Many tend not to eat too nutritious foods. But do not be afraid of how many calories are in fat. After all, it is useful to eat pork delicacy, it is recommended to include it in the menu even for those who want to lose weight.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Slavic peoples consume mainly pork fat - hard subcutaneous fat of these animals. It contains about 1.5% protein and 5% water. The basis of the product is fats, the specific gravity of which is about 90%.

Fat contains other natural substances:

  • Acids of organic origin: stearic, palmitic, linoleic and others. Among them, one of the most useful is fatty arachidonic acid.
  • Micro and macro elements: selenium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorus.
  • Vitamins: A, D, E and many of group B.

The glycemic index of fat is low, as it lacks carbohydrates. The composition varies depending on what the pig was fed during the growing process. Pesticides, various hormonal additives in the animal’s menu reduce the nutritional value of the product and reduce its benefits to the body.

How many calories are in fat cooked in various ways?

Nutrition is influenced by the amount of meat layers in solid pork fat, its cooking methods and shelf life. Usually fresh product is sprinkled with plenty of salt. After that, he is kept for several days in a cool room, and then eaten. A delicacy prepared in this way is considered the most useful.

On average, 100 grams of product contains from 600 to 800 kcal.

How many calories are in salted fat depends on its structure. In products with a meat layer about 600-650 kcal, without a layer - 760-810 kcal. Over time, hard pig fat becomes a yellowish tinge, aging. This means that oxidative processes have occurred in it. The quality of such a product is declining.

Approximate calorie fat of other species (in 100 g):

  • boiled - 500 kcal;
  • fried - 750 kcal;
  • smoked - 750-820 kcal.

In the process of frying and smoking, carcinogens are formed. The boiled variety loses many useful properties during the heat treatment. You can eat boiled, smoked or fried lard, but in these cases the amount of biologically active substances and other useful elements is less.

Daily intake

There is no approved number of how much fat per day a person can eat.

This indicator is affected by:

  1. Floor. Consume more product is recommended for men. For women, norms are reduced, and in the children's diet, pig fat is used the least.
  2. Season. Experts say that in the cold period, the body especially needs fat.
  3. Physical activity. The more energetically a person moves, the more product it is appropriate to eat.

The minimum daily intake is about 10 g of fresh bacon per adult in the absence of contraindications. Men with significant physical exertion from time to time can afford up to 70 g, and women - up to 50 g of delicacy if they do not consume other fats. Fans of a high-calorie product should be moderate.

The optimal daily amount of fat in the menu for an adult is about 20-30 g.

High-calorie foods quickly saturate. It is appropriate to eat even with weight loss. The main thing is to eat fatty foods in the morning, do not overeat. This will recharge energy for the whole day, while the calories will not linger in the body in the form of excess weight.

Nutritionists recommend seasoning the product with garlic, horseradish, mustard or hot pepper. This approach improves the taste of the dish, increases the body's defenses and promotes better absorption of fatty foods. It is appropriate to use lard as a snack for alcohol. It is eaten immediately before drinking strong drinks. The delicacy slows down the process of fluid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, and thanks to alcohol, fat is digested easier.

Useful properties of fat for the body

How the use of a product will affect a person:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduce the risk of malignant tumors;
  • eliminate the effects of toxic substances;
  • normalizes the digestive tract;
  • reduce the effect of cigarette smoke on the body;
  • positively affects metabolism, cholesterol level and cell structure;
  • activates the movement of bile and the work of the excretory system;
  • stabilizes the hormonal background;
  • will improve brain activity;
  • Prevent premature aging
  • help maintain good vision;
  • protects against the development of diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • restores the structure of red blood cells.

For humans, lard is one of the main sources of animal fat.

What categories of the population to use it is especially useful:

  • with impaired reproductive function;
  • smokers
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people of advanced age;
  • Athletes
  • those who suffer from skin problems.

The practice of using pork fat externally:

  • With bruises or sprains, a little salty cold fat is applied to the damaged area.
  • Gruel from the pork product with the addition of garlic is used to temporarily relieve toothache.
  • Traditional medicine recommends that patients suffering from chronic bronchitis be treated with interior (and in the absence of and pork) fat.
  • In cosmetology, fat masks are prepared for the face.

Such fat is added to medicinal decoctions that strengthen hair and eyelashes. To protect the skin of the hands and lips from dryness from chapping will help the product, which includes castor oil, beeswax and melted lard.


Eating a lot of pork fat is not recommended even for those who have no health complaints. When taking small portions, lard splits without problems and feeds a person with useful vitamins of group D, helps to synthesize acids and is involved in the production of hormones. But if you overeat, excess fats can disrupt the functioning of the body and provoke the development of various diseases.

The product contains cholesterol, the excess of which can harm the body. With liver diseases and abnormalities of the gallbladder, it is better to refuse fat. To reduce the use of the product to a minimum should be overweight people.

For many years, fat has remained a sought-after product. It attracts with its natural composition and unique qualities. Experts confirm the value of the product for the human body.