The love of Italian pizza has long outgrown the limits of the Apennine Peninsula, but in few places in the world this dish is prepared as in Italy. Local chefs rather rely on taste preferences prevailing in a particular region. In each corner of the planet, a snack in the form of a tortilla with a filling is filled with its own special flavor. For example, creamy pizza sauce has nothing to do with an authentic Italian appetizer. But many housewives like to use just such a gas station. And let the dish with it only vaguely resemble a traditional pizza, this sauce matches our tastes and successfully combines with familiar products.
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The main ingredients of the "white" pizza sauce
It's no secret that in Italy there is a slightly different attitude to pizza than outside. There, it is perceived as a snack. Well, in other countries, including ours, it can be served as a main course.
Italian pizza is a bread cake that is only slightly oiled with sauce. The filling is laid out in a thin layer. We are used to making pizza more nutritious, watering it abundantly with dressing. Some manage to cook a dish of magnificent yeast dough. We pay special attention to the filling. We never regret it and focus on it.
Why do you like to use white sauce? Because it meets our taste preferences. We love when the filling drowns in a gas station.
Cream sauce tastes softer than tomato sauce. They can generously pour pizza without fear of spoiling the dish.
The base of white sauce is usually cream or milk. Flour acts as a thickener.The most successful seasonings are: nutmeg, oregano, green basil. Hard cheese is often added to the sauce, as well as garlic, which, in general, is an integral part of Italian cuisine. This component is no less loved by us. It is present in many local vegetable and meat dishes, including pizza that is not quite familiar to us.
Cream sauce goes well with tender meats such as chicken or ham. It harmonizes with mushrooms and seafood. Can be used in making vegetarian pizza. Also very suitable for all kinds of cheeses.
To the white sauce go products with a delicate texture. Crisp onions and pickles for tomato pizza. It is better not to add them to a dish in a creamy sauce. Replace crunchy ingredients with softened, fried or baked vegetables.
A lot of houses use ready-made sauces: ketchup or mayonnaise, which is very unjustified. It is better to spend a few extra minutes and make a completely natural pizza, where even in the sauce there will be no artificial additives or preservatives.
Pizza Cream Sauce Recipes
White pizza sauce as in a pizzeria is easy to prepare at home. It must be done in advance so that it cools down a little before it is spread on the base. Over time, the sauce thickens, it becomes easier to apply. It does not drain. After the sauce acquires the final consistency, its consumption becomes clear.
To make a delicious dressing with a pleasant structure, listen to the tips:
- when mixing foods with flour, use a whisk to thoroughly break all the lumps;
- add milk or cream to flour in a thin stream, continuously stirring;
- the sauce of milk or cream should not be boiled, as it can be stratified, so it is better to bring it to cook over low heat or in a water bath.
Using cheese, choose the varieties of your choice. If you want a milder taste, take a look at creamy or fused varieties. Hard spicy cheeses add a spicy touch to the finished sauce.
Creamy Pizza Sauce
We offer the simplest creamy sauce recipe. Despite the ease of preparation, the product is very tasty. This sauce can not only be added to pizza, but also served with pasta, steam cutlets, stewed chicken, salmon steak and vegetable stew with mushrooms.
You will need only three ingredients: butter, flour and fat cream (20-30%). Melt a spoonful of oil in a pan. Pour a tablespoon of flour into it. Stir everything thoroughly with a whisk until smooth.
Keep stirring, pour a glass of cold cream into the pan with a thin stream. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste.
Warm the sauce over low heat until thickened, about 2-3 minutes. Turn off the stove. Cover the pan and let the dressing stand for a while. Delicate cream sauce will make pizza incredibly delicious.
Garlic Sause
The garlic sauce, prepared in a similar way, goes well with vegetable and mushroom fillings, but has a harsher taste.
To prepare it, melt two tablespoons of butter in a saucepan. Put in it one crushed clove of garlic and fry for a while, until the oil is saturated with the flavor of seasoning.
Remove the garlic. Add two tablespoons of flour to the butter, stirring the mass intensively. Stirring should be continued throughout the entire preparation of the sauce.
Pour into a stewpan with melted butter and flour a glass of cold milk of any fat content. Slowly heat and stir the sauce until it reaches the desired consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste. As soon as the bubbles start to appear, turn off the heat and cover the sauce with a lid.
It must be allowed to cool at room temperature. Then you can spread on the base for pizza.
Cheese sauce
Cheese sauce has a very rich taste. It goes well with delicate vegetables and is ideal for vegetarian pizza.
The cooking technology is similar.Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, then stir 3 tablespoons of flour in them.
The flour needs to be fried each time in oil, and not just calcined in a pan, since in this case it will swell faster and dissolve better. If you pour dry flour with milk or cream, it will most likely stick together and spoil the sauce.
After grind the flour with molten butter, pour a glass of milk into a stewpan with a thin stream. Stir the mixture well, lightly pepper and salt it. Put in a sauce a quarter teaspoon of dry basil and oregano.
