Every experienced breeder knows that the Alabay dog is one of the oldest breeds, which has still retained its original appearance and color. Even today, it remains in demand, as it is an excellent watchman, a reliable companion and a true friend of the family.
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Description and characteristics of the dog Alabay
Almost always from a meeting with representatives of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog there is a double impression. On the one hand, these mighty dogs inspire respect, on the other, fear. And all this is no accident. After all, looking at the size of a shepherd, you can really be scared seriously. And the dog has a surprisingly piercing look, and sometimes it seems that the dog sees you through and through.
Characteristic of the breed:
- The weight. Even the first acquaintance with Alabai makes it clear that this is far from a pet dog. The weight of a male almost always reaches 70 kilograms, bitches range from 50 to 65 kg.
- Height. Males grow up to 70 centimeters, such indicators the dog reaches only 3 years old. It was by this time that she could be considered fully adult. Females are slightly lower - on average up to 67 cm, but even with such indicators they are quite impressive in size. In Central Asia, individuals up to 90 cm tall are found.
- Alabai can be of various colors. The exception is mixing brown and light blue colors.
- Life expectancy is up to 15 years.
- Character features. Not only is Alabai a large dog, she also has courage, courage and pride. Dogs can fend for themselves.The only drawback is excessive aggression towards similar individuals. This distinguishing feature is the result of genetics. A wolfhound dog (as it is sometimes called) is quickly attached to its owner, loves children, but reacts extremely strangely to strangers.
- Representatives of the Central Asian Shepherd are smart. On a 5-point scale, they deserve a solid 4.
- Alabai - reliable and excellent security guards. They will never let an uninvited guest enter the controlled territory.
Potentially hazardous breed origin story
Alabai is one of those breeds whose territory is considered the territory of the former Soviet Union. Its ancestors are the ancient Asian Molossoids. In addition to them, the formation of the breed was influenced by Tibetan mastiffs.
As already noted, Alabay is one of the oldest rocks on Earth. His bones were found during excavations in Turkmenistan, their age is more than 4 thousand years. Even then, four-legged pets were large in size, had powerful jaws and shortened muzzles. And the most interesting thing is that in those days, as now, they stopped the tail and ears.
The breed has formed spontaneously for many centuries. All the qualities inherent in Alabay were necessary for man to survive in difficult and harsh times. The dog was capable of performing protective functions under any weather conditions, protecting herds of animals and repeatedly engaging in a battle with wolves. The shepherd was always taken with him on the hunt for a large beast.
Central Asian Shepherd Dog Breed Standard
A true representative of a potentially hazardous breed must meet the following standards:
- The skin is thick and supple, folds may form.
- Tail - high landing, has a ring-shaped or crescent-shaped. Almost always docked.
- Strong muscular neck.
- Large broad head, transition from the muzzle to the forehead is poorly developed.
- The back is wide, has well-developed muscles.
- The muzzle is voluminous. The size of the ears is medium, the shape is triangular, cropping is allowed. The eyes are small, round, have a pronounced severe look. The nose is large, round in shape. The jaws are powerful, composed of 42 teeth, the bite is straight or scissor-shaped.
- Smooth soft gait.
- The length of the coat is from 3 to 10 centimeters. In the area of the ears, tail and hind legs, tow marks may form.
- Almost any color is allowed. You can not just mix blue and brown shades.
- The chest is wide, set deep.
- Homeland - Central Asia.
Puppy selection criteria
Like any other purebred dog, it is recommended to buy a puppy Alabai in special kennels. It is best that his age be at least 1.5 months, and it is advisable to do this after the first vaccination course. Then it will be much easier for the puppy to transfer the adaptation.
Do not lose sight of the health and activity of your future pet. Try to evaluate his leadership and character traits. You can conduct an experiment by dropping, for example, a bunch of keys to a bowl of food. If the dog is not afraid of a foreign object and continues to eat, then be sure that a true guard will grow out of it.
