Beautiful understandable speech is needed not only by artists and public figures. It is not easy for an ordinary adult person with diction disorders to communicate in a team, company of friends. Therefore, you can start developing an articulation apparatus at any age, and tongue twisters for the letter R will help in this.
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Tips for Improving Speech Diction
Speech impairment in an adult can lead to similar problems in his children, since they tend to copy the way people pronounce words.
Various tongue twisters and tongue twisters will help to cope with the problem.
Often problems with diction become the cause of complexes in both children and adults. Improper pronunciation of sounds, dull slurred speech, articulation disorders make it difficult to communicate with others. Speech quality problems with normal hearing (dyslalia) occur in half of the children, but they can be easily dealt with at a young age. At an older age, more time and effort will have to be devoted to correcting mistakes that have already become familiar.
For the development of pronunciation, there are several main areas:
Articulation gymnastics.
This type of gymnastics is aimed at training all muscle groups involved in the reproduction of words. It involves the upper and tender palate, tongue, lips, lower jaw. The simplest exercises that can be performed in any environment are yawning with a closed mouth, circular movements of the lower jaw, inflation and retraction of the cheeks, movements of the tongue. You can stretch your lips with a tube, try to smile with your mouth dressed up. Many exercises are suitable for children.Even the smallest can be carried away by this occupation, if performed in the form of a game.
You can complicate articulation gymnastics if you combine the exercise of the lips and tongue with other physical activities. For this, running, squats, any physical activity are suitable.
Speech therapy massage.
Speech therapy massage is a way to turn on the muscles of the articulation apparatus when they cannot participate in articulation gymnastics. Usually, a doctor gives an appointment for a massage of the organs of speech. It can be a speech therapist or a neurologist, if there is a need to reduce or increase the tone of the muscles of the neck, head, lips, tongue, palate. The doctor determines the type of massage (relaxing or stimulating), and the physical therapy instructor, speech therapist or defectologist should follow the recommendations.
Proper breathing.
Deep breathing combined with proper posture will help you speak clearly, loudly without swallowing endings. Often a person simply does not have enough air to finish a phrase or sentence, hence the crumple of speech, the reduction of words to whole endings.
To develop the habit of keeping your back correctly, physical exercises and yoga will help. For children, an old proven exercise is suitable - walking with a book on his head.
Pronouncing individual sounds and syllables.
You can train diction with the pronunciation of individual sounds. First they pay attention to paired vowels, then move on to consonants. To develop the correct pronunciation, they usually pronounce pairs of words for different sounds. For example, the sonorous sound “P” is trained by saying “fire-fire” or “rad-row”.
Tongue twisters and tongue twisters.
An adult can immediately begin to read tongue twisters without preparation. For each problematic letter, there are short or long quatrains, poems or simply sentences that focus on training one or a couple of sounds.
The meaning of tongue twisters is not in quick pronunciation, but in the correct one. First you need to learn how to say the phrase as a whole slowly, pronouncing all the words and sounds. When you can pronounce without errors, the pace can be increased. You can start training with three to five actual simple tongue twisters. It is desirable to change tongue twisters for diction in a couple of weeks. Experts recommend training diction on those pure-tongued and quatrains that, when first read, cause more difficulty.
It’s better to train the articulation apparatus, do gymnastics or pronounce phrases in front of the mirror.
To identify violations and track progress, it is recommended to record your speech on the recorder. For classes with the child, you can come up with or pick up funny rhymes that should be chanted.
To improve the quality of speech, you need to learn to speak slowly, to pronounce all the letters. For this, reading aloud with a certain intonation and timbre is suitable. The field of the start of classes, improvements will be noticeable after a couple of weeks.
