The plane crash itself is an unpleasant sight. A person can see her in a dream. The experiences associated with the direct or indirect participation of the sleeping person in air tragedy are unpleasant in any case. Shocks remain in memory for long after awakening. If in time to read the interpretation in the dream interpretation of a plane crash, then the prediction will help to overcome obstacles, emotionally prepare for the upcoming.

Interpretation in popular dream books

Not every night a person remembers what he dreamed, although he sees dreams constantly. Significant night visions that you should pay attention to are remembered at an unconscious level by themselves due to the experienced deep nervous shock in a dream. The interpretation of dreams is a clear process of cognition of the unconscious. There are many interpretations of dreams. Some predictions, due to their clear prophecies and events that have come true, have a greater share of trustees than other sources.

Note. Do not forget that the emotional state of a person who sees dreams is of great importance in the interpretation of dreams.

What does the vision foreshadow if the dream of a plane crash, according to the interpretation in popular dream books.


  • the person who survived the plane crash frees himself from the problems that befell him in reality;
  • being at the time of the crash in the liner, a person will encounter an insurmountable obstacle on his way to the goal;
  • if you dream of a falling plane from the side, then trouble will occur far from the sleeping one.


  • if you dream of the crash of a very beautiful plane, then you should not expect changes for the better in life;
  • the crash of an airplane without visible victims of the disaster means internal worries;
  • If you crash a dream more than once, beware of losing your soulmate.


  • participation in a plane crash symbolizes internal stress, which is worth getting rid of in real life;
  • observing other persons in a falling liner means that you should beware of unfamiliar personalities.


  • the crash of an airplane means a clear warning to the sleeper who dreams of changing his usual way of life.


  • the crash of an airplane is equated with the liberation of the soul from a certain gravity of life, which prevented the implementation of the first steps to the goal;
  • if you dream that you sleep on board an airplane during its crash, then in reality it’s worth taking enormous risks.

Catherine the Great:

  • a plane crash means the appearance of material difficulties arising from theft, robbery;
  • death in an accident means the loss of the second half, loneliness and feelings.


  • a plane crash for a sleeping person is a way of getting rid of troubles, it indicates an unknown stage in real life.

People's dream book:

  • a plane crash is seen as a temporary problem in a person’s life, the unfulfillment of his dreams, parting with loved ones for an indefinite period;
  • death in a plane crash means health problems, material waste to restore their vitality.

Why dream of a plane crash from the side

If you dream of a plane crash from the outside, then this means that troubles in the life of the observer will nevertheless occur, but they will not be as significant as they could actually be. A person who feels fear in a dream will also feel it in reality, but other persons will be affected, perhaps it will be close people.

Is in a falling plane

Being on board the plane at the time of the crash means temporary difficulties that will bring unpleasant consequences in real life. Difficulties can relate to work, the collapse of a career, portend new beginnings. A plane crash survivor in a dream will not be able to move at a calm pace to a new stage in his life, he will have to overcome many obstacles, go through more than one maze.

Survive in an accident in a dream

Surviving in a dream in a plane crash means that it will be impossible to avoid a collision with difficulties in a difficult business that has begun, or you will have to face temporary tests, for example, to survive a fight with the bosses. The goal may not be reached now, but this does not mean that a plane crash survivor in a dream will not achieve it a bit later.

Had a death in a plane crash

Own death during a dream in a plane crash can mean not only failure to achieve the desired goal, but also the presence of nervous strain, fatigue in real life.

Value for women, men

Women are more emotional than men. It is easier for them to splash out their emotions, to endure trials. And therefore, the significance of dreams for women and men has significant differences.

Note. When interpreting sleep, employment, a person's occupation (for example, a housewife or a business woman) are of particular importance.

For woman:

  • being on the plane at the time of the crash often means difficulties in relations with a loved one;
  • if a lady seeks to break up the career ladder, then after a plane crash experienced in a dream, difficulties may arise with her moving higher;
  • death in a plane crash often means that a woman should take a break, look at life with a new look, or change priorities.

For a man:

  • being on the plane at the time of the crash often means a hitch in moving up the career ladder or a turning point in your personal life if everything has happened with your career for a long time;
  • death in a plane crash directly indicates a “fading" of the business that has begun, a rethinking of one’s own life position.

After deciphering sleep from a dream book, one should analyze the events occurring in life.It may be necessary to review and adjust future plans.