Often beautiful ladies and lovely girls are very worried about a strange dream, where in one form or another the pregnant woman appears. Sometimes, it happens that in a dream the dreamer herself is in an interesting position. One can only understand why pregnancy is being dreamed of, only by coordinating one’s own life situation with what she saw in Morpheus’s embrace. A pregnant woman will tell about this in a dream book, in which she appears as a symbol of joy, happiness, well-being, and at the same time - diseases, troubles, quarrels and scandals.
Material Content:
- 1 Interpretation in popular dream books
- 2 Pregnant woman with a big, small belly
- 3 Dreamed of an unfamiliar pregnant woman
- 4 Many pregnant women
- 5 See pregnancy and childbirth
- 6 Touch, stroke your stomach in a dream
- 7 What does a dream mean for a married, unmarried woman
- 8 Why dream a pregnant woman who is not in a position
- 9 Interpretation according to the dreamer's gender
Interpretation in popular dream books
A dream in which a person observed a pregnancy in one form or another can cause very strong emotions. Therefore, it is easy to remember, and even in the afternoon, from time to time, dream events pop up in the mind. They can please, but they can also disturb.
Dream books will tell you how to interpret these subconscious signals. However, the events and circumstances of a dream do not always coincide with what is described in the books. Moreover, in different dream books the same situations have a different meaning.
All possible interpretations should be led to one “denominator”.
- Dream Interpretation. He represents the image of a woman expecting a baby in two ways. First - if a woman dreams, she finds herself in an interesting position in a dream. In this case, it promises an increase in income, wealth, creative inspiration. A young girl has such a dream when she is ready to start a family, give birth to children. The negative interpretation refers directly to pregnant women, who in a dream see themselves in full accordance with reality.This indicates a health problem, the possibility of losing a baby during childbirth.
- Dream Interpretation Meneghetti. When you dream that your close friend is pregnant, it's time to see a doctor. Since this dream indicates a deterioration in health. To see yourself in the position of a woman waiting for a baby, on the contrary, is a very good sign. Improving all aspects of life, solving all problems.
- Miller's Dream Book. A pregnant stranger usually dreams of luck in life. But only if she looks healthy and joyful. A sick pregnant woman is a negative sign indicating possible troubles in the near future. A married woman who sees herself pregnant in a dream, the subconscious mind warns of a dysfunctional relationship with her beloved spouse. Conflicts and quarrels are possible. In that case, when the woman is pregnant in reality, the upcoming birth will be excellent.
- Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova. Joy, prosperity, happiness - this is how this dream book interprets the situation when a woman dreams of pregnancy, moreover, her own. To a single girl, he promises only trouble - deceit, betrayal, treason on the part of loved ones. Seeing a pregnant lady as a stranger is not very favorable. Since this is a warning about brewing major troubles, both in the family and in the workplace. Https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = DOxAavZgqIo
Pregnant woman with a big, small belly
Belly is life. Therefore, the interpretation of sleep, in which a person sees a pregnant woman with a large or, conversely, small belly, is ambiguous. It all depends on life circumstances.
In general, according to folk tradition, see in a dream a woman with a big belly, it doesn’t matter whether she is pregnant or not - to wealth, kindness, peace in the family. Any business should argue, any idea is obviously successful. This is a symbol of prosperity, a large house in which numerous households live, friendly and joyful.
A woman’s big belly, swollen and unhealthy usually dreams of nascent diseases. If the dreamer sees himself in this position, then this signals troubles in the family, at work. And so serious that you have to resort to the help of friends to solve all the problems safely.
A small belly in a pregnant woman dream of losses, worsening financial situation. Moreover, someone tried to annoy you, weaving intrigues and gossip behind your back.
If measures are not taken in time, the situation will quickly deteriorate. Quarrels and conflicts will begin. This is especially true of dreamers who are married. A woman may have such a dream on the eve of a big scandal, which may result in a divorce.
Such a warning from one's own subconscious cannot be ignored. You should keep track of all your recent acts. To think what they can lead to. To moderate your emotions and reason sensibly. Try not to provoke anyone into a conflict, and if it does arise, get out of it with the least possible loss.
Dreamed of an unfamiliar pregnant woman
What should I expect if I dreamed of an unfamiliar pregnant woman? Much depends on its appearance:
- A small growth of a slender, but pleasant lady in a position means an increase in financial well-being. Money will come quickly, get it easy, give pleasure.
- A very beautiful woman indicates that you should work hard first, and only then receive a well-deserved reward.
- Ugly, disheveled, pregnant in a dirty dress, these are problems that literally fell on the dreamer's head. They accumulate day after day, like a snowball. It is urgent to solve your life's troubles.
Many pregnant women
The interpretation of sleep, where several pregnant women appear at once, depends on what the life situation of the dreamer herself is.
For a young person who is in no hurry to become a mother, this dream indicates serious pressure from others.“When will you finally get married?”, “Will I be able to nurse my grandchildren?”, Her relatives and friends insist. Friends and acquaintances have already started families and are showing off their pregnancy. “Come on, hurry, your train will leave soon,” they insist.
