Millions of people all over the world drink coffee in the morning, but many of them do not even realize that such an invigorating drink is an excellent cosmetic product for the body. Coffee scrub is able to give the skin smoothness, tenderness and velvety. And among other things, a good coffee scrub is an excellent remedy against cellulite, stretch marks and unwanted hair growth.
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Cellulite coffee body scrub
Coffee is not just a fragrant drink, but also a natural cosmetic product with which you can prevent skin aging.
The composition of small coffee beans includes a lot of nutrients, vitamins and several types of organic acids.
Based on coffee, you can prepare an effective anti-cellulite scrub, the use of which will improve blood circulation, restore metabolism, remove toxins and increase the tone of the dermis.
There are many recipes for making natural homemade cosmetics, and we offer the simplest but most effective ones.
- Add a spoonful of ground coffee beans and a little water to the shower gel. Before you start scrubbing, take a hot shower or even a bath so that the pores expand. Spread the scrub smoothly throughout your body, hold it on your skin for a while, and then just rinse with water.
- An expensive spa can be replaced with coffee with the same amount of sea salt. For a scrub, take the indicated ingredients, pour in any available vegetable oil, and combine the resulting composition with your shower product.Treat the heated skin with a scrub and after ten minutes take a cool shower, which will not only remove the used product from the body, but also “close” the pores.
- Oats and coffee powder are an excellent duo effective in combating the manifestations of cellulite. Thanks to the effects of these components, the reliefs of the skin are leveled, toxins are eliminated, and the skin itself is nourished with oxygen and vitamins. To make a scrub, combine a spoonful of coffee chips with twice as much oatmeal. As a basis for such a tool, take a good bazaar sour cream. Apply the finished composition to vulnerable areas of the skin and rinse it off under a contrast shower in ten minutes.
- From a mixture of crushed coffee tree beans with honey, you can also make an effective remedy for healing the skin. It will help to eliminate not only skin defects, but also old stretch marks. To do this, mix the ingredients in equal proportions, dilute the resulting composition with liquid soap and gently rub it into the skin of the body.
It is important to remember that for the manufacture of scrub should use exclusively natural, not expired medium-ground coffee.
Stretch Mark Recipe
Stretch marks on the body do no harm to the human body, but many women want to get rid of such a defect. In this case, microsurgery or home-based coffee scrubs can help. It is permissible to use a coffee scrub even during the period of bearing a child, since it does not affect the health of the baby in any way.
- The simplest recipe involves the use of ground grains, which you just need to pour boiling water to the consistency of thick sour cream and leave for 15 minutes. For best results, it is better to apply the product on dry skin, and then just rinse with warm water.
- A good effect is exerted by a coffee scrub with a mummy, which removes toxins from the skin and promotes the production of collagen. To do this, mix 1 tsp. ground coffee and mummy, pour in a little any essential oil and a little water. We rub the product for five minutes, wait another ten, then wash it with cool water.
- White clay also improves skin elasticity. For scrub you need to take two tablespoons of white clay and the same amount of coffee. Mix the ingredients with water, apply to problem areas and rinse off after a while.
The coffee is dominated by very valuable antioxidants that cleanse cells from free radicals and accelerate cell metabolism.
Coffee scrub against hair growth
Modern cosmetology offers women different methods of combating unwanted hair growth. But not everyone can afford such means, and some procedures turn out to be very painful. Therefore, many women prefer to have hair removal at home using scrubs based on coffee and soda. The essence of the work of such a tool is not just to remove hair from the surface of the skin, but to affect the bulbs themselves.
For scrub, take two tablespoons of coffee, 1 tsp. soda and mix the ingredients with water. Apply the mixture on steamed skin and wait five minutes. If you want to speed up the process, then also apply the product, wrap the treated area with cling film and wait half an hour. Repeat the procedure until the hairline completely disappears. As a rule, it takes from 5 to 10 days.
For face made of coffee and honey
Natural scrubs based on coffee and honey have a cleansing, refreshing and anti-aging effect on the skin.
- A simple but effective scrub can be made from a spoonful of warm honey and ground coffee beans. If the product turns out to be too thick, then it can be diluted with milk.
- Acne scrub can be prepared with aspirin tablets.To do this, crush four tablets of medicine into small crumbs, mix the resulting powder with a spoon of coffee and add a little honey.
- From liquid honey and coffee, you can make a face scrub with a tightening effect. To do this, add a spoonful of sour cream and a raw egg to a spoon of honey and coffee.
- With the addition of olive oil, you can make a nourishing scrub, which is recommended to use at least twice a week.
Coffee and cinnamon scrub
Natural cosmetics, prepared at home, has many advantages over purchased in a store. Firstly, the cost of the ingredients used is significantly lower than the price of the finished product. But the main thing is that you always know the composition of a home remedy and the proportions of its components. Sometimes we don’t even suppose that products that are daily present in our diet can make effective cosmetics.
So, with the help of coffee and cinnamon you can cleanse the skin, make it taut, give a well-groomed and flowering look. To prepare a scrub, you need to mix two tablespoons of a natural drink with a spoonful of cinnamon and two tablespoons of fine sugar, then pour in a little almond oil and shake the resulting mixture well.
Recipe for face skin with sour cream
Dairy products have long been used in cosmetology. Based on them, moisturizing and nourishing masks, creams and tonics for the face are made. At home, you can make a scrub with coffee and sour cream, which will well cleanse and moisturize tired skin.
- For deep cleansing, combine ground coffee with sour cream in a 1: 2 ratio. You can also add a spoonful of almond oil to nourish the epithelium.
- For any skin type, a nutritious scrub of two tablespoons of ground coffee, a spoonful of fat sour cream and peach oil is suitable.
Cooking from coffee grounds
At all times, women strive to preserve their youth and beauty. Today, he presented many recipes for the preparation of natural cosmetics, one of the effective ingredients of which is coffee grounds.
In order for the product to show a good result, it is important to use only natural coffee cake.
You need to brew coffee, and not just pour the grinded grains with boiling water. You can store the grounds for five days in a cool place and a closed container. Before using a scrub, the body needs to be steamed well so that the pores can absorb as many useful substances as possible. Especially good skin begins to breathe in the bath.
- To obtain an anti-cellulite result, the thick is simply rubbed into the body. For the best effect after scrubbing, you can take a bath by adding essential oils of juniper or orange to it.
- If you want to rid your body of stretch marks, then make a scrub from two tablespoons of coffee cake and a spoon of sea salt. Apply to vulnerable areas and take a shower in ten minutes.
- For a gentle cleansing of oily skin, you can make a scrub from honey, coffee cake, yogurt (natural) and olive oil. Take all ingredients in equal proportions and mix.
- Coffee grounds scrub with the addition of coconut oil gives the skin a silkiness and tenderness. Stir 1 tsp. coffee meal, 2 tsp oil and 3 tsp yogurt. Apply the mixture on the skin of the face and rinse it with water after 15 minutes.
To achieve the maximum effect, it is important to regularly carry out cosmetic procedures and not to forget about proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.