Even the darkest and most unpleasant dreams are far from always the forerunners of problems or woeful events. Most often, they act as a warning, urging you to be more careful in words and actions, to look closely at your inner circle - perhaps, among those you trust, there is a person who wants to harm you. Find out what the skull is dreaming of - dream books provide a detailed interpretation of this image.
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Interpretation of sleep in different dream books
According to Freud's dream book, a skull seen in a dream is a sign that you yourself complicate your life. Circumstances and current events appear to you in darker colors than they really are. Sometimes you try to get to the bottom of the meaning when it literally lies on the surface. It is worth treating everything a little easier and not delving into irrelevant details.
Esoteric dream interpretation treats visions with the participation of such an image as a warning - your suspiciousness, fear of death and secret experiences can lead to trouble. Remember - the thought is material, so you should tune in a more positive way. And if you did not just see the skull, but you dug it up yourself, this portends a bewilderment. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will feel at a standstill. Follow the advice of a wise person - this will help to find a way out of a difficult situation.
The skull of a person or animal is dreaming.
When interpreting a dream, the person to whom the remains belong is of great importance. Try to remember not only this, but other details of night vision.
If a human skull is dreaming:
- hold the remains of the unknown in your hands - your illegibility in communications can lead to trouble;
- see your own - to remorse, the realization that once you did wrong.However, it is not worth taking any actions to correct the situation - it will only get worse;
- dreamed of a friend’s skull - you will be entrusted with a responsible business, which your friend was planning to take on. As a result, relations with him may be ruined;
- a person who came in a dream with a skull instead of a face is a symbol of major troubles in the professional sphere.
If you dreamed about the remains of an animal:
- saw the skull of a monkey - soon you will have to face a sense of guilt for what you did earlier;
- the remains of a horned beast, for example, a bull - a warning that a person from your environment wants to insult you. The reason is resentment because of your choice - once you gave preference not to him;
- dreamed about the skull of another or an animal unknown to you - family happiness may turn out to be short-lived.
Important! An alarming sign is a dream where you have an incomprehensible creature or a monster with a naked skull - in reality, you can be embroiled in a serious scandal, as a result of which you will have to give up not only work, but also your previous place of residence. Try to be vigilant and ponder each step.
Mountain of skulls, craniotomy
A dream with a mountain of remains or their collection symbolizes changes in life. New friends will appear, perhaps among them there will be influential people. You will acquire significant connections that will be useful to you in the future.
Two interpretation of dream books night visions of trepanation. On the one hand, this may become a harbinger of events when you have to carry out active mental activity. On the other hand, to predict migraine, which will arise due to occult effects on the dreamer. To cope with the problem with drugs and other traditional methods will not work, you will need to resort to traditional medicine.
Dream details
The correct interpretation of sleep is influenced by details, even those that seem inconsequential. For example, the circumstances under which the image was seen, as well as the dreamer's behavior:
- touch human remains - things may decline;
- drink from a bowl-skull - to the desire to learn more about religious ideas;
- pour water out of it - to mental exhaustion, loss of strength;
- to draw water from a river or other reservoir for them - some of their fantasies can become a reality;
- hammering the remains - to a possible deception, which will lead to ruin. It is worth being vigilant;
- finding a skull in a dream while digging up the earth is a sign that in reality you continue to look back on your past in search of answers;
- dig up - to the news, because of which there will be a desire to leave the duty station;
- to bury - it will be possible to dispel all your errors.
It is also important to remember how the skull looked and “behaved”:
- had a very small size - it means that you underestimate yourself and your mental abilities;
- was clean, bright - your health will be excellent for many years, even if you lead an incorrect lifestyle;
- decorated with gold - to meet and get acquainted with a smart person;
- with a tattoo - to a fun life, fulfillment of desires, easy problem solving and overcoming obstacles;
- the remains are planted on a stake - to troubles that will affect your superiors, but will not affect you;
- split or chopped in half - suffering due to unrequited love is possible;
- the skull smiled - at odds with the other half;
- grinned in an unpleasant grin - to quarrels not only within the family, but also with relatives. It is better to talk heart to heart and express all your complaints at once, without leading to a serious conflict;
- talked - your desires and wildest dreams can come true.
If the interpretation of sleep did not please you, and portends troubles and problems, do not despair. Remember that night visions are most often a game of the subconscious, and your fate is in your hands.