Coughing is a common symptom of various diseases that people of all age groups face. For treatment, drugs are used in various forms, but despite the variety of drugs, the most convenient and popular remedy is cough syrup. When choosing it, one should be guided by three criteria: type of cough, age of the patient, composition of the drug.
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Inexpensive but effective dry cough syrups for children and adults
First you need to understand the type of cough. A productive cough develops due to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. Mucus must be removed, coughed or expectorated, otherwise a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of bacteria.
Dry cough is the result of stimulation of the cough center of the brain. This occurs with inflammation and irritation of the larynx. Reflex attacks, they are not associated with the accumulation of mucus in the lower respiratory tract.
Characteristic features of dry cough:
- lack of discharge (sputum);
- paroxysmal course;
- inflammation and irritation of the posterior wall of the larynx;
- sore throat.
During the attack, the nasopharynx is irritated, pain in the chest appears. The sound with a dry cough comes from the larynx.
The goal of unproductive cough syrups is to suppress the cough reflex.This allows you to stop bouts of nagging exhausting cough and improve overall health.
To get rid of cough as a symptom of ARVI and other diseases, adequate therapy is needed. The right decision will be to consult a specialist at the first manifestations of malaise.
Dry cough syrups act simultaneously in two directions - they suppress the reflex and eliminate irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. It is worth noting that some drugs for unproductive coughs contain components with an expectorant effect. They increase the production of natural mucus in the bronchi, thereby reducing chest discomfort. As a result of such therapy, a dry cough turns into wet, sputum is excreted by means of expectoration and recovery occurs.
Herbion with Plantain
The product contains only natural plant extracts and has a pleasant orange flavor. Herbion with plantain is a dry cough syrup that is allowed for children over 2 years old.
The basis is extracts of plantain leaves and mallow flowers. The product contains vitamin C and orange oil, which explains the specific aroma and taste.
The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition, urolithiasis, gastritis and gastric ulcer, severe kidney pathologies. Possible side effects are associated with allergic reactions (itching, urticaria). It should be noted that the preservative E 218, which is part of the composition, is a strong allergen.
Syrup is a central action antitussive. The composition contains butamirate citrate and ethanol. The peculiarity of the medicine is its sweet taste and vanilla aroma. The drug is allowed for use by children older than 3 years. The drug is prescribed for patients whose weight is more than 15 kg.
Syrup should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation, with individual intolerance to the components of the composition. It can provoke disorders in the digestive system, manifested by diarrhea and nausea.
Linkas is a cough syrup containing 10 extracts of medicinal herbs, including licorice and marshmallow. It is used only with dry cough.
The action of the drug:
- stops the inflammatory process;
- stimulates the secretion of mucus;
- thins and improves sputum excretion;
- relieves spasm;
- normalizes body temperature.
The drug is allowed to be used by children older than one year. The drug is not prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus, with hypertension, organic heart damage. The average course of taking the drug is up to one week.
Dr. Mom
A popular syrup that contains natural ingredients. The basis of the drug is 9 extracts of medicinal herbs and menthol, which facilitate breathing. Dr. Mom is a cough syrup for children over 3 years old. The components of the drug can cause an allergic reaction, therefore, intolerance to the composition should be eliminated before starting treatment.
The drug is recommended to be taken immediately after a meal, as it can irritate the gastric mucosa. The maximum allowable duration of treatment is 10 days.
Due to the herbal composition, the drug has a wide list of contraindications, among which:
- high pressure;
- hemorrhoids;
- bile duct obstruction;
- measles;
- diabetes.
The medicine cannot be used with other cough medicines. Syrup is forbidden to take with asthma.
Syrup Althea
Based on the extract of Althea officinalis. Marshmallow syrup is an expectorant of direct action. Suitable for children from two years old. The drug contains a small amount of alcohol, so it is recommended that children dilute the syrup with water.
The drug can be taken with dry and wet cough.
The peculiarity of the syrup is that it does not adversely affect the gastric mucosa, and therefore can be used for gastritis and peptic ulcer.The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the composition. For children under 2 years old, the drug is allowed to be used only as directed by a doctor.
Sinecode is a complete analogue of Omnitus. It contains butamirate citrate and ethanol, therefore, children under 3 years of age are not prescribed. Contraindications and precautions are the same as for Omnitus syrup.
As a rule, this drug is well tolerated by children and adults and does not cause side effects, except in cases of intolerance to the composition.
The tool reduces the intensity of attacks and stimulates the secretion of mucus.
The drug contains several active substances:
- salbutamol;
- bromhexine;
- guaifenesin;
- menthol.
