He who sleeps well, looks great, works great and thinks clearly. A dream not only gives you the opportunity to relax, it can heal as a healer, give a person new strength. But what if sleep is disturbed? Sometimes it is worth using light sleeping pills for insomnia, which is sold over-the-counter in pharmacies.
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How to choose sleeping pills for sound sleep?
Medicine offers a wide selection of medicines for sleeping, but due to their side effects, they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. But there are medicines that do not have negative consequences, including after an overdose.
Sleeping pills without prescriptions for good sleep will help those who occasionally fail to fall asleep.
If you have more serious sleep problems, you need to consult a specialist. Since the task is not only to cause artificial sleep, but to eliminate the causes of insomnia. If there are no serious reasons for concern, then you can safely do with light sleeping pills.
The list of sleeping pills without prescription in pharmacies is quite wide. For young people, drops where there is lemon balm, motherwort, valerian are quite suitable. Or Zolpidem soft action. This is a good sleeping pill, however, we must remember that all drugs should be taken no more than 2-3 weeks.
Safe are considered z-preparations of a new generation - Tazepam, Nozepam, Signopam. They are offered even to elderly people, as well as those in whom insomnia occurs only occasionally, for example, during a nervous breakdown.
List of non-prescription sleeping pills:
Hypnotic drugs in a pharmacy are dispensed mainly by prescription. These are potent drugs that some people simply cannot do without. Everyone else will need light sleep aids that gently soothe and promote a good rest.
This tool will certainly send a person to sleep. Due to its advantages, the drug is popular.
Among the advantages:
- valid 40 minutes after application (20 drops in the evening before a meal). The main thing is to be prepared for this, not to resist, but simply to rest;
- the cost is relatively low.
But there are some features:
- the drug is addictive, so you need to use it no more than 14 days;
- Despite its effectiveness, the drug is not suitable for everyone. Some may remain drowsy the next day, impaired concentration;
- Barboval is not recommended for those suffering from depression;
- tastes bad.
Otherwise, there are no complaints, the tool has been used for a long time and very successfully.
A good sleeping pill that acts like a “sleep hormone,” causing drowsiness.
Its advantages:
- calm sleep, without nightmares, with natural cycles;
- the drug leaves the body completely, without affecting it, there is no danger of an overdose;
- in the morning there is no drowsiness, weakness, you can safely drive.
And the minuses include:
- the price of Melaksen is quite high - an average of 650 rubles;
- an allergic reaction may occur, peripheral edema.
For mild to moderate sleep disorders, Melaxen is a very good helper. You can apply it to completely healthy people who, due to circumstances, need to change time zones and get used to the new regime of the day.
Donormil or Sonmil
Donormil is an antihistamine. It is also being released under the name Sonmil. Despite its antihistamine origin, the drug is not intended to combat allergies at all, but rather to restore sleep. It can be effervescent tablets, or just tablets that are washed down with water.
The pluses include:
- the drug acts quickly and gently. Very good for those who, in fact, are healthy, but for some reason can not sometimes fall asleep. And sleep is very important for some upcoming meetings, responsible matters, the need to drive behind in the early morning;
- rarely causes an allergic reaction.
But you should know that he:
- causes thirst, dry mouth;
- drowsiness may occur in the morning.
In addition, they do not recommend a remedy for those who have disorders with the outflow of urine and those who suffer from respiratory failure during sleep.
This drug is also good for various sleep disorders or just insomnia. This is a fairly powerful tool.
Indisputable advantages:
- it lengthens the period of sleep and improves its quality;
- can be consumed even during pregnancy, but after consulting a doctor.
And the minuses include:
- can not be used for children under 15 years of age, as well as during breastfeeding;
- may cause dizziness the next day;
- with prolonged use, there may be constipation, dry mouth, problems with urination.
The cost of the drug is not high, it is available to everyone.
It contains an extract of many plants, among which is known for its sedative properties of valerian, hawthorn, lemon balm, St. John's wort and so on.