To identify your problem sounds and combinations, you can try to read the longest tongue twister:
- On Thursday 4th, at 4 and a quarter hours, the Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria, but 33 ships were maneuvered, maneuvered, and never caught, and then the protocol protocol was recorded by the protocol as the interviewed Ligurian traffic controller was clear, but not pure He reported, so much talked about rainy weather that the incident did not become a contender for judicial precedent, the Ligurian traffic controller acclimatized in unconstitutional Constantinople, where the crested laughter laughter laughter and they shouted to a Turk who was dumbfounded with a pipe: don’t smoke, Turk, pipe, buy a better pile of rush, better buy a peak of bale, or else a scorer from Brandeburg will come - bombard with bombs because a black-winged half of his yard has digged with a snout, dug and blew up; but actually the Turk wasn’t in business, and Klara-krala was creeping towards the chest at that time, while Karl stole corals from Klara, for which Klara stole the clarinet from Karl,and then in the yard of the barbaric widow of Barbara, 2 of these thieves stole firewood; but sin - not laughter - cannot be buried in a nut: about Clara and Karl in the darkness, all the crayfish were noisy in a fight, - it wasn’t up to the scorer to thieves, but not to a tarry widow, and not to tarry children; but the angry widow removed firewood into the barn: since firewood, 2 firewood, 3 firewood - all the firewood did not fit, and 2 lumberjack, 2 firewood chopper for the sympathetic Barbara pulled firewood back into the wood yard, where the heron was dead, the heron was dry, dead; the heron chick clung tenaciously to the chain; well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep herself, who Senya carries hay in a sled, then carries Senka Sonya with Sanka on a sled: sledges - skok, Senka - sideways, Sonya - on the forehead, everything - in a snowdrift, and from there only a cone hat knocked down, then Sasha went along the highway, Sasha found Sasha on the highway; Sonya - Sasha’s girlfriend walked along the highway and sucked the dryer, and besides, Sonya’s spinner had 3 cheesecakes in her mouth - just like a honey cake, but she’s not up to the honey cake - Sonya’s overcooked semen and she’ll overdo it: it buzzes like ground beetle, buzzing, letting it spin: Frol was at - Frol lied to Lavra, would go to Lavra Frol Lavra would lie, that - a wahmister with a wahmistress, a captain with a captain, a snake - a snare, a hedgehog - a hedgehog, and he had a high-ranking guest carried away a cane, and soon again 5 guys ate 5 honey mushrooms with a quarter and a half of a lentil without black overshoots, and 1666 pies with curd made from yogurt curd, all about that, howling a stake of a bell, they rang a bell, so much so that even Konstantin, a Salzburg unprompted beneath an armored personnel carrier, stated that he didn’t ring all the bells, he didn’t re-bell them, so and do not re-negotiate all tongue twisters, do not re-negotiate; but trying is not torture.
Complicated tongue twisters for the letter "P" for adults
Burliness is a problem not only of young children, but also of many adults. Previously, not so much attention was paid to this issue in childhood: not all parents knew that such a disadvantage could be combated. Although for some people, such a pronunciation of the letter "P" has become so familiar that it does not cause hostility from others, and even gives charm. But for those who experience inconvenience in communication, there are not only easy, but also complex tongue twisters with the letter "P". Some of them are difficult to read the first time. You should start training with them after you have mastered some of the simplest pure words in the letter “P”.
Karasenka once gave crucian coloring. And Karas said: “Color, Karasenok, a fairy tale!” On the coloring of the Karasenka, there are three funny pigs: the pigs were repainted in red!
On Mount Ararat grabbed Varvara grapes.
The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground, the sailors two weeks caramel aground ate.
Egor walked through the courtyard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.
Jackdaw sat on the fence, the rook started a conversation with her.
Agrafena and Arina grow dahlias.
A cunning magpie to catch hassle, and forty forty - forty hassle.
The radish rarely grew in the garden; the garden was rarely in order.
Shot by quail and black grouse.
Rima cleans the frame early; Roma cleans the wound nearby.
In front of the crust box.
King Clark steals,
Queen Carlisle has a dwarf.
The dwarf is Karl, and the dwarf is Klara,
Clara has a clarinet, Carl has corals.
Clara stole the corals from Carl,
And Karl stole the clarinet from Clara.
Clara has no clarinet, but there are corals.
Karl has a clarinet, but no corals.
Queen Carlisle Carala Clara
For stealing coral from dwarf Karl,
And Claric King Charles punished,
The one who stole the clarinet from the stolen.
If Carl hadn’t stolen from Clara,
Clara wouldn’t steal corals,
Clarik would listen to his stolen clarinet,
And Carl presented the corals to Carlisle.
The ram is delighted - the ram has a drum. And a ram drums in a drum, a ram drums in a drum.
Lord Karl stole three corals from Clara. Lord Clara didn’t steal the corals!
Prov Prov Yegor brought firewood to the mountain.