This is a combined drug, the effectiveness and pharmacological properties of which are due to the action of the components that make up the composition. Ascoril should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Dosages are determined individually for each patient. Ascoril cough syrup has a wide range of contraindications and possible side effects.
Broncholitin is a popular mucolytic and antitussive drug. Refers to combination drugs. The main active ingredients are the alkaloid glaucine hydrobromide and ephedrine hydrochloride. The tool is used for various diseases accompanied by dry unproductive cough, including bronchial asthma and pneumonia. It features an impressive list of contraindications and side effects.
It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, therefore it should be taken long before sleep, otherwise there is a risk of developing insomnia.
Doctors recommend that you take the last dose no later than 16-17 hours to avoid the development of sleep problems. Broncholitin is unsafe, therefore, the course of admission should not exceed 5 days.
A syrup with a combined composition that simultaneously suppresses the cough reflex, stimulates sputum separation and facilitates breathing. It contains three active components - dextromethorphan, terpinghydrate, levomenthol.
The drug is contraindicated in bronchial asthma and in patients at risk of developing respiratory failure.
Syrup is not prescribed for children under two years of age. It has a sweet taste and fruity aroma. The duration of treatment is no more than 4 days. Increasing the course of admission is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor.
Syrup Josette
Another drug with a combined composition containing salbutamol and bromhexine is Joset syrup. The product reduces the cough reflex, stimulates sputum production, reduces chest discomfort and makes breathing easier. It is used to treat cough in adults and children over 6 years old.
The syrup is characterized by a large number of contraindications, including pregnancy and lactation, severe forms of renal, liver and heart failure.
Halixol is an expectorant syrup. The main active ingredient is ambroxol hydrochloride. The product is an almost colorless liquid with a slight yellow tint. The composition contains two flavorings - strawberry and banana. Indications for use - acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by impaired sputum separation.
A syrup liquefies sputum, promotes its excretion, eases cough, but does not affect the cough center of the brain. Thus, the tool does not reduce the frequency of attacks, but facilitates their course.
- Ambroxol intolerance;
- gastritis with high acidity;
- stomach ulcer;
- pregnancy in the first trimester.
The tool can be used independently for five days. If symptoms persist, consult a physician.
Lazolvan is one of the most popular drugs produced in the form of syrup.The main active substance is the drug Ambroxol.
Features of Lazolvan syrup:
- available in two dosages - 15 and 30 mg of ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup;
- can be used to treat children older than 2 years;
- It has a sweet fruity taste;
- does not contain alcohol and sugar.
The tool helps to thin the sputum and speeds up its excretion. It is used for various diseases of the bronchi, reduces irritation of the respiratory tract, relieves cough.
Children under 12 years of age are prescribed a drug in a dosage of 15 mg of Ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup. Syrup in a children's dosage is issued with different tastes - "peach" and "strawberry with cream". For children over 12 years old and adults, the drug is recommended in a dosage of 30 mg of ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup. Contraindications Lazolvan syrup are the same as Halixol, since both drugs contain the same active substance.
Bromhexine Berlin Chemie
Bromhexine 4 Berlin Chemie is an inexpensive cough syrup for adults and children. Contains expectorant and mucolytic drug bromhexine. The drug is prescribed for any cough, which is characterized by increased viscosity of sputum, which prevents its elimination. The product does not contain alcohol and is approved for use in pediatric practice. The drug contains fructose, therefore it is not used for intolerance to this substance.
Syrup is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer and with an allergic reaction to the components of the composition. Children under two years old are allowed to use the drug, but only as directed by a doctor.
Syrup Ambroxol is an affordable analogue of the drugs Lazolvan and Halixol. It has the same contraindications and side effects. The drug is available in a dosage of 15 mg ambroxol in 5 ml of syrup. The method of application and dosage are fully consistent with the features of taking drugs with the same composition.
Inexpensive but effective wet cough syrups for children and adults
A common problem with a wet cough is the inability to clear your throat due to thickening of the secretion. In therapy, expectorant and mucolytic agents are used, which dilute sputum and contribute to its rapid elimination. This prevents the development of secondary infections, since the accumulation of sputum is a favorable environment for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms.
Features of wet cough:
- the presence of discharge (sputum);
- wheezing and wheezing when breathing;
- irritation of the throat and larynx due to sputum production.
In the vast majority of cases, a wet cough is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as it is a characteristic symptom of various viral and infectious diseases. Syrups with this cough quickly relieve symptoms and reduce discomfort.
Ambroxol-based syrup that makes coughing easier when sputum thickens. Contains 15 mg of active ingredient in one scoop (5 ml of syrup). The tool belongs to mucolytics.
Ambrobene has a sweet taste and raspberry aroma. It is approved for use in pediatric practice. The drug has a weak anti-inflammatory effect, reduces sore throat when coughing.
