Solyanka hill - a shrub with medicinal properties, used in medicine in China, Tibet. In Siberia, grass has long been used in the treatment of liver pathologies. Today, pharmaceutical companies produce Lohein. The drug is named after the famous Irkutsk herbalist E.V. Lohe. In collaboration with a member of the Academy of Sciences, Professor Chupin, she created a drug that received a silver medal at the World Exhibition in the capital of Belgium (1994).
Material Content:
Solyanka hill - composition and medicinal properties
Solyanka hill, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are being studied by many scientists in our country, contains:
- free alcohols or sterols that control the permeability of cell membranes, affecting metabolic processes;
- flavonoids and carotenoids, which have an antioxidant effect, prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, inhibit tumor processes;
- tannins that positively affect the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract and have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects;
- high-molecular carbohydrates that give cells strength, ensure their energy processes, protect tissue cells from drying out;
- glycine betaine, choline;
- alkaloids with antihypertensive properties;
- g-linolenic acid, which provides the structure of the cytomembrane;
- saponins that increase the transport of substances across the cell membrane;
- amino acids, including about 35% irreplaceable.
Solyanka hill, unlike other varieties, contains a small amount of alkaloids, which exhibit antispasmodic and hypotensive effects. The fact that their content in the plant is less than 0.001% determines the safety of the use of drugs in the treatment of children and elderly patients.
Inulin and manan cause the use of herbs in the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders. They provide normalization of glucose levels, as well as restore normal intestinal microflora. More than 14 types of micro- and macrocells have been discovered, which explains the immunomodulating effect of the use of hodgepodge extract.
Another important factor is the presence of organic (in the form of ions) silicon and copper in the green part of the plant. Silicon is involved in the mineralization of bone tissue, and its loss leads to osteoporosis. In nature, there are very few sources of organic silicon, and its hodgepodge contains much more than in the field horsetail, dioica nettle and bamboo.
A lack of copper in the body leads to a violation of the synthesis of red blood cells, blocks the absorption of iron, therefore, hodgepodge preparations are prescribed in the treatment of anemia.
Hodgepodge preparations have pronounced properties:
- hepatoprotective;
- hypoglycemic;
- lipid-lowering.
They are used both as a means of prevention, and in the complex therapy of various pathologies.
Grass Applications
Preparations from the grass of Solyanka hill are used in medicine for therapy:
- diseases of the liver and biliary tract (cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone disease);
- pancreatic pathologies;
- CCC diseases - vascular atherosclerosis, coronary disease, hypertension;
- anemia
- pathological menopause;
- urolithiasis;
- glaucoma
- osteoporosis.
Solyanka hill has an immunostimulating effect. The main field of application of plant preparations is the treatment and prevention of diseases of the hepatobiliary system.
For preventive purposes, drugs are prescribed when using drugs with hepatotoxic properties, as well as with helminthic invasion in the liver and poisoning.
Plant extract is used to relieve withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism. Scientists who have studied the clinical properties of Kholmovaya Solyanka in the treatment of alcoholism have noted that due to the unique amino acid composition, Lohein has a protective (hepatoprotective) effect and stimulates the cleansing of organ cells of toxins. Good results were shown with combined treatment with Lohein and enterosorbent Polyphepan. Studies confirm the therapeutic efficacy of Lohein and Salsokollin in diseases of the hepatobiliary system, including in children.
In folk medicine, a hodgepodge is used to treat:
- gastrointestinal diseases - dysentery, decreased or increased production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, hemorrhoids;
- metabolic disorders - obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis;
- gynecological pathologies - fibromyomas, endocervicitis, thrush;
- purulent inflammation of the organs of hearing.
Also based on the extract of the plant produce lotions, creams, shampoos for children and adults. Due to its antioxidant and regenerating properties, the plant is used in cosmetology in anti-aging creams, emollients and regenerating agents. The seeds contain organic silicon, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other substances that stimulate the synthesis of elastin, which helps prevent skin aging and eliminates small wrinkles.
Bioactive substances of the seeds of the hodgepodge hill are used in cosmetology against cellulite.
They contribute to:
- skin cell regeneration;
- stimulate metabolism;
- eliminate the feeling of tightness and contribute to the retention of moisture;
- protect against UV radiation.
The plant has a disinfecting and regenerating effect, so it is successfully used in the treatment of acne, acne, rosacea.Sunscreens with an extract of the green part of the plant provide an even, lasting tan and protect against sunburn.
The use of hodgepodge in cosmetology does not end with the skin of the face and body. Plant extract is included in herbal shampoos for hair growth and strengthening. The product has a beneficial effect on the scalp - eliminates dandruff, relieves itching, restores cells, heals minor injuries. Bioactive substances stimulate the blood supply and nutrition of the hair follicles, which leads to the rapid growth and strengthening of hair.
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Solyanka hill - instructions for use
The use of preparations of hodgepodge depends on the form of the drug, the type of disease and associated pathologies.
Decoctions and infusions
To treat inflammatory processes, a decoction is prepared from the grass:
- 30 g of grass;
- 250 ml of water.
