Undoubtedly, cottage cheese should be present in the diet of every person. It is useful for the musculoskeletal system and digestive tract. However, not everyone knows how many calories in cottage cheese, what benefits can be obtained from it if you want to lose weight.
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The chemical composition and energy value of cottage cheese
Perhaps, it’s no secret that cottage cheese is a product obtained as a result of milk processing. Therefore, it includes a decent amount of various nutrients that are found in dairy products. It is at their expense that one achieves a feeling of fullness.
To begin with, it should be clarified exactly what elements cottage cheese consists of, as well as what its energy value is.
Important! For weight loss, it is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese, fat content not higher than 2%.
The indicators are presented based on 100 grams of a 5% fat product:
the nutritional value:
- proteins - 17, 2 g;
- water - 68.5 g;
- fats - 5 g;
- carbohydrates - 1.8 g.
energy value (depending on fat content): 121 kcal.
The content of vitamins and minerals
Vitamins are one of the most important constituents of a product. After all, it is they who help the body function properly, participate in metabolic processes, and are also responsible for immunity and endurance.
It should be noted that the composition of cottage cheese includes a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, for example, such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, A, C, E, K. Also, the product is rich in iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium phosphorus, fluorine, folic acid. It is because of the content of these trace elements that cottage cheese is easily absorbed by the human body.
In addition, potassium and phosphorus contained in the product help in strengthening the skeleton. Cottage cheese is especially useful for children, women during pregnancy, as well as for patients with fractures.
How many calories are in a fermented milk product?
Calorie content of cottage cheese depends on the percentage of fat content. Depending on the fat content, the product can be classified as low fat, medium and very fat. The higher the fat content, the greater the calorie content. This must be considered when choosing a product.
So how many calories are in fat-free cottage cheese, and how many are in fatty?
The data on the calorie content of the fermented milk product is as follows:
- 0% cottage cheese (nonfat) - 71 kcal per 100 g;
- 2% of cottage cheese - 102 kcal;
- 4% - 104 kcal;
- 5 % – 121;
- 9 % – 169;
- 15 % – 200;
- 18 % – 236.
More often, home-made fermented milk product has the highest fat content, store-bought ones usually contain a low percentage of fat.
The use of cottage cheese for weight loss
It should be noted that cottage cheese is one of the most correct products for those who decide to lose weight. However, everything must always be approached wisely. Do not hope that you can quickly and in a short time lose weight by eating only cottage cheese.
With regular use in the diet of a dairy product with internal human processes, some changes occur. The body receives calcium in the required amount, which positively affects the digestion, strengthens the bones, improves metabolism, accelerates the work of the kidneys and, accordingly, eliminates excess fluid from the body. Also, cottage cheese accelerates the growth and strength of the nail plate and hair, favorably affects the general condition of the skin.
Nevertheless, despite the positive aspects, it is not worth abusing the curd diet. You can pay attention to such nutrition for a maximum of 3-5 days, and it is even better to arrange periodically unloading days on sour-milk products. Then about 500 g of cottage cheese should be consumed per day, dividing its intake into several portions - eat 250 g in the morning and evening.
Since this product perfectly satisfies hunger, with this nutrition, the feeling of fullness after breakfast will last until lunch, and in the evening it will help to calmly fall asleep on a full stomach.
It is also recommended when losing weight on a curd diet to observe simple, but important rules:
- eat exclusively fresh product (cottage cheese should have a white or slightly yellowish color, smell pleasant, be without a strange smell);
- drink as much liquid as possible (preferably clean boiled water);
- do not sprinkle cottage cheese with sugar; instead, add sour cream to the low-fat product;
- consume no more than 300 g of cottage cheese per day (and on a fasting day - 500 g).
Do not forget when losing weight and the proper combination of other products with cottage cheese. It should include prunes, honey, fresh herbs (dill and parsley), bread, vegetables and fruits in the diet. After all, they contain additional vitamins and nutrients.
In conclusion, it should be noted that with a competent approach to nutrition and the choice of products, you can not only achieve the desired result in losing weight, but also further improve your health.