Chopped woodcutters cheeses oaks into logs.
A pig snouted, dumbed, white-headed, half a yard dug with a snout, dug, undermined. She didn’t dig to the hole. It was a sow and a snout, so that it would dig.
There is firewood in the yard, behind the firewood yard, under the firewood yard, over the firewood yard, firewood along the courtyard, firewood in the breadth of the courtyard, the firewood yard cannot accommodate. Firewood to expel back to the wood yard.
Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch.
The interviewer interviewer interviewed.
Klara-krala sneaked to Lara.
Barkas arrived at the port of Madras. The sailor brought on board the mattress. In the port of Madras, a sailor's mattress. Albatrosses tore up in a fight.
Roman Carmen pocketed Romain Rollan’s novel and went to Carmen on Romen.
Protocol protocol protocol recorded.
Cleverly tacking in laryngology, the laryngologist easily cured laryngitis.
Skorogovorun talked and said that you couldn’t re-negotiate all tongue twisters, you wouldn’t talk again But having preoccupied himself, he reprimanded - that all tongue twisters will be re-negotiated, re-spoken. And tongue twisters jump like crucians in a pan.
The waxwing waxes with a flute.
A scorer bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.
The scorer bombarded Brandenburg.
Frightened by the thunder of Roma.
He roared louder than thunder.
From such a roar of thunder
Lurking behind a hillock.
Crab crab made a rake.
Filed a rake to a crab crab:
- Hay, rake, crab.
There is a loafer at the gate, wide open mouth.
And no one can figure out where the gate is and where the mouth is.
With burr in children
To begin an effective fight against burr in a child, you need to find out the reasons for the deviation. The most common reason for this is the wrong bridle. There may also be a genetic predisposition, trauma to the tongue, malocclusion. Only a speech therapist can correctly diagnose.
But you can start fixing the problem in childhood yourself by memorizing a few simple short tongue twisters with your child:
Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
Do not chop wood on the grass of the yard.
Karl stole corals from Clara,
Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
The crow crowed.
One, two, three, repeat:
The enemy is not a friend, there are no hands at the feet ...
Three magpies chattering on a hill.
The bearded man harrowed a furrow with a harrow.
Baran-Buyan climbed into the weeds.
Furious crocodile
Annoyed and unsociable.
Thunder struck - a thunderstorm in full swing.
Makara was bitten by a mosquito.
Slammed the mosquito Makar.
The turnip and radish have a strong root.
Borya Ira gave a toffee,
Ira Bore - barbariska.
Tell us about your purchases.
What about purchases?
About purchases, about purchases,
About my little purchases.
Thirty-three trumpeters sound the alarm.
Red crab yells "Hurray!"
Cutting the cake it's time.
Short pure words for diction
Pure words are used to practice one sound. They are short phrases in which the same letter or combination of sounds is present a large number of times. While analyzing the pure words, you need to work out the formulation of each sound in accordance with the pronunciation standards.
The bull was a blunt, blunt goby, the bull had a white lip.
From the clatter of hooves dust flies across the field.
The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks. Do not smoke, Turk, pipe, do not peck, trigger, nibs.
Prokop came - boiled dill, went Prokop - boiled dill. As dill was boiling during Prokop, so dill was boiling without Prokop.
The radish rarely grew in the garden; the garden was rarely in order.
Snout pig blunt-nosed, half-yard snout dug, dug and dug.
Was at Frol, Frol lied to Lavra, will go to Lavra, Lavra will lie to Frol.
Lucky Senka Sanka with Sonya on a sled. Sledge - skok, Sonya from her feet, Sanka - to the side, Senka - to the forehead, everything - to the snowdrift!
A cuckoo cuckoo sewed a hood. He put on a cuckoo's hood: how funny he is in the hood.
The heron is wet, the heron is dry, the heron is stunted, the heron is dead.
Bristle at the pig, flake at the pike.
In Chita, Chitinka flows.
Not the one who is stupid in words, but the one who is stupid in business.
Cook Peter, cook Paul. Peter was swimming, Paul was swimming.
Chicken is a joke, motley,
Duck with sock is flat.
On the mountain by the river
Buckwheat was born.
There is a rook with a black rook in a garden on the ridge.
On Mount Ararat grabbed Varvara grapes.
As if on a hill on a hill, there are thirty-three Yegors.
