Having figured out how many calories you need to consume per day, any slimmer will be able to compose a competent right menu for himself. As a result, extra kilos will not accumulate and will always be able to maintain a perfect figure. The discussed parameter is different for the male and female body.
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Where do calories come from, what are they used for
Our body works precisely thanks to the calories that supply it with energy. We can say that our body burns them as fuel. Calories themselves come from food and drink, and many people who try to get rid of the hated kilos keep a strict count of them. This practice helps to keep fit and prevents the deposition of fat in problem areas.
Any human activity leads to the consumption of calories. Some losing weight believe that their burning begins only during active sports training. This is actually not the case.
Even the most commonplace everyday actions require energy, and hence calories. For example: cleaning the bed - about 32 kcal, visiting the shower - 38 kcal, washing dishes after eating - 48 kcal, hair styling - 137 kcal, fitting clothes - about 100 kcal.
We must not forget about basal metabolism. This concept means energy consumption for the basic needs of the body, without which its normal functioning is impossible. This is the synthesis of hormones and enzymes, sleep, digesting food, maintaining the immune system, respiratory function, etc. Therefore, calories are spent even in sleep and in completely paralyzed people.
There is even a special formula that allows you to determine how much energy goes when the body is calm. The result obtained after calculations helps to accurately calculate the optimal calorie content of your menu.
It should be noted that the number of calories burned when performing the same action in two different people may differ slightly. It depends on many factors, even on growth and initial weight.
How many calories per day are necessary for normal life
The total caloric content of the daily diet is also affected by the gender of the person. In men, it should always be significantly higher than in women.
Daily rate for women
With average data, the norm of calories per day for a woman is 2100. This figure is relevant for those cases when the girl is completely healthy, active enough and not trying to lose weight. If a young lady needs to lose weight, usually this figure is reduced to about 1400 kcal per day.
If the lady runs, dances, swims, works physically, is sick (the body spends energy on the fight against the disease), then the calorie content of her diet should be increased to about 2400 kcal. The indicated indicators are relevant for middle-aged women.
With age, it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of the menu, given the metabolism slowing down for physiological reasons.
For those who completely deny themselves physical activity, the discussed daily indicator should be reduced to 1300 - 1400 kcal.
Norm for men
The daily calorie intake for men is 2700 - 2800 units. This figure is relevant for young people under 33 years old. After the specified age, it will gradually decrease. So, after 48 years, a man already needs no more than 2500 - 2600 kcal in order for his body to work properly. If a person is active, then the indicator increases by approximately 400 - 600 kcal.
Counting for weight loss
To start the process of losing weight in your body, you need to correctly calculate the number of calories. A woman who avoids physical activity requires 1000 to 1200 kcal for the whole day. Men - 550 - 600 kcal more.
If a woman practices regularly, then in a day she should eat and drink 1900 - 2100 kcal. For men, 500 to 600 kcal is also added to the indicated figure.
The specific numbers depend on the level of physical activity and many other indicators, so the main principle is to eat less calories than to spend.
Nutritionist Recommendations
To make your food more healthy and low-calorie, you should exclude from the menu all kinds of sauces, frying oils and other similar additives. They do not supply the body with energy, but only "give" it extra calories.
It is best to switch to simple hearty dishes. For example, try to bake and cook, rather than fry meat, boil simple cereals as a side dish or chop fresh vegetables and herbs. If there is absolutely no taste without sauces, then it is best to prepare aromatic olive oil as an additive to dishes. To do this, it is infused with garlic and / or all kinds of spices. Such oil can sprinkle meat, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, season with vegetable salad, cover bread rolls.
If the person losing weight will strictly monitor the calorie content of the diet and at the same time try to add at least minimal physical activity to his life, then very soon the arrow on the scales will begin to strive for the desired figure.