Pets for the dreamer play the role of close friends. Dreams about dogs are used to interpreting dream books based on the main lines of the plot, as well as small nuances, among which the beast's color, size and character are often the main ones.
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Interpretation in popular dream books
Not everyone knows that in a dream a dog can personify both friendly relations and the dreamer's worst enemies. Sometimes this animal is a harbinger of the emergence of new feelings and relationships with a loved one.
To find out the true interpretation of the dream, one should resort to the help of famous interpreters, the fruits of whose work are collected in different dream books:
- Wang thought the dream of a stray animal was considered a bad sign. She believed that such visions could warn of the danger that threatens the dreamer's close friend. She believed that a white dog represents a friend's loyalty, while a black beast in a dream promises disappointment. When in a dream he had to feed a dog, this signals a high confidence of the people around him. The dreamer's friends love him for his seriousness and loyalty. When a wounded dog saw a sleeping man, then a dream foreshadows an illness of someone from the close circle. If the animal desperately protected the person, this indicates a strong patronage of the angels. Otherwise, when the dog attacks the owner, it means that the person will have to face black forces.
- Medium Hasse is confident that these visions visit a person on the eve of meeting good people. In this case, a meeting with a person will be quite enjoyable for communication. It should be noted that playing with animals portends joy.In the case when the dog tried to bite or attack the sleeping person, then this means that soon a conflict period will begin in his life. If in a dream the sleeper hunted along with the dog, then this predicts a good work result.
- In the Esoteric dream book it is written that a kind and sweet dog, who behaved in a dream in a friendly manner, promises a new acquaintance to the sleeping man. On the other hand, an aggressive animal foreshadows the emergence of disagreements with friends. Moreover, if the dog managed to bite a person, then this means that the future conflict will be based on an old insult.
- Miller's dream book offers different explanations of interpretations depending on the behavior of the animal. Usually a dog in a dream personifies a particular person. If in a dream the beast was evil, then one should expect the manifestation of villainy from ill-wishers. When a dog is affectionate and kind in visions, a dream portends good luck. In that case, when a hungry and exhausted animal was dreamed, then a dream warns of an impending illness. In addition, you should ensure a strong material condition, because a dream prophesies bankruptcy and serious financial losses.
- Freud pointed out that a dog in dreams is considered to be a symbol of a child. If you dreamed about how you give goodies to an animal, pamper it, it means that in real life they are used to pampering their child. At the same time, you do not notice how you patronize him excessively. Walking with a dog in a dream signals unrealistic fantasies of parents about the future of children. When a hunt is dreamed with an animal, then this indicates an active sexual relationship with a partner. At the same time, the sleeping person is not particularly worried about the conception of a child. Usually such dreams are visited by men.
Dreamed a kind, angry dog
Dreams about dogs should be interpreted, given their mood:
- If a good animal was dreamed of in a night dream, while the dreamer had pleasant sensations from the vision, then the dream is considered to be a good omen. Often a dog in a dream should be seen as a reliable and loyal friend.
- An angry dog that barks and presents a danger to the dreamer is considered a warning of conflicts in the future. In this case, you need to prepare for the fact that the culprit in the quarrels will make you. An evil animal in a dream always prophesies disasters. In some cases, the dog foreshadows the betrayal of a faithful friend, as well as the death of a relative. In addition, after seeing dreams, there is a risk of committing a lot of inappropriate cash spending.
More dream books:what is the dream of a black dog
Small, big animal in a dream
Depending on how the animal was in a dream, the meaning of vision will differ:
- If you had a little doggie or puppy, then the sleeping man predicts a pleasant gift in the form of a surprise, which in the future will bring a lot of worries. When in a dream the dreamer picked up a hungry puppy on the street, then this means that soon a person will have to make a choice, the consequences of which will affect his life.
- To find out what a big dog is dreaming of, you need to recall the behavior of the animal. A calm dog promises the support of a leader at work, while an aggressive dog predicts an ailment. Despite this, the large animal portends faithful friendship and protection.
Dog bites, attacks
When you dreamed that a dog had bitten, get ready for unpleasant situations in different areas of life, as the bite of an animal portends difficulties both in the working environment and in the family.
A dream in which a beast attacks a person indicates that he will soon have to face troubles and black forces. It is possible that magical power will be to blame. In that case, when the sleeping man succeeds in avoiding the attack of the animal, then the dream says that he easily resists evil.
See a black, white, ginger dog
An integral part of the plot of the dream is the color of the animal.When a black dog dreams, then the interpretation becomes negative. The black dog in a dream promises troubles and troubles. It can also symbolize the hatred of acquaintances.
A red beast in a dream portends an acquaintance with a man with whom intimate relationships will soon be struck.
The white dog in dreams is considered a favorable sign. Visions promise prosperity and good fortune.
Pet play with dog
The dream in which the dreamer stroked his dog is an omen of the emergence of new emotions from communication with a familiar person, which may lead to a new romance. Future relationships will be full of romantic dates and love.
The process of playing with the animal is dreamed of as evidence that the sleeper can betray his friend, which is why he expects suffering from his own restraint.
Why do many dogs dream
Night dreams, in which a flock of animals were present, testify to the importance of the upcoming event. Barking dogs in a dream can symbolize friends who like to discuss the sleeping man behind him. If in a dream there were friendly dogs of different breeds, this signals luck in all areas of life. Also important is the place where there was a meeting with animals. A flock on the street in a dream portends a pleasant surprise. Many dogs in the house dream of an unexpected visit by guests.
What does a dream mean for a woman, a man
The dreamer's gender plays an important role in the interpretation of dreams:
- For women, a dream foreshadows either friendship or new love. If a woman has been married for a long time, then a dream predicts a pleasant trip with friends. For young girls, such a vision predicts new fans who love frivolous girls. Despite the short courtship period, the relationship will leave a pleasant mark.
- Dreams tell a man that he is a faithful helper and friend. Moreover, he can not doubt the loyalty of his friends. A dream promises support for family and friends.
It can be concluded that most dream books tend to have a positive interpretation of dreams with these animals. Negative meaning are dreams in which dogs bite, attack or bark at a person. In other cases, the sleeper should not worry.