If a white dog appeared in the night dreams, dream books interpret this plot in different ways. Even one, the most insignificant detail can determine a lot. Therefore, dreams need to be spoken, and even better recorded immediately after waking up.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Do not be scared when in one of the viewed collections the value of the picture seen in a dream turns out to be unfavorable. After all, any interpretation is relative and depends on many details. For example, a dog may appear as an embodiment of childhood memories. Such stories do not contain how much meaningful information.
- According to Loff's interpretation, a dream in which a sleeping person watched a dog symbolizes fidelity and devotion. First of all, a furry animal means the strength of an existing friendship. However, a similar picture can portend both friends and enemies.
- According to Miller's dream book, this plot promises to receive news of events that the dreamer is not able to influence. There are various dreams with the presence of human pets in them. An important point is the actions that the dog performs.
- Vanga thought that seeing a dirty homeless dog in a dream was a bad sign, signaling the possible problems that the sleeping friend had encountered. However, he does not want to ask for help, so as not to burden loved ones.
- Nostradamus interpreted such a dream in two ways. If a domestic dog participated in the night picture, it means that there are true friends in the life of the sleeping person. But to meet a homeless animal in a dream - to the impending danger of losing something valuable, obtained by hard work.
Big or small white dog
- If a big white dog is dreaming, then this dream portends a meeting with a good and faithful friend, whose help and participation can always be counted on.
- A little white doggie - in reality, you can count on the support of old friends.
- When the animal was huge and snow-white, this could mean a deterioration in business or work. Usually, big dreams dream of an important event, and sometimes global change.
- According to Miller's dream book, if a large white dog is also fluffy, then it portends luck in current affairs.
Bite or attack in a dream
- The bite of an evil dog or its attack during a dream means interfering with the life of a sleeping evil force. He can suffer big losses financially.
- Fend off the dog in a dream - to an early solution to all problems.
- If in the night vision the beast just maliciously grimaces, then you should expect failures or possible betrayal.
- When a person who watches a nightly plot hits a pet, this is a sign of his tendency to sexual abuse in reality.
- When a white dog bit a dreamer in a dream, scandals with a loved one and even a break in relations are possible.
- Another interpretation ascribes a similar meaning to the vision - one should expect a dirty trick from one of the family members.
If a dog is fluffy in a dream, then it clearly protects a loved one sleeping from insidious plans.
Feed or play with your pet
To play with a pet or to feed it in night dreams - the dreamer is an independent and wealthy person who you can rely on in difficult times. The process of the game itself symbolizes joy.
To see or feed a stray dog is a risk of losing everything acquired by the current moment. Another interpretation connects a dream with a close friend who is in a difficult situation.
If the dog is hunting, then according to Freud, this marks the active sex life of the sleeping person. Moreover, his priority is pleasure, not procreation.
Had a white puppy
When I dreamed of a small white dog, this is a very good sign predicting a meeting with helpful people, which will beneficially affect my future life.
And also when a white puppy dreamed, such a vision could promise an unexpected gift from a loved one.
According to Freud, to see a young dog in the night script is a sure symbol of a child.
Scratching him in a dream behind his ear - in reality, over-patronizing his own child. This can make him infantile in adulthood.
According to Miller, if a puppy is furry, then a dream about him marks career growth and an improvement in financial standing.
What is the dream of a dead white dog
- Seeing a dead or crippled dog in a dream is a very bad sign. Soon you can receive news of the illness or death of a close friend.
- If in a dream the dog died under the door of the sleeping person or in his yard, it means that in reality he does not notice the problems that a friend has encountered, therefore he cannot help him and come to the rescue.
- When the dog is in blood, parting with a loved one is ahead.
- The pet died of old age - everything will go on as usual.
- For lovers, such a dream predicts a painful breakup, quarrel and frustration.
- If the dead dog belonged to the sleeping person, then he needs to better monitor his health in order to prevent a possible illness. And also such a dream often portends a severe depression, which will unsettle a person for a long time.
- When the animal is alien, then the troubles should be expected by people around.
Value for women, men
A woman dreams of a white dog in different situations. Much of this depends on the behavior of the animal and its condition.
- If a representative of the weaker sex saw in night dreams how a cat and a dog are fighting, this means failure in love affairs. However, when in the same picture the mating animals are able to be separated, the dream becomes favorable.
- The white dog promises good luck in all matters, including on the personal front. A good dog with a wagging tail is a sign of good news.
- When a mad dog is chasing a woman in a dream, then in reality she should gather her strength to overcome difficulties. However, to drive away or kill the dog - in reality it will be possible to avoid these problems.
- A loud dog barking means that you should not tackle several things at the same time, as this can result in failure and empty chores.
- If the dog is dirty in a dream - in reality, someone dissolves false information and bad gossip about the dreamer.
- Dog rips clothes - for the imminent wedding.
A man’s dream about a shaggy barking pet can also warn of diverse events.
- If a pet licks his hand in a dream - you should wait for gifts from friends.
- When a guy dreamed of a small white dog - this means a quick meeting with the second half. The more affectionate the pet, the kinder the girl will be.
- The dog becomes dark in a dream - the sleeping person should take a closer look at his chosen one. Perhaps she is hiding something.
- Stroking a white dog in a dream world - to the long-awaited waking date.
- In general, for a man, a big dog of a light color, seen in a night picture, symbolizes a good faithful friend.
These are the conflicting interpretations that a dream with a white dog in the title role can have.