Treat dreams as a phenomenon that means nothing to humans, at least recklessly. Many probably had to wonder when what had been experienced in the kingdom of Morpheus came true in reality, and regret that they did not take the signal seriously. Did you pick mushrooms on night trips? The dream book will tell you what such an activity means.

Interpretation in dream books

Different sources agree on one thing: picking mushrooms in a forest that has dreamed at night is most often not a very positive sign, promising troubles of various scales or encouraging a sleeping person to pay attention to the nasty features of his character. But still there are favorable interpretations, depending on the circumstances of the dream.

The visionary of seer Vanga predicts quick profit if the lord of sleep has led you to a clearing with beautiful mushrooms. But be careful in reality, since there are instances of worms in the basket: you can be let down by those whom you consider to be reliable friends.

The philosopher Freud, in his interpretations, regards the enthusiastic gathering of mushrooms in a dream as a sign of a saturated, but disorderly sex life.

Miller's famous dream book associates mushroom picking with difficulty, followed by a reward. You collect beautiful edible mushrooms in a dream, which means that in reality you will expect success in the career field. If the “silent hunt” has become a dream for young people who are faced with the choice to marry / refuse or refuse, in reality, one should not be afraid to combine their destiny with their beloved or beloved. The family will be happy.

Nostradamus warns that a large glade full of mushrooms, seen in a dream, is a clear signal that in reality it is better for the dreamer to beware: they want to deceive him.

Loff's dream book warns that by filling the basket with grebes and other inedible mushrooms in nightly “trips”, be prepared in life for someone from your near and dear ones to let you down.

Why dream of picking edible mushrooms

Although edible mushrooms in real life do not cause us fears and bad associations, typing such in a dream is not necessarily a favorable symbol. It could mean:

  • easy flirting, pleasant, but fleeting. It will not end in anything serious;
  • perhaps in reality you cherish vain hopes. This means that the dividends received will be insignificant and fleeting;
  • the rich imagination of the dreamer, waking himself divorced from reality and floating in the clouds;
  • an artificial problem that man has created for himself and is now unsuccessfully trying to solve it;
  • the impracticability of hope for reciprocal feelings, when you went to the mushrooms in a dream with someone you sympathize with;
  • probably the wise old people have given you good advice in life, but out of stubbornness and stupid contradiction, you don’t listen to him.

Interpretation according to the variety of mushrooms

Since the smallest details are important for trying to unravel what it means in a dream, the variety of mushrooms is of great importance.

  1. If dreamed of ceps, this is a sign of prosperity and prosperity. Especially good when in a dream you collected mushrooms as a family. This indicates that in reality there will be no shortage. And such a vision, which seemed to the owner of the business, promises success in business and numerous material benefits. However, when mushrooms that are slightly curved or slightly exuded by worms get into the bucket, carefully check the financial condition of your company, down to the smallest detail. Such a turn is a danger sign for the company.
  2. In a dream, your yard is overgrown with honey mushrooms and boletus, and there is no need to go after them into the forest. It's good? Only at first glance. The ability to fill a wallet in a dream, practically without leaving home, states that you are tormented by some kind of secret, about which you are afraid to tell others.
  3. Put the champignons in a bucket? When you wake up, think about whether you rely too much on the opinions of others and tastes to the detriment of your own. And if they are mixed with mushrooms of other species, small and wormy, humble yourself: you will find boring monotonous work.
  4. Had a dream to collect breasts? Get ready for a long business trip. It will suck out a lot of strength from you and hold it in suspense, but the return - both monetary and moral - will be unexpectedly high. There is one more, not so rosy, explanation - upcoming conflicts and major troubles in the family.
  5. The butterflies that happened to be collected are a symbol that the dreamer is not self-confident and underestimates himself. No need to continue to be tormented by unfinished business. Take a deep breath, take courage and act. Everything will work out.

Poisonous mushrooms in a dream

To dream about mushrooms that cannot be eaten should not be regarded as a clearly negative signal of the subconscious. Again, remember that the interpretation of night dreams depends on many factors and nuances.

Here at least fly agaric. Poisonous, but what a beauty! And since you managed to collect a whole basket, you simply have to look into yourself. Your huge potential needs to be released, your remarkable abilities will bring many benefits and well-deserved recognition. At the same time, if you noticed that during the gathering you observe only red caps of mushrooms, life is preparing something sad.

When you wake up, you continue to clearly see how you are tearing off the only, but tremendous and picturesque fly agaric, and you can even describe it in the smallest details, which means that in reality you were benevolent, which now haunts you.

I dreamed that you pick mushrooms, deliberately bypassing honey agarics, chanterelles and other suitable ones, and tearing only grebes? Contrary to understandable associations, this is an exceptionally positive sign. He says that there are pleasant surprises ahead that can turn life over at the moment. Your home will be filled with love, and your wallet with big money.

What do dreams with wormy, rotten mushrooms mean

Gathering such prey in a dream, in the morning you need to unravel, why would it? Perhaps then some difficulties will be avoided. Spoiled mushrooms can mean:

  • the birth of many illegitimate children, since mushrooms are literally teeming with worms;
  • a large number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren;
  • that the disease has lurked inside, and it will soon make itself felt;
  • that you should not run “ahead of the engine”, hastily conclude agreements and sign contracts: there are pitfalls that play against you;
  • humiliation from a loved one.

A nearly rotten big mushroom in a dream is a dead person who has not told you something during his life or pulling you to himself. Dream Interpretations advise to try to control their actions in dreams, in no case should such mushrooms be collected or even looked at for too long.

But since it seemed like this, opening your eyes, calm down, forgive yourself, ask for forgiveness from all the friends who died, and restraintly say goodbye to them.

Mushroom picking in a thicket in an open meadow

Do you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest or in an open meadow? This also needs attention, trying to solve a dream.

If in a dream you wandered for mushrooms into the thicket:

  • in life there will come a carefree and joyful “white streak”;
  • the dreamer is about to get married and be happy in family life;
  • a time of great material prosperity will come to a married woman;
  • businessmen should expect success in all matters and bright prospects.

"Silent hunting" in an open clearing or forest edge, and it doesn’t matter what mushrooms you pick, someone's perfidy prophesies in real life. Look at those around you, understand who has envy in your soul, and bad ideas swarm. This will save from the tragic consequences. Especially dangerous may be “close friends” with false hypocritical masks on their faces.

The dream was a man, a woman

The sex of the sleeper is also not the last thing in the interpretation of dreams. Why is mushroom picking a man dreaming?

  1. He is completely satisfied with his sex life, if he walks along the edge of the forest, then he runs across beautiful mushrooms.
  2. He observes in a dream how someone is picking mushrooms - they do not give rest to the loving relationships of a familiar couple.
  3. He puts large specimens in a basket - he subconsciously fears impotence. And it doesn’t matter that in reality in this sense everything is wonderful and he has many lovers.
  4. He is looking for only one mushroom, big, fresh and beautiful - which means he is ready for constant relationships and responsibility for the family.

For a woman, picking mushrooms in night visions is not very good. As a rule, this is a symbol that she is wasting herself in vain, others do not take her seriously. They provide dream books and other explanations:

  • it is necessary to pay attention to health, especially for women;
  • for a young girl there is a risk of getting into doubtful relationships and ruining her reputation;
  • the young lady in love is threatened with betrayal of a loved one and disappointment in men;
  • it is better to beware of unfamiliar guys and boyfriends so as not to survive humiliation.