Undoubted advantages:
- after a few minutes a healthy sleep comes;
- anxiety and nervousness go away;
- the effect is good from the first dose.
And the disadvantages can be considered:
- sometimes causes drowsiness the next day;
- not allowed for children;
- forbidden to people who abuse alcohol.
The drug is released in the form of tablets or syrup. The action of the syrup is faster, sends to sleep twice as fast.
Persen Forte
This preparation consists of such natural components as mint, lemon balm and valerian. It calms, relieves nervous excitement.It helps to fall asleep when a spoiled mood and obsessive thoughts haunt.
Among the advantages:
- the right remedy, one hundred percent helping to fall asleep, while you need to choose a drug for night action;
- irritability and anxiety go away.
And the disadvantages include:
- should not be taken to people with biliary tract problems;
- not recommended for children under 12 years old;
- no liquid form, only in tablets.
The medicine can be used for several days, it will improve both sleep and mood.
Herbal preparations
For those who do not have serious violations with falling asleep, herbal preparations, such as tincture of valerian or motherwort, herbal preparations, Sonilyuks, Persen, Novo-Passit are quite suitable.
For sleep, you do not have to drink sleeping pills. Herbal preparations bring nerves to rest. This is enough to relax.
They are not addictive, as potent drugs, but still have their own characteristics. This should not be forgotten. It is important to consider that with the simultaneous use of sedatives with antidepressants, analgesics and antipsychotics, the effect of the latter is enhanced. Therefore, one should always consult a doctor.
Combination drugs
They combine several active components at once, include both plant and chemical components, or both. The most popular medicines are Persen-Forte, Novo-Passit, Persen, Corvalol (its analogue Valocordin).
Combined drugs have several tasks - they calm, relieve spasms of internal organs. But since there are several components, the risk of allergies to one of them increases.
Combined drugs can be addictive. The duration of their use is indicated in the instructions for use, it should be observed.
Homeopathic remedies
Homeopathic medicines are very good for home use. They do not get used to them, and the consequences of negative effects on the body are not observed, but they act correctly and gently. Passidorm is popular. With disorders such as waking up in the middle of the night, it helps consistently. The dream lengthens, it becomes calm. But they do not recommend it to alcoholics, as well as during gestation. A good homeopathic remedy Calm solves the problem with overexcitation. It eliminates anxiety, nervousness, promotes relaxation, a relaxing serenity.
How to take, so as not to get used to?
Even if the remedies for sleepless nights are sold freely in all pharmacies, they should be treated with caution. First of all, it is worthwhile to find out how the medicine works - by accumulative, that is, it must be drunk regularly for a period so that it begins to act. Or its effect is immediately apparent. One must also ask if he has side effects and what is included in it. Are you allergic to any of the components.
Another important point: before buying, you need to find out if the drug has such a drawback as getting used to it. In order not to get used to it, you must strictly follow the instructions and do not exceed the period of taking the drug.
The feasibility of using sleeping pills
Of course, absolutely harmless drugs do not exist, so it’s worth determining whether it is necessary to resort to medications at all?
Here, in which cases they can be used:
- during regular sleepless nights, when in the morning there is a feeling of weakness;
- when changing time zones, when you can’t fall asleep;
- in anticipation of an important day when nervous tension prevents sleep;
- during nervous breakdowns, disturbing sleep.
And yet, even in these cases, it is worthwhile to approach the choice of a remedy for a sleepless night adequately, that is, not to hit the sparrows from the cannon.
With temporary nervous agitation and the inability to sleep, it is enough to take a homeopathic remedy or a herbal preparation - valerian, motherwort.If something more serious - nightmares, regular insomnia torment you, you should consult a doctor.
An even more responsible approach must be taken to solve the problem of insomnia in children. Try to do without medication at all. Perhaps a glass of warm sweet tea or milk with honey, as well as a loving attitude will solve the problem.
- Tatyana