Chicken eggs are a very nutritious, healthy dietary product. But most of us do not even suspect how many calories are in an egg, and what vitamins and minerals it contains.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Chicken eggs are distinguished by a rich chemical composition:

  • The yolks contain a record amount of vitamin A, and the brighter the color of the yolk, the more this element in it.
  • Also, eggs have a lot of tocopherol - a vitamin of youth and beauty.
  • Vitamin D is also contained in the product.
  • Yolks are rich in significant quantities with vitamins of group B. This, in particular, B12.
  • In addition, the product is rich in rare vitamin PP.
  • Of the trace elements, iron, zinc, magnesium and also phosphorus are present in significant quantities in it. A lot in the product and potassium.
  • A lot of chicken eggs and folic acid, which is especially necessary for women.

Chicken eggs must be on the menu of a healthy diet as a product that strengthens and gives strength and energy.

It is undesirable to eat raw chicken egg protein, as it contains substances that neutralize the action of gastric juice.

Many believe that protein contains cholesterol. In fact, this product contains little bad cholesterol, but includes useful, which is the building material for liver cells. Cholesterol is present only in the yolk, so doctors do not recommend consuming it in an amount of more than two pieces per day. But still, despite this fact, the benefits of chicken eggs in the diet are enormous.

The concept of calorie and bju eggs

The energy value of the egg is quite large. It contains a lot of protein, fats and carbohydrates, which determines this indicator.


There are 144 kcal and 10 g of fat per 100 g of product (saturated - 3 g, monounsaturated - 3.8 g, and polyunsaturated - 1.4 g).

Protein per 100 g of crude product contains approximately 12.6 g.

The carbohydrate content in an egg is about 0.9 g per 100 g of product.


Not everyone knows how many calories are in a boiled egg, and consider this product to be very high in calories. Indeed, a hard-boiled egg contains about 160 kcal per 100 grams of product.

After cooking, a hard-boiled egg has the following BJU indicators:

  • 12.9 g of protein;
  • 0.8 g of carbohydrates;
  • 11.6 g of fat.

Many diets for weight loss recommend eating boiled eggs as a source of protein, 1 pc. daily.

In a soft-boiled egg, the indicators of BJU are almost the same:

  • 12.8 g of protein;
  • 0.8 g of carbohydrates;
  • 11.6 g of fat.


And what is the calorie content of fried chicken eggs? Indeed, many start the day with scrambled eggs, and do not even suspect what nutritional value this dish has.

If the fried eggs are fried in sunflower oil, then its energy value is 180 kcal. In butter, the dish will already have a higher calorie content - about 275 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

Fried eggs has the following indicators BZHU:

  • 11 g of protein;
  • 0.7 carbohydrates;
  • 12 g of fat.

Fried eggs in oil have higher BJU levels due to fats.

The benefits and harms of the product

Doctors recommend to eat eggs, as their rich chemical composition contains the elements necessary for life. Eggs can have tremendous health benefits.

  • The diet in which this product is is an excellent prevention of the development of cardiac pathologies. Such a diet helps prevent the development of cataracts and has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.
  • The product strengthens the immune system and is beneficial for muscle tissue. It has beneficial effects on the skin, hair and nails, improves the condition of the teeth.
  • Eggs are very useful for men, as they increase sperm quality and potency.
  • For women, the most valuable component of a chicken egg is folic acid, which is necessary for the health of the genitourinary system and the carrying of a healthy baby.
  • Scientists have confirmed the fact that eating boiled eggs helps to lose weight.

Eggs are a natural antidepressant that boosts mood and protects the nervous system.

But eggs can be dangerous, and the main one is the risk of getting salmonella. Therefore, the product before use should be washed in warm water, and do not use it raw.

Despite the fact that the yolks contain cholesterol, which is potentially harmful, they also contain the substance lecithin, which balances the indicators of bad and good cholesterol in the body.

The benefits of eating eggs are huge. Both protein and yolk are very useful for people at any age. Together, these two components represent the perfect food. Proteins are perfectly absorbed, and the yolk is a pantry of vitamins and minerals. This product is affordable and difficult to replace with other foods of the same rich composition.