Every day breeding institutes work on the cultivation of various varieties and hybrids of plants, including decorative lilac bushes. The results of continuous work were reflected in the appearance of a wide variety of shrubs, differing in the shape of the crown, the structure of inflorescences, as well as the color of the latter. The lilac "Primrose", distinguished by a yellow color, is a vivid confirmation of this.

Plant description

Yellow lilac "Primrose" is represented by shrubs with a lush crown formed by sprawling shoots, which are covered with dark green foliage of a heart-shaped. The height of the bush can reach 3.5 m with a diameter of 2.5 m. In late spring - early May, flowering is noted, in which buds painted in light green bloom. In the blossomed state, flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter, collected in panicles, have a yellow color, which, when burned out in the sun, becomes almost snow-white. Lush inflorescences exude a rich, heady aroma that captivates the hearts of others.

Popular varieties of lilac Primrose

Golden lilac is represented by the only Primrose variety, which is also found under other names:

  • Gerrita Maarse;
  • Yellow Wonder.

How to plant a plant on the site?

Primrose lilacs are planted in the second half of summer in sunny areas well protected from the wind. In the absence of open space, you can place a shrub in a slightly shaded area.

When choosing a site, it should be remembered that lilac prefers light, fertile soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. If acidic soil prevails in the cultivation area, then it is necessarily lime.

When carrying out planting:

  1. A pit is dug with a size of 50x50 cm (in sparse soils, the parameters can be slightly increased to accommodate a larger amount of fertile substrate).
  2. With close occurrence of groundwater, drainage material is placed at the bottom of the pit.
  3. After the seedling is installed in the hole, the free space is filled with a fertile soil mixture of compost with the addition of superphosphate and wood ash.
  4. At the end, the trunk circle is trampled and watered.

Attention! During group landing between the landing pits, an interval of 1.5 m is maintained, which can be reduced to 1 m during the formation of a hedge.

Outdoor Care

Successful cultivation, in which the gardener will annually enjoy abundant flowering and high decorative qualities of lilacs, involves the implementation of simple, but mandatory measures for caring for the plant.

  • Watering. A drought-tolerant variety of yellow lilacs, appreciated by gardeners who rarely visit the cottage, does not need abundant watering, being satisfied in adulthood with natural rainfall. Additional hydration is recommended for young specimens, and for adults during periods of prolonged drought.
  • Soil treatment. To maintain the cleanliness and friability of the soil in the near-stem circle, you should sometimes loosen it and clean it of weed vegetation. As a natural cultivator, you can use a layer of mulch from peat or sawdust.
  • Fertilizing and fertilizing. With additional dressings, which begin to be carried out from the second year of plant development, preference should be given to organic. To ensure lush flowering and strengthen immunity every autumn, it is recommended to introduce phosphorus-potassium agrochemicals.
  • Preparing for the winter. A frost-resistant shrub after reaching the age of three does not need shelter for the winter. However, younger and immature specimens in areas with severe weather conditions should be protected by mulching the trunk circle and covering with spruce branches.
  • Protection against pests and diseases. Lilac Primrose is resistant to damage by diseases, which are most often manifested in the form of rot when planting a bush in an area with a high occurrence of groundwater. As preventive measures against the development of fungal diseases, spraying the bush in early spring with a copper-containing fungicide should be carried out. Among pests that damage the decorative effect of lilacs, gall mites stand out, which insecticides will help to cope with.

Primate lilac pruning after flowering

When the inflorescences dry up, they should be removed with special care, since flower buds are located in the upper part of last year's shoots, the damage of which will negatively affect future flowering.

For sanitary purposes, pruning is carried out in early spring, when dry, diseased, and growing inward branches are removed.

Plant propagation methods

Due to the poor rooting of cuttings of lilacs, at home it is recommended to use reproduction by layering.

When carrying out such a reception, the following actions are carried out:

  1. A young, lignified shoot is selected.
  2. A groove is made in the trunk circle, where the selected shoot fits.
  3. The layer is pinned and sprinkled with soil so that the upper part remains on the surface of the earth.
  4. After rooting in early autumn, the cuttings are separated from the mother plant and divided into parts, each of which should have shoots and roots.
  5. Delenki land in a permanent place where they take refuge from the winter cold.

Use in landscape design

Yellow lilac due to its original coloring is very appreciated by landscape designers.

They use it:

  • when forming hedges;
  • creating shrubbery ensembles using other flowering bushes, including other varieties of lilac purple, lilac and white flowers;
  • Shading the composition of spring flowers in the front gardens and flower beds;
  • for landscaping and decorating front staircases and central entrances.

Thus, competent planting and care of yellow lilacs is the key to the annual abundant and fragrant flowering of a lush shrub, distinguished by its special tenderness and beauty.