As soon as the base thickens a little, pour 100 grams of grated hard cheese into it. We will stir until the cheese is melted.
Turn off the fire. Cover the sauce with a lid. It must be used hot, because after cooling the mass thickens very much and it will be inconvenient to water the pizza, and lumps may also form.
White pizza sauce
White meat broth sauce is a classic French dressing. It is suitable for baking cauliflower, salmon, asparagus. It can also be used to make pizza.
The sauce is cooked in a small saucepan over low heat. It is important that all ingredients are thoroughly mixed to prevent clumping.
Initially, melt a tablespoon of butter. Remove the pan from the heat. In liquid oil, add 2 tablespoons of flour. Mix until a homogeneous gruel is formed.
Pour into a pan (to the flour mixture) half a liter of cold meat broth. If it already has salt, then the sauce can not be salted. Add to it a fresh chicken yolk. Beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk and, while stirring, put on a slow fire.
Once the sauce has thickened, remove it from the stove again. Let’s dissolve another spoonful of butter in it, juice of half a lemon and add a little chopped greens if desired. Delicate white pizza sauce ready to eat.
Sour cream sauce
Dissolve in a quarter cup of cold water one and a half tablespoons of flour. Pour a glass of sour cream into the saucepan and add dissolved flour to it. Add half a teaspoon of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of salt to the mixture. Squeeze two cloves of garlic. Add pepper to taste. Put the stewpan on the fire.
In a slow heat, stirring, bring the mixture to a boil. Let the sauce cool. Use it in making pizza instead of mayonnaise. Sour cream sauce will have a slightly sour taste.
White Seafood Pizza Sauce
Perfectly easy to prepare sauce, it goes well with shrimp and other seafood. It does not need to be boiled. All that is required is to mix the ingredients.
Mayonnaise is used in this recipe. If you prefer a natural product, then cook it at home. Homemade mayonnaise is very easy to make with a hand blender.
To prepare, you will need:
- 300 ml odorless vegetable oil;
- one egg;
- half a teaspoon of salt;
- a teaspoon of sugar.
You can put a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar or replace it with the same amount of lemon juice.
Dip the blender into the mixture. Beat products at maximum speed. That's it, the mayonnaise is ready.
To prepare the seafood pizza sauce, take a spoonful of homemade mayonnaise, a spoonful of sour cream and a teaspoon of mustard. Add some ground pepper and olive herbs. Stir the sauce. Now you can lubricate the base for pizza.
Creamy Cheese Sauce
Use a very simple recipe for cream cheese sauce. This dressing is prepared without heating. It can be served instead of mayonnaise for various dishes. In addition to pizza, cheese sauce goes well with vegetable salads, chicken nuggets, crackers and pasta.
This sauce can only be prepared using a hand blender. Use a conventional mixer does not make sense, nothing will work out with it.
Using a measuring cup, take 125 grams of milk and 250 grams of odorless vegetable oil. Pour everything into a high capacity.As a seasoning, add a teaspoon of mustard and a little ground pepper. Here, throw half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of granulated sugar. Add half lemon juice or a teaspoon of 9% vinegar.
Dip the mixer in a glass, beat everything in a homogeneous mass at maximum speed.
For the last stage, you will need 100 grams of quality hard cheese. It must be grated and pour into the prepared mixture. Grind everything completely with a blender in high speed mode. Send the sauce to the refrigerator for storage. We will grease the pizza before baking.
Creamy Egg Pizza Sauce
Raw yolks are used in this sauce, so it’s important to carefully choose your products. Eggs are better to take farm or home. At the end of cooking, the yolks are dipped in a hot mixture, which somewhat reduces the risks associated with the use of raw foods.
If you put the sauce exclusively in pizza, then you can not worry. As a result, the product will still undergo heat treatment.
Measure out a spoonful of butter. Put it in a saucepan, hold at room temperature, wait until it softens.
Pour 4 tablespoons of flour into the butter. Rub all lumps thoroughly. Add 300 ml of fat cream (from 20%). Place the stewpan in a water bath. Reduce the heat so that the water boils slowly.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir it until it thickens. The approximate heating time is 10 minutes.
In a separate container, beat two fresh yolks with a teaspoon of sugar. The mass should turn white and increase significantly in volume.
Remove the stewpan from the water bath. Put it on the table. Slowly add whipped yolks to the sauce. Then stir the mixture with a whisk or mixer for another 2-3 minutes.
Whipped yolks create a light airy texture and enrich the taste of the sauce. Allow the dressing to cool, then apply it to the pizza base.
Creamy egg sauce can be combined with seafood, ham, cheese, mushrooms, chicken and stewed vegetables.
If your loved ones have never tried pizza with white sauce, then you can fundamentally change their gastronomic preferences. Step back from tradition and do a little culinary experiment. The delicate creamy taste of pizza with white sauce will strike homemade ones on the spot, and they will again and again ask you to repeat your culinary masterpiece.