In night dreams I had a chance to escape - dream books interpret this in different ways. Running is a good sign that indicates a large amount of dreamer's energy. But you need to consider all the details of a dream in order to know the exact meaning.

Interpretation in different dream books

There are many dream books that interpret dreams differently.

Miller's Dream Book:

  1. If in a dream I had a chance to quickly run in the company of friends, it means that in reality it will be necessary to go to cheerful holidays. It also means that things at work will go up and there is a chance to get a promotion.
  2. Dreaming of a run in which the sleeping person stumbles - it promises to lose money or spoil your reputation. You need to be careful.
  3. In a dream, one has to run away from dangers, which means that in reality there will be enough strength to avoid difficulties. The main thing is to show patience.

Interpretation of the Hasse:

  1. I dreamed of a lot of running people - this means waking up to get money. You need to properly dispose of them, so as not to lose luck.
  2. If in a dream happened to run after someone, then in real life there will be success everywhere.

Interpretation according to the Taflisi dream book:

  1. Running in a dream means a long journey. You may have to move or go on a business trip.
  2. If you overtake someone on the run, then be the first. This may be a promotion at work or the opportunity to successfully start a new business.

Dream Interpretation Grishina:

  1. In a dream, to run means that in real life you have to avoid dangers or you need to hurry up for the intended purposes.
  2. I had a chance to fall while running, which means that great trials are coming. It will take a lot of patience.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, if you had to flee in a dream, this indicates uncertainty in a loved one. Maybe you should talk to him and find out all the secrets.

Run fast in a dream

Fast running in a dream has different meanings:

  • running in competitions means there is an opportunity to make a profit or a career advancement;
  • in a dream I quickly caught up with a guy, then in real life it's time to start a serious relationship. If a loved one is already nearby, a wedding is expected soon;
  • to run quickly in a dream in a field means that in life you need to attach more importance to trifles.

By stairs or road

Often in dreams you have to run up stairs and roads. We need to consider in detail the meaning of such dreams.

  1. I happened to run up the stairs in a dream, which means that in reality we will have to repent and apologize to a loved one.
  2. Running along the road warns that in the near future you should not go somewhere. It is necessary to postpone a planned trip to avoid problems.
  3. Running up stairs and falling bodes down at work: there is a risk that colleagues can set up.

For the bus, train

To understand what dreams of running after a train or bus, you need to analyze all the details of sleep.

  1. In a dream I had a chance to chase a bus, which means that in reality it will have to be disappointed in a loved one.
  2. In a dream, I had to catch up with the outgoing transport and managed to jump into it - this means that all our plans will soon be realized.
  3. Running after a train in a dream means that in reality there may be problems in your personal life. It is worth paying attention to the second half.
  4. The dream in which he had to catch up with the train predicts less trust in the people around him. This is the only way to succeed.

More dream books:tomatoes

Run away from men, women

The night story, in which it happened to run away from a man or woman, has a different meaning.

  1. In a dream I had to run away from a man who is familiar, which means that in reality we will have to apologize to this person for a mistake.
  2. If a young man in a dream was a stranger, then in real life he will have to make a difficult decision, on which the fate of other people will depend.
  3. To see a vision in which you run away from your soulmate indicates that the relationship is on the verge of breaking. You need to be patient and talk with the chosen one.
  4. A dream in which it was possible to run away from a woman means that soon love will appear on the threshold and it will be fateful.
  5. If in a dream I had to flee from an unknown girl, then a joyful event will soon happen in life. It can be a new acquaintance or a raise at work.

In the snow, in the rain

You need to consider nightly scenes in detail, in which you have to run in different weather:

  1. Running in the rain promises remorse. You will have to answer for your mistakes and apologize a lot.
  2. I had a chance to run in the snow in a dream, which means that success is waiting for work. This will be an increase in wages or an increase.
  3. If the snow was dirty, then sleep is negative. This will be dismissal or fraud by colleagues and friends. This can be avoided if you are careful.

Thus, dreams in which one has to flee have both positive and negative meanings. If you interpret dreams correctly, you can avoid many problems and understand what lies ahead.