Digestion, heartburn, diarrhea - everyone faces similar problems, and it is impossible to insure against them. It is very important that in these cases there is always a reliable and proven tool at hand. Smecta has long won the title of such. How is Smecta taken - before meals or after, in what dosage and how does it interact with other medicines?

The composition (active substance) of the drug

Diosmectite or dioctahedral smectite is the active substance of Smecta, which is a mixture of aluminum and magnesium in therapeutic doses. The auxiliary components of the drug include sweeteners (dextrose and saccharin), as well as vanillin or orange flavoring.

Smecta is a drug of the adsorbing group and an antidiarrheal agent.

Release form - powder, from which it is necessary to prepare a suspension before use. Boiled water is used as a solvent. Smecta is sold in bags at the pharmacy, where the drug is packaged in 3 grams. The bags are packed in a package of 10 or 30 pieces, however, it is not necessary to purchase a pack: most pharmacy outlets sell Smecta individually.

How to breed powder for adults and children

Each package of Smecta is equipped with detailed instructions for the use of the drug. However, in the case when the bags are purchased piece by piece, the instructions for them may not be attached, and the information on the package does not contain information on how to properly prepare the solution for oral administration, at what dosage and how many times a day to take.

Dissolve the contents of a three-gram Smecta sachet in 100 ml of water (preferably warm), which facilitates the preparation of a suspension that is uniform in consistency without lumps.

Adults are recommended to take per day:

  • with diarrhea - up to 6 sachets with approximately the same between the receiving time intervals;
  • with other indications - 3 sachets.

Dosage for children is observed different:

  • with diarrhea, children in the first year of life (from a newborn) - 2 sachets for three days, then in order to maintain a therapeutic effect - according to a sachet, the duration of admission is determined by the pediatrician;
  • with other indications, children of the first year of life - 1 sachet per day;
  • children older than a year with acute diarrhea - a three-day course of 4 sachets per day, then - 2 sachets;
  • with other indications for children from a year - up to 3 sachets per day.

For ease of use, the child is allowed to dissolve Smecta in milk or in the milk mixture, as well as in other liquid and semi-liquid products (including cereals and mashed potatoes).

Kids can be given a suspension from a bottle. The daily dosage is divided into several doses.

Taking the drug before or after meals

How to drink Smecta correctly, combining treatment with meals - before or after its intake?

In general, there is no particularly important guidance on this issue, however, it is advisable to follow the recommendations:

  • with inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) of bacterial, infectious chemical genesis - taking Smecta after eating;
  • with diarrhea and other indications - before a meal, having withstood about one to two hours before eating;
  • children are allowed to take Smecta with food or between its main receptions.

In the event of acute diarrhea, it makes sense to completely limit the use of food, take as much fluid as possible (often, but in small portions).

During pregnancy and lactation

Smecta is not contraindicated for women during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. The drug does not adversely affect the formation and development of the fetus, does not worsen the chemical composition of milk, and causes negative reactions only with individual intolerance to the active and auxiliary substances of the sorbent.

During pregnancy, Smecta in therapeutic dosages can prevent heartburn or relieve an unpleasant symptom when it occurs.

However, caution should be exercised when dosing: in large quantities, Smecta can cause constipation, which is undesirable for both expectant mothers and infants.

Drug interaction

The absorbing properties of diosmectite can inhibit the action of other drugs when used together with Smecta. In order to avoid slowing down the absorption of drugs, it is recommended that a time interval of at least one hour be maintained between the administration of enterosorbent and drugs of a different mechanism of action. Smecta reduces the absorption of alcohol, which popularly makes the drug popular for preventing hangover.

If allergic reactions occur, Smecta should be discontinued, and then consult a doctor for selection of drugs similar to the mechanism of action on the body.