Appreciate its appearance. Too long coat should alert, as it may be the result of an admixture of another breed. The head should ideally have a drop shape with a smooth transition to the back of the head.
The purpose and nature of the dog
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog has ideal protective and protective skills. She will be a good guard of controlled territories and even industrial facilities. In addition, he is a reliable defender of his master, his family and home. Alabai can take an active part in hunting wild animals.
The main character traits of the dog:
- Possesses strength, intelligence, poise and endurance.
- Easily copes with the bites of various snakes.
- Has a proud character. Alabai must be a dominant, which creates certain difficulties in education.
- Significant differences in the behavior of males and females are observed.
- A distinctive feature is a wonderful guard and protector.
- It has a powerful jaw, is capable of causing serious damage even when being in a muzzle.
- The dog needs to feel trust and respect from the owner.
- Alabai do not tolerate violence and distrust.
- They are able to show devotion to both the owner and all members of the family.
Maintenance, care and feeding
Alabai love space, so it is best to keep them in a private house. It is advisable to build a spacious enclosure for the pet. It is necessary to start caring for the animal from the first months of its life.
- Washing and combing. On average, a shepherd needs to be washed at least once a month. After a walk, paws are washed. For these purposes, you can use a special shampoo. Alabai love to swim in warm weather, so do not refuse your pets pleasure. Long hair needs constant combing. Before starting the procedure, remove all contaminants. Scratch in the direction of hair growth. Teach a puppy to this from the first months - this is the only way to teach a dog obedience. Ears and eyes require special attention. If inflammation is suspected, the eyes are wiped with cotton wool, after wetting it with tea leaves. Auricles are cleaned with cotton wool and a disinfectant.
- Walks. The dog needs heavy loads, so do not hope that she will walk quietly with you along the alleys. In order to develop physical strength and endurance, it is necessary to arrange jogging, to overcome slopes and climbs.
- Food. For feeding the dog, you can use both natural and factory food. If you prefer the second option, then monitor the quality of the products. Feed is desirable to buy premium. Eating natural foods should be carefully thought out. Mandatory components of food in the diet are cereals, lean meat, vegetables, offal, kefir, boiled fish and even cottage cheese.
Alabai are not intended to be held on a chain. Such conditions lead to their constant stress, which negatively affects the health of the pet and causes various diseases.
How to train Alabai
As you already understood, Alabay is a complex breed. Therefore, if you do not have training skills, it is better that an experienced dog handler take care of the dog. Initially, the puppy takes an obedience course, after which he is taught to walk in a muzzle and on a leash. This process is very important, because in unfamiliar situations even an experienced specialist will not be able to predict the behavior of a dog.
Alabai training requires some contact. The owner must respect the dog, and that in turn - obey him. Possessing a good mind, the shepherd quickly remembers the team. Puppy’s homes begin to be taught to teams from the age of two months, that is, almost after you took him home. The pet must clearly know the commands “stand”, “sit”, “to me”, “near”, “place”, “walk” and so on. All orders are accompanied by voice and gestures. The dog must remember both options.
Pros and cons of the breed
If you still decide to buy an Alabay dog, then you need to consider all the disadvantages and advantages of the breed.
The advantages of the shepherd include:
- moderate appetite;
- high level of intelligence;
- unpretentiousness to food;
- loyal attitude to the owner;
- neat appearance that does not require special skills in caring for a pet;
- courage, excellent security skills.
Be sure to consider the disadvantages of the Asian:
- may show aggression in a foreign territory;
- poorly adapt to society;
- require large space, not suitable for an apartment;
- regular exercise is needed;
- shed every year;
- it is not known how Alabay can behave in an unfamiliar situation.
When deciding to get Alabay, remember that the dog needs a “firm hand”, otherwise it just becomes uncontrollable. Of course, the dog will not behave aggressively towards family members, but you will not be an authority for him, which in turn will affect his behavior.