Beetroot is a healthy vegetable for children and adults, regardless of the method of preparation. But to get the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals from it will be exactly after baking or cooking. The last method of heat treatment of the product is the most familiar for modern housewives. And how many calories in the root crop are described below.
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The chemical composition of boiled beets
Beetroot is one of the few vegetables that is rarely consumed raw. Unless in salads, which are prepared to cleanse the intestines and to treat certain ailments. Most often, it is used in boiled form. For example, in soups (the most popular among them is borsch), salads, and spicy Korean snacks.
The vegetable under discussion has one important feature - during the heat treatment by any method, useful compounds and substances are not destroyed in it. Therefore, the use of boiled beets will also favorably affect the body, as if it were added to the raw menu.
The benefit of such a root crop is primarily due to its unique composition. First you need to note a very significant amount of vitamins. For example, several from group B, as well as C, E, A, PP, N.
In addition, beetroot contains such components:
- cellulose;
- choline;
- folic acid;
- several organic acids (including malic and tartaric).
Of course, not without numerous minerals indispensable for the normal functioning of the body. These are calcium, potassium, iodine and others.
Calorie content and nutritional value of root crops
It is not surprising that the use of boiled beets, even during the most stringent diets, is allowed in fairly large quantities. Vegetable after heat treatment is included in many therapeutic diets. If the slimming person wants to have a bite, then he can safely pamper himself with a juicy and sweet piece of boiled root vegetable, which will quickly satisfy hunger and cheer up. And a similar snack will definitely not hurt the figure. The thing is that the calorie content of boiled beets is only 49 kcal per 100 grams of product.
Of course, this figure will change if you use a vegetable with any additives. Do not forget that even the most harmless at first glance olive oil adds a calorie dish. What can we say about sour cream, cream, cheese and other similar additions. In addition, we are talking exclusively about beets, which are cooked on water.
Studying the nutritional value of cooked root vegetables, you need to talk about its other important components. For example, regardless of the methods of preparing a vegetable, there are practically no fats in it. But 100 g of the product contains almost 2 g of protein and about 11 g of carbohydrates.
Daily rate of consumption of the product
No matter how low-calorie boiled beets, it is wrong to talk about its use in unlimited portions. It is also necessary to take into account the state of the body of each person. For example, about the presence of any problems with the stomach and intestines. So, with irritable bowel syndrome, the permissible norm of cooked beets at one meal should not exceed 50–70 g. Similar restrictions are found with some other ailments.
Nutritionists note that the total daily intake of boiled product per day for an adult is 240-260 g. This amount of vegetable is quite difficult to use in its pure form without any additives. Therefore, most often it is served on the table, for example, in the form of a salad with low-fat sour cream, mayonnaise or oil. Vegetable with garlic goes well.
Another interesting option is to fill the beetroot half with a filling. To do this, a deepening is made in it with a spoon. It can be stuffed with a mixture of soft cheese, garlic and fresh chopped herbs, other ingredients. The result is a very tasty and healthy snack. Of course, if you choose a dish for weight loss, then such additives should be less high-calorie - diet.
Useful properties of a vegetable
The beneficial properties of boiled beets can be talked about endlessly. First of all, it is a soft and easy laxative effect after rooting. Therefore, if you need to quickly deal with constipation without negative consequences for the body, you should eat a large portion of grated vegetable with vegetable oil. It is advisable not to add salt to the dish.
In addition, the composition of boiled ripe root crops includes a large number of oxidants, which perform several tasks at once. For example, strengthening blood vessels and protecting the body from viruses, bacteria. Therefore, it is so important to introduce boiled vegetable into your diet in difficult periods of the off-season, when infections "walk" around.
The regular use of the root crop under discussion is a way of budgetary and safe prevention of atherosclerosis. It also helps in strengthening vision, restoring the normal functioning of hormones, the endocrine system. It also contributes to the improvement of the mucous membranes.
The vegetable also has numerous other useful properties:
- Accelerates and improves brain function and memory. If a person works a lot and constantly needs to be careful, focused, you need to increase the number of beets in the daily menu.
- This red sweet root crop favorably affects even the central nervous system. It is a natural substitute for antidepressants, as it is able to cope with seasonal apathy, helps to overcome stress. The diet, which includes a red vegetable, is often recommended for people suffering from a variety of neurological disorders.
- Some components of the cooked product have a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin. For example, they give it a more fresh, radiant and healthy look.
Particular attention to the root method obtained by cooking should be paid to the fair sex. So, folic acid, which is present in a rather significant amount in its composition, normalizes the hormonal background and greatly affects the appearance of the lady.
If the beet is regularly boiled, a representative of the stronger sex will regularly eat, then the risk of manifestation of many diseases dangerous to it will be significantly reduced. For example, prostatitis or prostate adenomas. Fresh beet juice is very useful for men, as it can preserve or even return a lost erection for a long time.
Contraindications, harm boiled beets
When it is decided to add boiled beets to your diet, you should carefully study not only the beneficial properties, but also the harm of such a product. So, people with high acidity of the stomach need to use such an ingredient with extreme caution. A root crop prepared in this way (or rather, vitamin C in its composition) worsens the patient’s health, increasing inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
If a calcium deficiency is detected, the vegetable under discussion should be removed from its menu for a while. It does not allow an important missing element to be absorbed.
For people with diabetes, both fresh and boiled beets are completely prohibited. Everyone knows that granulated sugar is obtained from it.
It is in a boiled form that the root crop is prohibited for diarrhea. Its laxative properties only worsen the condition of the patient.
If you take into account the list of contraindications and properly prepare beets, then it will bring the body only benefit. It is advisable to add to the menu it is vegetables personally grown at their summer cottage.