Despite the many opinions about the black cat that had a dream at night, there is one general opinion that this symbolizes bad events. Indeed, in life people consider a bad sign with a black cat that crossed the road. So warns a dream book: a black cat is a symbol of an unfavorable strip on a life path in the near future.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Usually the appearance and condition of the animal suggests more precisely the symbolism of what they saw.
In various dream books one can find different interpretations:
- Miller's prediction: Sleeping with a black cat is a bad sign. The dreamer will be able to circumvent all the troubles, if in a dream he chased away or killed an animal. Otherwise, ill-wishers will carry out evil intentions against the dream hero.
- According to the Persian dream book Taflisi, a black cat scratches the dreamer to a troubled near future and ailments.
- Muslim interpretation - a black cat promises anxiety and disease, if she carried out attempts to attack the sleep hero.
- Healer Fedorovskaya claims: to see a cat in night vision - to betrayal and treason by a loved one. But when living with a dreamer at the house of a real cat that is dreaming, the dream should not be taken seriously if it does not have other symbols and clues with other heroes and events.
- According to Astro Meridian's dream book, a dead animal promises a break in relations with a person if the first belongs to him in reality. If a loved one is trying to kill a cat sitting in the arms of a sleep hero, this is a symbol of the desire to break the relationship.
The presence of a pregnant cat in a dream means tricks and gossip in the environment in real life. You should look closely at the people around you.
Seeing a lot of black cats in a dream
There are many options for interpreting dreams when a sleeping person sees several or many black cats:
- neutral position of animals - it is worth taking a closer look at others, perhaps among them there are unfriendly people;
- cat fight - in reality emotions, emotional feelings, secret desires are rampant;
- animal love games - they broadcast about failures in relationships with close people or between spouses;
- a cat with kittens - to treason soon, possibly to the appearance of an opponent in a love relationship;
- mother cat takes away kittens - a symbol of trouble and moving;
- the animal feeds its child - it promises independence in life;
- a basket with small cats is carried to the palace, accompanied by - talks about the upcoming strong man in power in 10 years;
- sleeping cats in a dream - unfinished or not very successful business;
- meowing cats surrounded by the sleep hero is a symbol of the presence of unfaithful people nearby who can betray in order to gain profit.
Had a bite or scratch
It is considered to be a bad sign if an animal has bitten a sleep hero. This night vision promises a serious illness or a lot of unreasonable gossip. If a black cat dreams that he lives with a dreamer's acquaintance and bites, it should be concluded that they hold a grudge against a bitten person. A big black cat is dreaming - the impressive size focuses on problems with a person of high rank, an official.
If during the dream it is possible to drive the cat away, all the troubles foreshadowing the dream book will surely recede.
When a dreamer kills a kitten in a dream, it promises the omission of good opportunities. The murder of an adult cat broadcasts a victory over an enemy. If a cat, the owner of which is a dreamer, is offended by an outsider, then this person has an unclean conscience. Often attempts to kill a cat in a dream speak of their own struggle with their inner character.
The cat jumps out of the bushes with a grin in a dream and attacks - this does not portend good events in the future.
Feed the animal
Feeding cats in a dream portends a time spent in a pleasant environment in the company of a loved one.
When you have to pet a black cat in a dream, the dream book promises to get acquainted with the dark side of his own personality. Asleep gets rid of fears and thoughts of a different nature, which lie in the secret corners of the soul. Looking the truth in the eye will be able to make many discoveries for himself both in his personality and in those around him.
If you dreamed of an affectionate black cat that sits in the dreamer's arms, this is a bad sign. A person can be involved in unpleasant things, especially for women.
Black cat with red eyes
The red eyes of a cat in night vision indicate the following:
- a feeling of jealousy in the near future;
- baseless anger from others;
- the dreamer will fall under a wave of envy.
An animal with a strange and unusual appearance in a dream is a harbinger of anxiety and difficulty, unforeseen interference, ingratitude and deception.
More dream books:rabbits in a dream
Value depending on the dreamer's gender
If a woman dreamed of a black cat, this could mean the following:
- big and small troubles, troubles;
- failure in business relationships;
- temptation, as a man may appear in the environment;
- disclosure in the near future of a conspiracy;
- auspicious times with easy deeds;
- hopes and plans will crumble;
- substantial profit promised black kittens.
The young girl saw in a night vision how she kills a black cat, this indicates the upcoming victory over her rival, who is not indifferent to her lover.
Men should pay attention to interpretations:
- scratching black cat warns against doing business with friends;
- many cats portend a guy to transform his beloved into an evil person with whom he cannot see good and sincere relations;
- a cat in a dream can be a symbol of the appearance in real life of a girl who will hunt him.
You do not need to believe in a dream if the animal in night vision is with a bow on its neck or in a collar. This deceptive broadcast is a dummy. When you see a dream with a meaning, it is worth remembering that in reality a black cat crosses the road quickly, the strip of failures will also pass quickly.