Every housewife knows many recipes for dishes with mushrooms, so they are in demand. Some prefer to buy for future use, and then the question arises, how many fresh mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
It depends not only on storage conditions, but also on the quality of the product. It is important to purchase the freshest mushrooms. You can determine their “age” during examination, paying attention to the following points:
- The hat. It should be elastic, uniform white or light cream color. The presence of mucus or extensive darkening is a reason to refuse to buy.
- Leg. In a recently cut mushroom, it is dense. If you feel emptiness with light fingers, the product is already stale.
- Smell. Champignons have a pleasant “mushroom” aroma. Damp beginners begin to disappear, rot - unsuitable for use.
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How to store mushrooms - tips
Mushrooms should be processed and refrigerated immediately after purchase. At room temperature, even freshly cut copies are stored for no more than a day. And buying champignons in the market or in the supermarket, it is not always possible to determine how much time has passed since they were collected.
So that the product does not lose taste and useful properties, it is important to properly prepare it for storage:
- Refresh the leg by cutting it about 1 cm.
- Remove debris and dirt particles by gently touching the surface with a brush or the blunt side of a knife.
- Carefully inspect, cut off areas with darkening, if any.
- Wipe the mushrooms with a soft, dry cloth.
Attention! In no case should you wash or wipe with a wet cloth the mushrooms that are intended for storage.Moisture will provoke the process of decay, and the very next day they will become unusable.
There are several options for storing processed mushrooms in the refrigerator:
- In the tray for vegetables. Champignons will need to be laid out in one layer and covered with a cotton cloth.
- In a cellophane or paper bag. The first must be kept open, and the second must be carefully wrapped. No more than 300-400 g of product can be placed in one package.
- In a cloth bag. Packed in this way, it is best to keep specimens in the vegetable compartment or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In a bag they can be placed up to 500 g.
- In a plastic container. Mushrooms should be put in one layer and cover the container with cling film, in which to make several holes. The flow of air will slow down the process of decay.
The stocks will need to be “aired” every day, and if they are stored in a container covered with cling film, it will need to be changed daily. And also you need to inspect the mushrooms, and specimens that have begun to rot, immediately throw away.
Shelf life of champignons in the refrigerator and in the freezer
The shortest shelf life of mushrooms placed in a plastic bag or in a container covered with a film. They must be used within 3 days.
The specimens laid out in the vegetable tray will remain a little longer; they remain suitable for food for up to 5 days.
The champignons in a paper or fabric bag can be the longest in the refrigerator. They remain fresh for 5-6, and sometimes 7 days. Copies in store vacuum packaging are stored for the same amount of time, but after opening they must be used within 48 hours.
Important! Mushrooms that have been lying in the refrigerator for more than 7 days should be discarded, even if there are no signs of decay and the product looks normal. The fact is that a week after the cut, they begin to secrete toxins, which are a serious danger to the human body.
Mushrooms last much longer in the freezer. But about the timing among the hostesses there are disputes. Some argue that they need to be used within 30 days, while others are sure that nothing will happen to them in six months. It is better to stick to the “golden mean” and keep the product frozen for no more than 3 months, but only if the mushrooms are whole. Some manufacturers of chopped frozen champignons do not recommend storing opened packaging for longer than 10 days if the temperature in the freezer exceeds -18 ° C.