The girl is afraid that she will be left alone, will pass the old maiden for many years. And if this is a young married woman, then there is a feeling of guilt. It also creates a fear of responsibility for the unborn child. Fear of becoming a mother, because sleepless nights, diapers, etc. can become an obstacle to her creative development, career.
In this case, you should calm down and turn to loved ones for support. She must be sure that in the case of the birth of the baby she will not be left face to face with all the troubles and worries.
The main thing at the same time is not to succumb to the provocations of others, but to build your life yourself.
See pregnancy and childbirth
When you dream that you are giving birth or see childbirth from the side - this means a positive sign in both cases. This dream predicts joyful changes in the near future. All problems will be safely resolved, new ideas will be freely implemented.
For women, such a dream usually happens, as they say, in the hand. There is a high probability that he will come true.
For men, the birth of a child in a dream gives a clear sign to the realization of the brightest ideas and important plans.
Touch, stroke your stomach in a dream
Stroking the belly of a pregnant woman in a dream - to serious positive changes in all areas of life. At the same time, to feel the tremors of an unborn child promises a clear, calm life. All problems will be resolved in the near future, you will find balance and harmony. The goals will be safely achieved, the plans will be realized.
If in a dream, stroking the belly of a woman who should give birth, feeling the movements of her baby, you experienced pleasant emotions, then everything will be just fine. When, on the contrary, you felt negative feelings, you should expect troubles at work and problems.
For people who care about their own health in the foreground, this dream promises a complete cure for disease.
Gradually growing pregnant belly, which had a dream, means a quick deliverance from all misfortunes, a dizzying career.
What does a dream mean for a married, unmarried woman
Depending on whether the representative of the fair sex is married, who dreams of such a dream, it portends a different development of events.
For unmarried women, being pregnant in a dream means the most important desire in a woman’s life: to get married and have a baby. This divine nature signals that the time has come to fulfill their female destiny on earth.
In the case when a girl has some subconscious hunch that her young man will act dishonestly with her, a dream will reflect this situation. The girl will see herself in a position, which indicates a deception, a betrayal of her chosen one.
A married woman, if not only in a dream, but is actually expecting a baby, may not be worried. The upcoming birth will be favorable, the baby will be born healthy, no complications are expected.
When a married lady is not in a position, the dream of pregnancy indicates family problems. She feels lonely, although the house is full of people. The husband became cold, misunderstanding arose with the children. There is a conflict of generations. In this situation, you can not get depressed, give up. It is necessary to work on yourself, to challenge your family to a frank, open conversation, no matter how difficult it is. Find out the cause and eliminate it, otherwise the family simply breaks up.
Why dream a pregnant woman who is not in a position
A woman can see herself pregnant in a dream, although in reality she is not expecting a baby. This dream is interpreted unambiguously negatively.
A young unmarried girl, a virgin, is warned by a dream that she should be more careful with familiar guys who show her signs of attention.Since it is very easy to give up on a fan, he may be completely different from what he “gives” himself.
A married woman, having seen such a dream, most likely experiences discomfort in her own family. She is waiting for a change for the better in relationships with her family and husband. There can be only one piece of advice - it’s better not to wait, but to act.
Interpretation according to the dreamer's gender
Pregnancy is a fairly common story that dreams of both women and men. It reflects both real feelings about the imminent birth of a child and carries a hidden meaning. Additional details that are present in the dream will help to deal with him.
There is a common belief that pregnancy is usually only dreaming of the fair sex. However, a man can see such a dream.
In the case when a man has a beloved, it does not matter whether they are married or not, he can perceive her pregnancy on a subconscious level. Even if you don’t know about her. This is reflected in the world of dreams. Perhaps he has a dream or an unconscious desire to have a child.
When dreaming that a man is lying next to him in the same bed with his beloved woman, his wife, who is expecting a baby, this means that serious changes will soon come in the family. And they will only be for the best.
Sometimes such a dream has an interpretation of unexpected profits, increased financial well-being.
In the case when the wife is truly pregnant in the real world, then such a dream warns of possible family troubles, quarrels, misunderstanding. Here you should be closer to your soulmate. Try not to unnerve her, restrain outbursts of irritation and protect her beloved.
A dream has a similar interpretation when a man dreams of a familiar pregnant woman - mother, sister, lover. Here you should be on your guard and be wary of conflicts at work, business troubles. Behave deliberately, carefully and weigh each word.
Sometimes a man may dream that he bears a child. Despite the absurdity of this situation, such subconscious motives are understandable. This means that the dreamer has conceived an important project in business or the creative sphere. He carefully ponders it and seeks to implement it at all costs.
When an unmarried person sees herself pregnant - this is not a very favorable symbol. This is how the foreboding of a future failed marriage expresses itself. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be more careful and more balanced in approaching the idea of marriage with a chosen man.