Syrup is prescribed with caution to patients with severe forms of renal failure. Contains fructose and sodium saccharin, which should be considered when taking the drug.
An effective remedy for facilitating the elimination of sputum with a wet cough is a carbocysteineFluditec syrup. It is used for various disorders of bronchial secretion and thickening of sputum. The syrup is available in two dosages - 2% and 5% of the active substance.
Fluditec 2% is intended for children aged 2-15 years. It is a clear orange liquid with a characteristic banana flavor. Adults appoint Fluditec 5%. It is a pale green liquid with a caramel flavor and a sweetish taste.
Contraindications - intolerance to the components of the composition, gastric ulcer, pregnancy.
Herbion with a primrose
The preparation contains only plant extracts: primrose root, thyme herb, levomenthol. The syrup facilitates a wet cough, improves sputum excretion, and normalizes respiration. Recommended for children over 4 years old.
The tool can not be taken with bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer and intolerance to the components of the composition.
An effective and safe herbal preparation with an expectorant and mucolytic effect is Gedelix syrup. It contains ivy leaf extract. As prescribed by the doctor, the drug is allowed to be used for children 2-4 years old. For children under two years of age, the drug is contraindicated.
The syrup contains fructose, it can not be taken with intolerance to this substance. Concomitant use of Gedelix with other cough medicines is not recommended.
Perhaps the most famous cough medicine tested by time is Pertussin. It contains thyme and potassium bromide extract. It is distinguished by its recognizable taste and specific smell, the color is from light to dark brown. Allowed to take the drug for children older than three years. Young children are advised to dilute the drug in water, since the syrup contains ethanol.
The medicine is contraindicated in case of intolerance to bromides, with low pressure, heart failure and during the period of gestation.
Prospan is a cough syrup for children from 1 year old. It contains ivy extract. The medicine has an expectorant, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effect. It is a light brown syrup with a sweet smell and a pronounced aroma of cherries.
The tool should not be taken with intolerance to fructose or components of the composition.
Inexpensive but effective cough syrups for the smallest
Preparations for the treatment of cough in babies up to a year should be selected only by a doctor. In some cases, it is advisable to use herbal remedies, up to medicines prepared according to traditional medicine recipes. Today, doctors increasingly agree that the most effective methods of treating cough in the smallest are optimal humidity in the child’s bedroom, drinking plenty of flu and treating the underlying disease, the symptom of which is cough.
Without prescribing a doctor, babies should not be given any drugs. Even the most harmless herbal syrup with a herbal composition can cause a severe allergic reaction and lead to the development of dangerous complications.
Mucolytics for babies
Mucolytics are sputum thinners. They are not prescribed for dry cough, since they do not stimulate the secretory function of the bronchi, but only facilitate the elimination of already accumulated sputum. Children are not recommended to take such funds.
In many countries, mucolytic drugs are prohibited for the treatment of cough in children under two years of age.
This is due to the fact that the baby's body can not yet fully cope with the cough reflex. Mucolytics make sputum more fluid, but the baby cannot cough, so the discharge accumulates in the nasopharynx. This can lead to inflammation.
Moreover, the effectiveness of these drugs remains in question. They do not treat a cough and do not even alleviate its symptoms, but only slightly accelerate the process of eliminating sputum. More gentle means can cope with this task.
To combat cough in infants up to two years of age, it is recommended:
- lavage of the nose;
- heavy drinking;
- humidification of air.
If the intensity of the cough does not decrease within a few days, you should consult a doctor, but do not try to give the child mucolytics on their own.
If mucolytics contribute to thinning sputum, expectorants stimulate mucus secretion. They are used for unproductive cough.The main danger in the treatment of cough in babies of the first months of life is the accumulation of sputum in the nasopharynx, which can cause serious complications. In this regard, expectorants should be used in children older than 1 year, but not in newborns.
Syrups allowed for children 1-2 years old:
- Linkas;
- Prospan;
- licorice root syrup.
All these drugs are distinguished by their natural herbal composition, do not contain alcohol and are used in pediatric practice. It is allowed to take Prospan syrup for infants, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Dosages are selected individually for each patient, depending on the age and weight of the child.
Prohibited Means
Any medication for treating cough in a child under 4-5 years old should be prescribed by a doctor. Inadequate therapy can lead to serious consequences.
The following drugs are prohibited for children under 2-3 years old:
- ambroxol;
- bromhexine;
- acetylcysteine;
- carbocysteine;
- guaifenesin.
It is important to remember: regardless of the patient’s age and type of cough, be sure to increase the amount of fluid consumed and take care to create the optimal microclimate at home. These simple measures help speed up recovery and get rid of both dry and wet coughs faster.
- Tatyana