Oatmeal may not be to your taste, but it is very healthy. This dish is ideal for weight loss. Those who want to lose weight should know how many calories in oatmeal, whether it can be eaten every day, and how it is useful for the human body.
Material Content:
Chemical composition and nutritional value
Oatmeal in the original version consists of kernels of oatmeal. However, there are still other types of oatmeal: crushed, crushed, polished, and the most popular option is cereal (familiar to everyone with oats). The main difference between the latter option and other types is the speed and ease of preparation.
If we talk about the chemical composition of porridge, it is rich in aluminum, iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus, fluorine. And also contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, A, C, E, H, PP.
The nutritional value of oatmeal is ideal for eating the product in the morning for breakfast.
The composition is as follows:
- proteins - 12 g;
- fats - 8 g;
- carbohydrates - 67 g;
- fiber - 13 g.
Note. Calorie content of 100 grams of crude product is 305 kcal.
Calorie oatmeal in water and milk
The calorie content of oatmeal directly depends on what it is cooked on - in water or milk. Undoubtedly, in the latter case, porridge will turn out to be more high-calorie, but also satisfying.
Oatmeal on the water is less calorie, but due to various additional additives you can get porridge no less nutritious and nutritious. In addition, such a dish will be especially useful for those who have lactose intolerance.
Nevertheless, the calorie content of oatmeal in water is 88 kcal, and in milk - 104 kcal.
Note.Caloric data are presented approximately, it is almost impossible to determine the exact figure.
Daily intake
The recommended daily intake of about 30-40 g in dry form. This amount is equal to 3 g of beta-gluten (fiber), which helps to normalize blood sugar, lower cholesterol and improves digestion.
Benefits for a daily diet and weight loss
Contrary to popular belief that oatmeal is a very healthy product, this is not entirely true. Only porridge that consists of whole grain cereals or whole meal is really useful. A quick product, as a rule, contains a smaller proportion of nutrients for the human body.
But still, oatmeal has a lot of advantages, so it should be included in the diet.
Here are some key benefits of oatmeal:
- contains a large amount of fiber (due to which the product is viscous, envelops the walls of the stomach well, preventing the formation of ulcers);
- helps to reduce cholesterol by 15-25%;
- strengthens the nervous system and improves sleep when eating porridge for dinner (this is due to vitamin B6, which is responsible for the amount of serotonin in the body):
- oatmeal contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates that break down for a long time and give a boost of energy for a long time;
- this porridge is also recommended for those suffering from type II diabetes (due to the consumption of oatmeal, blood sugar does not increase sharply, but gradually);
- the product helps lower blood pressure;
- due to the content of a considerable amount of calories, oatmeal helps to feel a longer feeling of satiety, especially if cooked with milk;
- prevents the appearance of oncology, improves the condition of the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles.
You can cook porridge with the addition of fruits, berries and dried fruits (apples, strawberries, bananas, raisins, blueberries, strawberries), with cinnamon, in water or milk, and even on not very fat cream. But instead of sugar for sweetness, it would be better to add a spoonful of honey.
It is worth noting that for those who decide to adjust their weight with this porridge, not every type of oatmeal is suitable either. To lose weight, coarse grits are preferred, best boiled in water without the addition of sugar, oil, and preferably without salt. Salt helps retain fluid in the body, and when losing weight, this is undesirable.
But not everything is so sad, with a diet, you can add baked pumpkin, chopped nuts (cedar, pistachios), sesame seeds, apples of sour varieties to porridge. It is better to refuse steamed instant porridge for weight loss.
Like any product, oatmeal has negative qualities:
- it is contraindicated for those who have gluten intolerance;
- porridge leaches calcium from the body, so you should not use the product thoughtlessly and in unlimited quantities;
- may cause bloating, diarrhea;
- some people don’t at all eat oatmeal, which can cause them to feel constant hunger and therefore feel uncomfortable.
In conclusion, it should be noted that oatmeal is rich in vitamins and nutrients, is a useful product. But still, before you go on an oat diet or actively include this product in your diet, it is best to undergo an examination to avoid possible unpleasant consequences.