpers in this difficult task. This is a kind of reference book, which contains a transcript for each dream. For example, why brush your teeth in a dream, dream books, depending on the interpreter, can interpret the dream in their own way. Consider the most popular explanations for this, at first glance, ordinary sleep.
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Interpretations in various dream books
Turning to Miller's dream book, which is the most complete edition among analogues and created on the basis of accurate statistics, you can find out the following meaning of sleep.
Brushing your teeth is a sign of an imminent victory over ailments for those who are sick.
Lovers have a joyful date. In real life, the execution of a difficult request is possible.
The dream book of Wangi interprets what he saw as providing material assistance to relatives, relatives, friends. The one who saw in a dream the process of brushing teeth will help.
White magician, psychologist and healer Yuri Longo deciphers this dream as follows:
- if the dreamer is brushing his teeth, then they will ask him for a loan;
- if in a dream someone else is doing this, a low-paying job is ahead;
- if this procedure is performed by a dentist, you should be careful about strangers.
To brush your teeth in a dream, according to the dream book of Evgeny Tsvetkov, to a meeting with a welcome guest.
The "English dream book", in which Richard James Morrison relies on astrology in the interpretation of dreams, presents yet another version of the meaning of this dream. In his opinion, oral hygiene in a dream promises an upcoming hard and long struggle for one’s happiness.
Here is the transcript of one and the same dream in various sources. It is quite difficult to determine which one is more correct. In addition, this is far from an incomplete list of existing dream books with their comments.
Brush your teeth with someone else's brush
It happens that a dream contains more precise details. Consider what it means to brush your teeth with a toothbrush in a dream. There are no unambiguous explanations due to a large discrepancy in interpretations.
The brush as a sign of wisdom is indicated in the dream book of Felomena.
Here you can find a simpler interpretation of sleep, talking about the usual health care.
If you dream of a toothbrush, which the dreamer is going to clean his teeth from plaque, then you should think about your relationship with family. Such a dream indicates tension prevailing between close people. The cause of the conflict in this case is the person who saw this symbol in a dream. Only the dreamer himself is able to resolve or aggravate the situation.
The condition of the brush also affects the interpretation of sleep:
- A brand new toothbrush is dreaming of overall health promotion.
- Old and shabby - means the ability to carry out a long-conceived business.
- Another definition of an old but really used brush is success in undertakings, subject to turning to one's own experience.
A dream in which a person brushes his teeth with someone else's brush suggests the possible implementation of his plans with the participation of an influential person familiar to the dreamer.
More dream books:lost teeth
With bleeding gums
A dream, where a person sees bleeding gums, portends health problems and a general breakdown. It also means the likelihood of dangerous incidents or unpleasant episodes in life. Such an interpretation can be found in the same dream book of Felomena.
Inflamed and bleeding gums give a clue about the irrational use of energy and vitality.
There is a risk of loss. Therefore, you need rest and a revision of lifestyle.
Some dream books indicate a different interpretation of such a dream - a possible meeting with distant relatives. Another option is that relatives need the help of a dreamer.
If you dream of blood while brushing your teeth, it means that a sleeping person in real life will have to make a lot of effort for a planned event. By the way, it should be noted a favorable outcome, great prospects and profits.
Young couples should pay attention to such a dream. Most likely, parents will try to upset their relationship. However, it is important to remember that this is just a dream, and it is not worth making hasty conclusions.
See rotten, black, crooked teeth
Dreams with dreamed bad teeth require close attention. This is a sign of deterioration.
- Rotten and black teeth indicate a quarrel with a loved one.
- The tooth is not only rotten, but also painful - the clarification of the relationship will be delayed.
- Dreaming black teeth are interpreted by the esoteric dream book as a very bad omen. Any started business will prove to be impracticable. It is worth trying to wait out this period.
- A relative with sick and black teeth in a dream in reality needs help.
The explanations of the various dream books agree on one thing: the most alarming sign is crooked teeth. This is a kind of warning about the need to be careful in real life.
By correctly interpreting the message, future losses can be minimized.
- In Hasse's dream book, such a symbol is characterized by a direct focus on the sphere that is most important for the dreamer.
- The Wanderer Dream Interpretation focuses on severe deterioration of health.
- Eastern dream book predicts bankruptcy.
However, such dreams do not always mean irreparable troubles. They only indicate the possibility and increased likelihood of a negative situation. And to avoid them is much easier if you know what exactly to watch out for.
With or without pasta
The symbolism of a hygiene product (toothpaste) is associated with the cleaning process. The color of the paste, the efforts exerted when cleaning, the visual condition of the tube and other factors are important.
According to Miller’s classic dream book, toothpaste seen in a dream means successful work with good pay, happiness and satisfaction with life.
Use the remedy in a dream to improve health and unexpected pleasant meeting. Such an interpretation is in the Wanderer's dream book.
In the interpreter of Oracle, a dream warns of close attention from others, and this interest is quite negative. If you dream that toothpaste ends and you have to brush your teeth without it, then reality will present a difficult situation that requires a lot of effort to solve the problem.
If you have to brush your teeth with a toothpick, this is a good sign of future material well-being and the resolution of old problems.
Dreamed of brushing a child’s teeth
Nostradamus in his dream book indicates unforeseen obstacles in business if a child had a chance to brush his teeth in a dream.
If a person sees himself brushing his teeth for a teenager, he will soon have career growth. And a patron will help in this.
Most interpreters, interpreting a dream in which a child has to brush his teeth, agree that this is a good sign.
Teeth in dreams are a symbol of energy, health, new opportunities.
Do not worry when you see an unpleasant dream. Often the final decision on what a particular subject means in a dream is made by the person himself.
Are the paintings seen by sleeping people a reflection of reality? Do dreams recreate our lives, or are these impressions of the day evoking vivid nightly experiences? There are enough questions. However, this phenomenon has not yet been studied scientifically. So there are no official reasons for concern.
Sleep well and enjoy your dreams!