Those who monitor their weight and adhere to proper nutrition, it is very important to choose healthy foods enriched with vitamins. Tomatoes are just such a vegetable. They are low-calorie, nutritious, contain a large number of trace elements. To find out how many calories are in a fresh tomato and how best to eat them, this article will help.
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The chemical composition of fresh tomato
This seasonal vegetable is a frequent guest in our kitchen. And if earlier it was available in fresh form only after harvesting, and in winter it was necessary to manage with pickled fruits, then now on the markets and store shelves there is an abundance of vegetable culture brought from southern countries. Therefore, you can pamper yourself at least every day with a salad of fresh tomatoes.
The composition of the vegetable includes quickly digestible carbohydrates, pectin, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, K, B1, B2, B5, B12, nicotinic acid. Of the minerals and trace elements present, potassium, cobalt, copper, chromium, molybdenum, magnesium, iron, manganese, sodium.
Such a rich content contributes to the proper functioning of the body, namely:
- Prevention of anemia.
- Maintain immunity.
- Improvement of the digestive tract.
- Excretion of fluids from the body.
Calorie content and energy value
Tomato is a dietary product. It can be safely included in the daily diet. Indeed, in 100 grams of vegetable contains a third of the daily intake of essential vitamins.
Calorie content varies depending on the method of preparation. In fresh vegetables without salt, it is equal to 20 kcal. Pickled tomatoes have a lower energy value of 15 kcal. But stewed and baked tomatoes are the most high-calorie - 25 kcal.
Of course, this indicator depends not only on the method of preparation, but also on the size of the vegetable itself. The larger it is, the higher the energy value.
Fans of diets especially emit tomato juice. Such a drink is extremely useful, because it is low-calorie (only 18 kcal per 100 g). Most fruits are in demand in the winter. From one drunk glass you can get the necessary supply of vitamins for the whole day. Many add juice to dishes instead of fresh vegetables or tomato sauce.
Thanks to the regular use of the drink, all processes in the body are stabilized, metabolism comes in order, blood formation normalizes. It has antimicrobial, choleretic, diuretic properties. Strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves heart function.
Useful properties of a vegetable
Tomatoes are very healthy. Their beneficial effects include the following health benefits:
- General condition improvement. The appearance of a sense of vitality, freshness, good mood.
- Normalization of digestion.
- The proper functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory system. Reducing blood cholesterol.
- Prevention of thrombosis.
- Regulation of the nervous system. They help to cope with depression and neurosis.
- Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
- Improving bowel function. Help with constipation.
- Strengthening the immune system. Preventing viruses from entering the body.
- Normalization of skin cells. Regular use helps minimize wrinkle formation.
- Nutrition, low calorie content.
Tomatoes are a real find for those who want to stay beautiful and healthy for as long as possible. Moreover, their benefits are not reduced by heat treatment, drying or freezing. Of course, the most useful are vegetables grown in your own garden. But in its absence, quality fruits bought in a store will do.
Use of a product for weight loss
The calorie content of fresh tomato is very small. Because the vegetable is often included in the diet menu. Due to the large amount of chromium, they significantly reduce appetite and give satiety for a long time.
In addition, this fruit accelerates the breakdown of fats, contributing to rapid weight loss. Effective weight loss is caused not by low calorie content of the product, but by its constituent acids, which contribute to the activation of metabolism.
Along with tomatoes, you can include cucumbers, lettuce, bell pepper, zucchini, daikon, radish, carrots in the diet. Throughout the diet, they can be consumed separately or as a combined dish. It is best to eat vegetables fresh or baked. In this case, they retain more vitamins that are important for maintaining balance during weight loss.
You should not choose mono-diets popular today, including only tomatoes in the diet. Such restrictions are fraught with serious negative consequences due to lack of minerals. It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of the vegetable will be much less than the energy spent per day. This means that the body does not have enough strength for full work, which will lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being.
Eating tomatoes regularly is a great way to lose weight and improve your health. But you need to do this only with a balanced and complete diet.