The raw materials are crushed to a size of 0.5–2.5 mm, poured with water and brought over low heat to 60-70 ° C. The temperature is maintained until ½ volume of water is evaporated. The vessel is immersed in cold water with ice, so that the broth is cooled to 25-30 ° C. Such instant cooling avoids the thermal decomposition of bioactive substances. The filtered broth is taken in 50-60 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before eating.
To stimulate appetite, prepare an infusion based on:
- 30 g of grass;
- 250 ml of water.
The crushed raw material is poured with an appropriate volume of boiling water, the container is closed, wrapped and insisted for 1.5-2 hours. Strained infusion take 1-2 tablespoons before meals.
A concentrated water extract of the herb is also prepared. 40-50 g of chopped hodgepodge are poured into a thermos and 250 ml of boiling water is poured. Insist 4-6 hours. Drink ¼ cup before meals with dropsy, urolithiasis, difficulty urinating. For children, the elderly, the amount of grass is reduced to 1 teaspoon. Take 1 tablespoon before meals in the treatment of glaucoma, the prevention of osteoporosis, maintaining myocardial function, strengthening blood vessels.
Solyanka in tablets, capsules
Ready-made preparations based on the herb Solyanka hill are prescribed:
Drug name | Release form | The amount of the drug for a single dose | Swing (per day) | Duration of treatment (days) |
Lohein | jelly beans | 2 pcs. | 3 | 30 |
Extracol | granules | 1 tsp per 250 ml of water | 4-5 | 60 |
Hillwort extract | capsules | 2 pcs. | 3 | 30 |
pills | 1 | 1 | 30-40 | |
liquid | 5-10 ml | 3 | 60 | |
Hepatosol | powder | 1 tsp on ½ tbsp. water | 3 | 30 |
Askohol | powder | 1 tsp on ½ tbsp. water | 2 | 30 |
The drugs are taken in 15-30 minutes. before meals and only Askohol and tablets Solyanka hill - during meals.
Hodgepodge extract
Hillwort extract can be purchased both in finished form - liquid, in tablets or capsules, or prepared at home. Under industrial conditions, the extract is obtained by extraction of the aerial part of a green plant with an aqueous solution of alcohol of low (25%) concentration.
To obtain the extract, a water-alcohol infusion is prepared.
To prepare it take:
- 30 g of grass;
- 100 ml of a 25% solution of alcohol in water or vodka.
The raw materials are crushed, poured with vodka and kept in a dark glass dish for 14 days, periodically shaking the container. Alcohol tincture take 20 drops per ½ tbsp. water before eating with liver diseases, to stimulate the secretion of bile, hormonal imbalance, withdrawal syndrome. In the finished liquid extract, ethanol is contained in a low concentration of less than 2 ml per dose. It does not cause intoxication, but it provides targeted transport of biologically active substances to the liver and other organs. According to some studies - improves the central nervous system. The course of use, depending on the severity of alcohol intoxication, from several hours to 5-7 days.
In the treatment of tumors of the reproductive organs, 20 drops of infusion are mixed with 1 tsp. sea buckthorn oil. Take 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
Useful properties of tea with grass hodgepodge
Tea with hodgepodge can be prepared by purchasing tea bags or on your own from the dry grass of the plant. One filter bag contains 3 g of dry raw materials. For a single dose, adults and children over 12 years old take 2 bags or 2 tbsp. herbs and brew 250 ml of boiling water. Insist under the lid for 20-30 minutes.
- for therapeutic purposes, 1 / 3-1 / 4 cup 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks;
- within the framework of diet therapy, the course of treatment is at least 4 weeks;
- for the prevention of pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, take ½ cup once a day regularly.
Tea from a plant has all of the above properties, but due to the low concentration of bioactive substances, its intake should last longer than more concentrated forms.
Weight Loss Application
Solyanka hill is used in diet therapy to reduce body weight. The plant’s properties affect lipid metabolism, cholesterol and metabolism help to lose weight. In addition, the herb has a diuretic and laxative effect, normalizes the intestinal microflora and stimulates the digestion of food. To this end, take a decoction of solyanka hill before eating ½ cup. To enhance the effect, you need to adhere to proper nutrition, observe sleep and rest, exercise.
Hill hodgepodge grass for weight loss can be used in mono - or polysborns with dandelion (roots), chicory (roots), dogrose (fruits), plantain (leaves), angelica, fucus vesicata, goose cinquefoil, bear’s ear, mother and stepmother, wild strawberry forest, elderberry (flowers).
Contraindications to the use of hodgepodge
Preparations of Solyanka Kholmovaya have no proven contraindications. Studies at laboratory animals were conducted at the Vitebsk Medical Institute to identify the toxic properties of the plant and establish a dangerous dose. The administered amount of the drug exceeded the therapeutic dose for a person by 1 kg of body weight by almost 500 times. No symptoms of intoxication were observed.
However, to eliminate side effects, it is not recommended to use extracts of hodgepodge:
- children under 3 years old;
- pregnant women
- people prone to allergic reactions;
- patients with urolithiasis or gallstone disease in the acute stage.
Despite the long history of the use of the plant in folk medicine, numerous scientific studies, Kholovy solyanka is not included in the state register of medicinal plants.