Sometimes there are dreams that warn of imminent important changes in life. If you had a polar bear, a dream book will help you find out the meaning of this dream.
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General interpretation in dream books
The polar bear is a symbol of good luck. A dream about him portends a win and promises that fortune will show favor.
Sometimes a polar bear dreams of a warning about an upcoming choice in a difficult situation. Only the right actions will lead to a successful outcome and complete success.
In some cases, a polar bear seen in a dream warns of imminent deceit in reality.
A dreaming bear with white hair is a good messenger. Look for a friend or patron who is in a high position. To an unmarried girl, a dream foreshadows a fast wedding.
The dreamed-up animal skin is a harbinger of victory over opponents, success in business, the end of a difficult life period.
Before interpreting the meaning of sleep, it is necessary to recall its details and not to panic ahead of time.
Big polar bear
Dreams with an adult beast have different meanings:
- dreamed of a big polar bear and its attack - this warns of the danger posed by ill-wishers. Try to avoid conflicts;
- to hunt for it - means in reality to get the location of the right person. Unfortunately, interest will quickly run out;
- an animal on a floating ice floes predicts theft or deception;
- a polar bear eats a seal or other prey - a warning about the need to abandon addictions that will cause trouble not only to you, but to your relatives;
- to kill a polar bear in a dream is a good omen. Difficulties end, there is a way out of a difficult situation.
Miller in his dream book confirms all of the above interpretations.
Nostradamus believed that when a woman dreams of a polar bear, this is a sign that she needs the protection of a strong man.
The representative of the stronger sex who saw this animal in a dream has to fight with himself.
Wang interpreted such a dream as the personification of something bad.
Freud's dream book speaks of the need for changes in the character of the dreamer.
Run away from a young beast
There are several interpretations of the dream in which the bear chases after you:
- in real life, wait for the adventurous, economic and powerful fan;
- need to be wary of ill-wishers and competitors;
- businessmen should be more careful with finances;
- perhaps you have to face injustice.
If you managed to win in a dream, then in reality you will get superiority using your skills.
If the animal won, then be especially careful with rivals.
Why see a floating animal
Polar bears love to swim and play in the water.
A dream about a swimming or swimming animal portends the following:
- possible meeting with scammers, caution must be exercised;
- in a dream, a polar bear attacks in the water - an alarming sign, a possible danger.
The dreamer urgently needs to think about his behavior, change his lifestyle, abandon the habits that kill him from the inside.
Value for a married woman
When a woman dreams of a polar bear, he portends the following:
- perhaps the spouse had a girlfriend, young and beautiful. The situation will help fix the constant attention to her husband and his problems. In no case should you dismiss this event. All efforts must be made to correct the situation in the family;
- a bear with a cub heralds concern for children, the need to protect them from offenders and problems;
- a female without a baby dreams when a lady who has a dream has an enemy - the boss or the mother-in-law;
- feed the animal - to the fact that a woman will be able to avoid problems due to her tact and tranquility;
- to go after the bear. Such a dream portends that the mistakes made earlier will be realized and corrected;
- if the married lady dreams that she is drinking the bear’s milk, reproaches and quarrels related to money and accusations of parasiting are possible;
- a beast asking for help means that someone close to you needs your participation. You should show sympathy and try to do everything in your power.
Depending on the dreamer's gender
The meaning of a dream in which there is a polar bear depends on the dreamer's gender.
For example, for a man, this dream predicts a big financial profit. The significance for women, regardless of marital status, is not so cloudless and positive. The dream speaks of inner anxiety and possible problems, intrigues behind the back.
When determining the value of such a dream, one must take into account not only the gender of the dreamer, but also the day of the week:
- From Sunday to Monday, dreams do not come true;
- vivid dreams from Monday to Tuesday - prophetic. Executed within 10 days;
- dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are largely unfulfilled;
- From Wednesday to Thursday they predict how to improve family relationships and financial situation;
- from Thursday to Friday prophetic dreams come;
- from Friday to Saturday they predict the near future of the dreamer, his relatives and friends;
- from Saturday to Sunday come true immediately.
Dreams with polar bears do not always and not everyone promise trouble. Often, visions portend good changes in life situations and even a quick wedding.
With a negative interpretation of sleep, in no case should you fall into despair. We must try to solve the accumulated problems, and then the unpleasant sign will not be fulfilled.