The world is filled with interesting, entertaining things. The main thing is to be able to notice them. Fans of everything unusual and creative not only find such objects and phenomena, but also photograph them on film. We have compiled a selection of such photos. We hope you enjoy watching this gallery!

Here such a pumpkin was sold in one of the Czech stores.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Interestingly, this "ugly duckling" would eventually turn into a beautiful swan?

Books on the subway are a great idea to pass the road.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
For intelligent passengers only

In one of the hotels, it was decided to put such a soap. All the same, after all, residents do not completely spend every piece.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Economical soap

A fence forming benches for passers-by.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
With such a shop, the phrase “sit on the fence” no longer indicates a lack of culture

Funny bed with a blanket for cats and small dogs.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
This cat feels pretty good as a sandwich.

Workplace in the form of a car bumper. To make the business “go” far!

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Would you like to have such a desktop?

Hmm, how is this possible? ... And where to buy it?

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Combination of incongruous

A little sweetness to the gallery.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Little hedgehog in a pot

Original design of a wooden bookshelf.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
A bookshelf that is "cracking at the seams"

You can sleep and walk in this sleeping bag.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Perhaps the owners of such sleeping bags automatically become happy!

“My friend and I accidentally ordered drinks whose color matches the shades of our clothes.”

A selection of photos of unusual objects
All in tone!

Fancy seats at the bar.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Seats swing at the cafe counter

“I came across a leaf that just goes to the autumn color scheme. Look how harmonious it is! ”

A selection of photos of unusual objects
The harmony of the lines of the autumn leaf

This ball is glued from 10160 circle stickers.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
And who had so much patience for gluing these stickers?

The frog went to the "window" to breathe fresh air.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
This little frog must have chosen the inside of the plumbing as a home

In one of the Japanese houses, balconies are made in the form of huge tea cups on saucers.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Yes, the Japanese do not need to prove their creativity - they show it in everything!

Someone pulled a pencil from a pencil without damaging it at all.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Now you need to contrive and shove this stylus back ...

Discarded sneaker overgrown with moss.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
A whole microuniverse on the surface of a regular old shoe

This wooden troll lives in the forests of the US state of Colorado.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
A huge wooden troll guards the forest and mountains.

Under the egg shell was not only the yolk, but also another egg.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Egg in egg

Stone backup for an old tree.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
The tree was tired and decided to sit down. Or maybe this support is like a heel for a “leg”?

Toilet in Japan: there is a small sink on top of the tank. After washing your hands, the water will be reused for flushing.

A selection of photos of unusual objects
Caring for the resources of the planet, even in small things