Not everyone knows how many calories are in an apple, and what is its energy value, although they consume this fruit almost every day. What is the use of apples, and when can they do harm?
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Chemical composition and nutritional value
The nutritional value of the fruit is very high, even though it is 86% water. These fruits perfectly quench your thirst, and due to their low calorie content, they are an excellent basis for weight loss programs and one-day unloading mono-diets.
About 0.4 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat and 9.8 grams of carbohydrates are per 100 grams of fresh produce. In addition, the pulp and skin contains dietary fiber - 1.8 g.
How many calories in an apple
- The calorie content of an apple with a fresh peel is 52 kcal.
- In a dried product, this figure is already 5 times higher, but the nutritional value is much lower. Calorie baked apple - about 47 kcal.
- Not everyone knows how many calories are in a green apple. The calorie content of green varieties is slightly less than red, and is only 35 kcal.
- Golden apples contain even fewer calories - only about 5-10 kcal.
In different varieties, the energy value and vitamin composition may vary, but slightly.
The content of vitamins, trace elements
The powerful antioxidant vitamin C is in excess in apples. They contain fruits and vitamins of group B, necessary for the smooth functioning of the nervous system and brain.
The pulp and peel of the fruit contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the heart muscle and blood vessels, as well as magnesium and calcium. Still in significant quantities in apples there are zinc, iodine and selenium, as well as copper and the rare element chromium. Valuable organic acids are also contained in them.
The benefits of fruit for the body
Scientists have done a lot of research on the nutritional value of apples. It turns out that the complex of phytonutrients valuable to the body in fruits is much wider than previously thought. One of the most important is quartzetine, and its main supply is concentrated in the peel. Phytonutrients block the malignant transformation of cells, which is why it is so useful to eat apples unpeeled.
- Also, these fruits contain flavonoids. Red apples are rich in anthocyanins. Most flavonoids are antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the body.
- The benefits of fruits are not limited to their rich chemical composition. The pulp contains dietary fiber and polysaccharides, as well as tannins and other very valuable substances.
- Special attention deserves a high percentage of pectins, which, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, increase significantly, and it is because of this that they stimulate motility. This is why apples are so beneficial for the digestive tract.
When using apples, it should be noted that raw fruits can lead to constipation, and baked or mashed in mashed potatoes, on the contrary, weaken.
Apples have a moderate choleretic effect and prevent the deposition of stones. These fruits are also useful for high cholesterol and liver problems.
Doctors recommend people suffering from gout and rheumatic pains to eat a few of these fruits per day. This helps flush oxalic acid out of the joints and reduce pain.
Baked fruits are absorbed in the intestines much better than fresh ones. They are used for constipation and dysbiosis. Baked dessert without sugar will help and adjust the weight. Pediatricians are advised to give baked apples to babies as a first feeding.
Contraindications apple
Despite all the benefits, sometimes it’s better to abandon this product.
- In such fruits, there is a lot of fiber and coarse fibers, therefore, with individual problems with the digestive tract, they are harmful. This applies to gastritis, ulcers and colitis.
- Carefully approaching the choice of a variety to people with an increased acidity function. In this case, you need to choose sweet varieties. With reduced function, sour apples should be preferred.
- In order not to buy a “chemical bomb” in the store in the winter, you should carefully select the fruit. Often the surface of apples is processed to increase shelf life and increase shelf life with paraffin. In this case, it is better not to buy fruit. However, in any case, apples must be washed thoroughly before use.
- May cause apples and an allergic reaction, especially red varieties. If there is a tendency to skin allergies, apples are used very carefully, choosing yellow and green varieties.
- Do not abuse the dried product, as it can cause bloating, gas formation. Suffering from diabetes should limit dried apples on the menu, as they contain a lot of sugar - up to 80 g per 100 g of product. Raw sugar contains only 10 g.
- Sour apples should not be given to young children.
The nutritional value of an apple fruit is high enough to put it on a daily menu. If there are no direct contraindications to the use of this dietary product, then it will only bring benefits to the body.