How many calories are in potatoes are influenced by many circumstances. Refuse from a relatively nutritious product is definitely not worth it. After all, if the universal tuber is correctly prepared, then it can even be used to lose weight.

The chemical composition and nutritional value of potatoes

Percentage of various substances in a popular vegetable:

  • water - about 75%;
  • proteins - about 2%;
  • carbohydrates - almost 17%;
  • fat - about 0.1%

There are a lot of carbohydrates in potatoes. Among them, a significant proportion is starch. In the oral cavity under the action of enzymes, it turns into dextrins. Sucrose, fructose and other disaccharide substances nourish the body with energy and give a feeling of satiety.

Other useful compounds are also present in tubers. They have a rich vitamin and mineral composition, there are saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated acids, amino acids, macro- and microelements. The nutritional value of the product is high.In 100 grams of potatoes, about 80 calories.

In sunlight and during germination, tubers form solanine, a toxic substance that can cause poisoning. Most harmful compounds accumulate in the green parts of the root crop. Such areas must be removed before cooking potato dishes.

Calorie content with different cooking methods

The energy value of the cooked vegetable most depends on the type of cooking. The highest calorie content of fried potatoes. You can get a relatively dietary product if you boil root crops. The main thing is not to season them afterwards with fatty sauces and butter. How many calories are in boiled potatoes will also be affected by the nuances of cooking.

Approximate nutritional value of a ready-to-eat vegetable:

How to cook potatoesWhat will be the calorie content of 100 g of the finished dish, kcal
boil without peel66-80
in peel (in “uniform”)70-77
followed by the addition of low-fat sour cream80-90
followed by the addition of butter85-125
followed by frying in vegetable oil with onions120-140
mash water80-90
in hot milk90-110
with mushrooms100-110
in butter and milk110-145
with fat160-170
on a raw egg, no other additives120-130
bake in the oven without a peel70-80
in the "uniform"80-98
with vegetable oil117-200
stew without additives100-105
with vegetables and chicken135-150
fry in vegetable oil190-210
on lard200-220
in fat210-230
French fries310-350
purchased chips510-540
homemade microwave chips110-120

It is believed that for frying it is better to choose root crops with a red peel. They are usually high in carbohydrates. Light potatoes are more versatile. It can be stewed, baked, boiled. For mashed potatoes, tubers with a white core are most suitable.

Jacket boiled young potatoes are considered the most useful.

The following techniques will help to keep vitamins and other substances necessary for the body in it as much as possible:

  • Root vegetables freed from the peel are always kept in water;
  • it is advisable to clean them immediately before cooking, a maximum of half an hour before cooking;
  • before cooking, place in a pan with cold water, cover it in the process;
  • after boiling the liquid, cook over low heat, cover the container with a lid.

A vegetable is often present as one of the ingredients in complex dishes.

The approximate nutritional value of such a meal:

Name of dishIts calorie content in 100 grams, kcal
Potato soup40
Baked pies155
Fried pies180
Potato zrazy190-260

Calorie content of potatoes depends not only on the method of preparation. It is enhanced by other foods that make up the food. Therefore, the nutritional value of the same dish can be completely different.

It is recommended to eat a vegetable in the morning. This is especially true for those who care about harmony. If you eat potatoes in the evening, then carbohydrates do not have time to turn into energy and remain in the body in the form of fat deposits.

The content of vitamins, trace elements

The vegetable has a rich composition of micro and macro elements, minerals. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and sodium are present. There is a small amount of iodine, sulfur, molybdenum, manganese, silicon, zinc and many others. Among the vitamins, K, C, H, PP., As well as representatives of group B - B1, B2, B3, B4, B6 and B9 stand out. Fruits are saturated with essential amino acids, in particular methionine, threonine, tryptophan and leucine.

The amount of substances and their percentage may vary in different root crops. The indicators are influenced by variety, region and method of cultivation, conditions and shelf life of products.

Useful properties of the root for the body

The positive effect of potatoes on humans:

  • strengthens blood vessels and stabilizes the work of the heart;
  • corrects the content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric environment;
  • possesses antidepressant abilities;
  • acts as an antisclerotic;
  • cleanses the blood of harmful cholesterol, poisons and toxins;
  • activates the production of bile;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels;
  • struggling with high blood pressure;
  • boosts immunity;
  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • helps remove excess fluid from the body;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • reduces the risk of inflammatory processes.

A properly prepared root vegetable will benefit the body.

It is especially recommended to use it for such health problems:

  • kidney disease
  • arthritis and gout;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • metabolic disorders.

Caution should be taken with a starch-rich product for overweight people with diabetes. Potatoes have a high glycemic index: a vegetable raises blood insulin levels.

Nutritionists recommend eating moderate amounts of potatoes. The optimal servings for an adult are not more than 300 g per day, 3-4 times a week. With the right combination of root vegetables with other products, it is quite possible to lose weight. There is a special potato diet. It allows you to lose up to 5-6 kg in a week.

Vegetable is used in folk medicine. Boiled potatoes are inhaled for colds. Cosmetics are prepared from it to combat age spots, bruises and other skin problems.

Potato is one of the few versatile, affordable and delicious food products. With proper use, it will help maintain health, saturate the body with useful substances.