Everyone loves chocolate, but it is known that it harms the body, so it’s definitely not worth using an uncontrolled amount of such a product. Sweet tooth needs to think about how many calories are in chocolate, what kind of product generally exist and how it can be good or bad for their organisms.
Material Content:
Chemical composition and nutritional value
There are many different types and varieties of chocolate. To begin with, it is useful to consider the structural features of the species most popular with consumers by examining the tile of milk sweetness.
So, the chemical composition of the product includes: iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus.
The nutritional value of the product contains the following components:
- proteins - 7.7 g;
- fats - 27.9 g;
- carbohydrates - 58.4 g.
And also in the standard milk chocolate bar there are vitamins important for the body: B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, A, E, PP and K.
Note. Data may vary by brand and grade of chocolate. More detailed data should be read on the manufacturer's packaging.
The calorie content of chocolate of different types and varieties
Undoubtedly, the calorie content of chocolate is quite significant, but do not forget that the value of this indicator also depends on the type and composition of the product. There are several standard types of chocolate: dark (bitter), milk and white. In any of them, the presence of various fillings and additives is possible, which should certainly be taken into account when calculating calories.
Dark chocolate contains the least “harmful” elements to the figure.
Their number depends on the proportion of cocoa in the tile:
- 72% - 510 kcal;
- 85% cocoa - 530 kcal;
- 90% - 540 kcal;
- 99% - 533 kcal.
The latter species is very rare on store shelves.
Milk chocolate has a certain calorie content per 100 g of product:
- without additives contains 550 kcal;
- with different fillings - 541-570 kcal.
The studied indicator of white chocolate is slightly lower. If it is without additives, then in the tile you can count 541 kcal. With the addition of fillings, the figure increases to 562-572 kcal.
For those who want to lose weight, it is better to use bitter chocolate, while it is advisable to limit yourself to one slice per day.
Daily intake
Naturally, every sane person perfectly understands that it is not recommended to eat often and a lot of sweets. But at the same time, lovers of such a delicacy believe that if you use several slices of chocolate per day, they will not cause much harm to their own body. And this is not very contrary to the truth, because the daily rate of consumption of the product is approximately 30-50 grams, which corresponds to 3-5 segments.
If a person has health problems, for example, overweight, gastrointestinal tract diseases, allergies, then still you should limit your appetites. It is much more useful to significantly reduce the acceptable numbers for yourself or even remove the chocolate from the daily diet.
Useful and harmful properties of the product
Contrary to the widespread belief that chocolate is harmful, in fact, such statements should be taken critically. Each grade of this product has its advantages and disadvantages.
For example, bitter (dark) chocolate, due to the small amount of sugar contained in the product, can be consumed even with a diet.
Note. Information about what chocolate programs (menus) are can be found on the Internet or check with a nutritionist.
This type of product is also useful with the following manifestations:
- thanks to its chemical constituents (namely antioxidants) it helps to slow down aging;
- improves brain function and memory, increases concentration;
- helps to cope with various nervous disorders;
- promotes restoration of liver cells;
- favorably affects blood coagulation.
As for milk chocolate, it is useful for such properties:
- improves memory and brain activity;
- contributes to the normalization of the heart muscle;
- helps increase libido in women.
And also white chocolate is no less effective in preserving beauty, treating some ailments. This product is quite actively used in cosmetology, because it helps with skin rashes, prevents the formation of wrinkles, moisturizes the skin.
If you take it inside, then sweetness strengthens the immune system and helps the body absorb calcium so necessary.
Yes, of course, chocolate is a very useful ingredient, but this component also has some disadvantages. Perhaps the main disadvantage is the high calorie content. Therefore, experts too strongly are not recommended to feast on delicious slices too often.
And also the product is contraindicated for those who suffer from cocoa intolerance, are prone to obesity or have diabetes. Even such a sweetness can contribute to the formation of skin rashes (acne, acne, etc.), cause constipation, provoke the development of dental caries and vascular disease.
But not everything is so sad, you just do not need to be mindless about your health and absorb chocolate in unlimited quantities. The use of your favorite treats within reasonable limits will not bring any harm to the body. Moreover, the assortment of such products is now quite diverse, because everyone can choose for themselves what suits him or is more like him.