According to statistics, about 85% of all people on the planet suffer from chickenpox at least once in their lives. This virus is very volatile. Learn how many days chickenpox is contagious, learn from this article.

How many days does the incubation period for chickenpox last

Experts have determined that the incubation period of the disease is divided into 3 stages:

  1. The special Varicella Zoster virus enters the body and settles on the mucosa.
  2. The virus multiplies rapidly, it can be said to accumulate strength. Infection affects healthy cells of the body, penetrates the respiratory tract. Lasts up to 5-7 days.
  3. At the final stage, the virus enters the bloodstream, cells actively begin to produce antibodies to it. It was during this period that the first symptoms of the disease appear, which can often be confused with SARS.

On average, the incubation period of chickenpox can last up to 21 days. It all depends on many factors:

  • human immunity;
  • the presence or absence of chronic diseases;
  • age.

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I would like to dwell on the last factor in more detail:

  • babies - the maximum incubation period is 10 days;
  • children under 10 years old - 14 days;
  • adolescents - 21 days;
  • adults - 23 days.

Each case is individual, the presence of the virus in the blood can only be accurately determined by the results of a general blood test.

How can you get chickenpox

Getting chickenpox is pretty easy. Specialists identify several ways of transmitting the virus:

  1. Through the air. This route of infection is the most common.The virus is so volatile that upon contact with the patient the probability of illness is 96%. In this case, the infection quickly dies under the influence of sunlight and daylight.
  2. Through saliva. Pediatricians are actively reporting an increase in the disease in adolescents. The transmission path is simple - through kisses. The probability of infection is 99%.
  3. Through the skin. The percentage of such cases is very low. Infection can occur only with very close contact with a patient who already has papules on his body. Moreover, in a healthy person, the integrity of the skin must be impaired so that the contents of the pimple enter the bloodstream.
  4. Through the placenta. For pregnant women, chickenpox is dangerous. Especially the virus is insidious in the first trimester, when the laying of the internal organs of the fetus occurs. During this period, the chances of abnormal development of the embryo are great. These abnormalities will be clearly visible on ultrasound or screening. If such abnormalities are found, the woman is offered to have an abortion.

Since the virus is volatile, chickenpox, as a rule, affects children who attend preschool or school. If a case of an illness has been registered in the collective, then quarantine is declared. It lasts 3 weeks.

Is chickenpox contagious during the incubation period?

The greatest issues during chickenpox are the incubation period. Parents, having learned that one of the acquaintances with whom their baby was in contact, became infected, start to panic and ask the question: “Could our baby get the virus?”

If you contacted the patient 2-3 days before the rash appeared, then the probability of getting sick is very high and is almost 100%.

Why is chickenpox called an insidious disease? The thing is that before the appearance of the first acne on the body, it is impossible to accurately diagnose an ailment. Only the presence of papules is able to indicate chickenpox.

The first symptoms in children and adults

You need to know the first symptoms of chickenpox. You will be surprised, but this is not acne on the body.

The chickenpox virus in the initial stage manifests itself somewhat differently:

  1. The child complains of a headache, becomes lethargic, tries to lie down all the time. Many children sleep actively during this period. So the body retains strength, tries to fight the virus.
  2. Muscle aches, eye pain, photophobia.
  3. Lack of appetite. The kid even refuses his favorite treats.
  4. Sore throat or dry cough. This symptom appears after the causative agent reaches the respiratory tract.

This stage of the disease can last in crumbs up to 3-4 days, it all depends on its immunity. Many parents, and doctors, confuse the symptoms with SARS and the flu. The only thing that should alert is the lack of elevated body temperature.

The next stage is a rash on the body. The first acne appears in the abdomen, on the face, head. They look like a mosquito bite, but inside there is a noticeable point.

During the day, the crumbs can rise in temperature, sometimes up to 39 degrees. At the same time, she gets off quite badly, often she has to resort to the help of the ambulance brigade.

Then the number of pimples increases, they can be localized throughout the body, often affecting the mucous membranes. Doctors consider this course of the disease rather severe, often placing the patient in a hospital.

How acne is modified:

  1. Initially, these are small tubercles that protrude above the surface of the skin.
  2. During the day they increase in size, often merging with each other and forming large spots.
  3. Then they begin to fill with a clear liquid. If you see that there is pus inside the papules, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. Within 5-7 days, the papules dry out, small wounds covered with crusts form. They cannot be removed on their own, scars will remain on the skin.

In the normal course of the disease, chickenpox in children lasts an average of 5-10 days. In adults, these periods can significantly increase (up to 21 days), the disease is more difficult.

When chickenpox ceases to be contagious

During the period of illness, the child should not attend public institutions, and walking on the street is also not recommended.

The child ceases to be contagious 5 days after the onset of the last rash. That is why doctors recommend “tagging” new acne with green or fucorcin. Thus, it will be easier for specialists to determine the final stage of the disease.

Is there chickenpox prevention? The only way to protect yourself from the virus is to get vaccinated. But, according to doctors, this does not give a 100% guarantee.