Agrafena and Arina grow dahlias.
Cunning magpie catch the hassle
And forty forty - forty troubles.
Radish rarely grew in the garden,
The bed was rarely alright.
Khariton has four cancers and three newts in the aquarium.
Thunderstorm thunders, thunderstorm thunders, thunderstorm thunders while menacing.
Long tongue twisters for speech development
You need to start practicing with long tongue twisters after mastering the simplest ones. Such phrases are first sorted in terms of composition, and the lines are taught separately. Pronounce slowly, repeating particularly difficult places. Suitable for children of school age who can already memorize long poems and texts.
Traded Praskovya crucian
Three pairs of striped piglets.
Pigs ran through the dew
Piglets caught a cold, but not all.
(Letters: P, P)
The otter from the bucket jumped out
I spilled water from a bucket
Jump out she jumped out
To splash out she splashed out
And jump back yes to squeeze
I could not!
(Letters: B, D, P)
Forgot Pankrat Kondratov jack,
A Pankratu without a jack
Do not lift the tractor on the tractor.
And waiting on the tract jack Kondrat.
(Letters: P, P, T)
The tongue twister spoken tongue twister, pronounced
I didn’t utter it. Only everyone was talking
I did not want to pronounce the tongue twister anymore.
I went to steam the ears.
They asked the skorogovoruna: "Is the tongue twister great?"
And he said the tongue-twister: “No,” is his answer.
(Letters: B, K, L, P, C)
As you know, beavers are kind. Kindness beavers are full.
If you want yourself well, you just need to call a beaver.
If you are kind without a beaver, then you yourself are a beaver in your soul.
(Letters: B, P, D)
Once upon a time there was a pied chicken and a duck-tail.
The hen-pestoletchestka has flattened the cocks,
and the eastern tailed duck.
The poultry chickens have cocks,
and the eastern tailed ducks have the eastern tailed ducks.
(Letters: P, C, T)
Ships maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered but not caught,
That's what maneuver maneuver was caught,
That even tackers were caught and caught,
Because this maneuvering of all the forces of them caught.
(Letters: B, L, P)
King Clark steals,
Queen Carlisle has a dwarf.
The dwarf is Karl, and the dwarf is Klara,
Clara has a clarinet, Carl has corals.
Clara stole the corals from Carl,
And Karl stole the clarinet from Clara.
Clara has no clarinet, but there are corals.
Karl has a clarinet, but no corals.
Queen Carlisle Carala Clara
For stealing coral from dwarf Karl,
And Claric King Charles punished
The one who stole the clarinet from the stolen.
If Carl hadn’t stolen from Clara,
Clara wouldn’t steal corals,
Clarik would listen to his stolen clarinet,
And Carl gave Carlisle corals
Option on "P" hard and soft
Some people have an almost imperceptible problem with the pronunciation of the soft sound "p". For such cases, it will be useful to pick up tongue twisters for the letter "P", where both hard and soft sounds are combined.
A few examples are presented below:
Beaver is kind to beavers.
Baker Peter baked a pie.
In front of the crust box.
Three crows at the gate.
On the mountain, on the hill
Egor bitterly roars.
The radish and turnip have a strong root.
Three woodcutters in three yards chopped wood.
Cool mountain
There's a hole in the mountain
A mole hole is in the hole.
In the courtyard-courtyard -
In good health.
Brought Prov Egor
In the courtyard of firewood uphill.
In a hurry, spanking is not for future use, In a hurry is mopping for future use.
Three ravens at the gate.
Three magpies are on the doorstep.
Thirty-three wagons in a row
Chattering, chattering.
Rita has daisies, and Boris has barberries.
I walk around the cellar
I’m talking about the cellar.
Have ram horns
In the stove - three chocks,
Three geese, three ducks.
Our chebotar
To all the blacksmiths the blacksmith.
To no one of our work
Do not overdo it.
Do not pepper, Peter,
Piglet with pepper
And then you can cross
Piglet with pepper.
The beaver has a hat of good
And the beavers have a richer outfit.
It is necessary to engage in the development of speech not only in childhood. In adulthood, fuzzy pronunciation can cause more communication problems. At the same time, some are simply ashamed to contact a specialist with their problem. In this case, a person can independently improve his speech with the help of regular classes and tongue twisters.