The main problem of modern cold medicine is addiction, which causes any drug on a chemical basis. Sinupret is a herbal remedy recommended for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. But it also has a number of application features, which must be familiarized with before therapy.

Composition and release forms

Sinupret is widely distributed in pharmacies in the form of oral drops and tablets.
Drops - in bottles of dark plastic with a volume of 100 ml, the liquid inside is clear or with a tan, bitter taste, with a strong herbal smell.


The main substances of the preparation: extract from gentian root, sorrel leaves, elderberry inflorescences, verbena, primrose, ethanol (19%). An additional component is water.

The second form of release is small tablets, convex on both sides, coated with a green shell. The active elements are similar, but present in the composition not as an extract, but as a milled dried raw material. Additionally, aluminum hydroxide, indigo carmine, ricin oil, calcium carbonate, silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide, lactose monohydrate, talc, sucrose, starch, gelatin, glycol wax, stearic acid, sorbitol, riboflavin, copper chlorophyllin and purified water are also contained.

What is the drug prescribed for?

Sinupret is a herbal preparation that comprehensively affects the body.

It has the following effects:

  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • secretolytic (sputum thinning);
  • secretory motor (expectorant);
  • immunostimulating.

Removal of inflammation and removal of sputum from the lungs is explained by the presence of gentian and verbena in the extracts. The combination of the latter component and sorrel makes Sinupret an effective antiviral and antibacterial agent. Primrose extract increases the protective function of the body, acts against viruses that cause colds and flu, helps to strengthen the immunity of children in the season of outbreaks of respiratory diseases.

The use of the drug allows you to relieve swelling of the sinuses of the nose, to reduce the release of viscous exudate, including when coughing, which relieves congestion, allows air to properly ventilate in the respiratory system. The high content of natural components that are active against viruses increases the body's ability to resist disease. Antibiotics in combination with Sinupret become more effective.

The drug is indicated for infection with influenza A virus, parainfluenza, other respiratory syncytial viruses, with acute or chronic sinusitis (sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinus, frontitis - frontal sinus, sphenoiditis - sphenoid sinus, ethmoiditis - inflammation of the ethmoid mucosa).

Symptoms of such disorders include a runny nose with watery or mucous secretions, congestion, sneezing, coughing (dry or with sputum), fever, general weakness, drowsiness, loss of appetite.

Read also:nasal congestion without a cold: causes and treatment

Instructions for use Sinupret

Despite a small number of negative manifestations, it is important to maintain a clear dosage for an effective and balanced treatment. With unreleased viral diseases, tablets are more often prescribed, with complex forms or for a quick recovery - drops.

Sinupret tablets

Dragees are usually taken after breakfast, dinner or another meal, washed down with one or two glasses of water or other liquid.
Immediately before therapy, you need to clarify the dosage at the doctor.

If not assigned another, then the standard norm:

  • adults and children after 12 years - 2 tablets;
  • children (6-11 years old) - 1 tablet.

For both age groups, dragee administration is prescribed twice a day.
With special attention to the choice of Sinupret should be given to people with gastritis, stomach ulcers and other dyspeptic disorders.
The duration of treatment depends on the type and severity of the disease, but usually lasts 7-14 days.

If therapy has not yielded results or a relapse is observed one to two weeks after recovery, you should not self-medicate, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Drops for oral administration

With ENT diseases, Sinupret drops are alternatively prescribed. Before taking the vial with the liquid must be shaken vigorously to shake the contents. Drip into a spoon or any suitable container. Adults drink Sinupret undiluted. When treating children, you can add the drug to juice or sweetened tea to neutralize the characteristic bitterness and improve the taste.


  • children (2-5 years old) - 15 drops (0.9 ml) three times a day;
  • children (6-11 years old) - 25 drops (1.5 ml) three times a day;
  • adults (over 12 years old) - 50 drops (3 ml) three times a day.


Therapy should be continued for one or two weeks. Do not use the solution after the expiration date. If the liquid in the vial becomes cloudy or leaves a small amount of sediment, continue to use without concern.
The drug is not intended for the treatment of children who are under 2 years old.

Pregnancy and lactation

Despite the fact that there are no specific contraindications for the use of the drug during pregnancy or during breastfeeding, it is imperative to consult a doctor before treatment. He may appoint Sinupret if he considers that the use of the remedy exceeds the possible harm.
There is no data on the ability of the components of the drug to penetrate into breast milk, so doctors refrain from using Sinupret for lactation.

Drug Interactions with Other Drugs

There is no information about the negative manifestations of the combination of Sinupret with other drugs. It is known that the use of antibiotics enhances the effect of the latter, therefore, with the defeat of the respiratory tract by bacteria, this herbal remedy is standardly prescribed.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

As previously indicated, it is necessary to carefully treat Sinupret therapy for patients with gastritis, stomach ulcers and other disorders in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Drops contain 19% of medical alcohol, therefore, this form of release of the drug must be discarded to people suffering from alcoholism, who are on treatment for this disease or after it.

When taking doses exceeding the described norm, use the drug with caution in patients with epilepsy, impaired liver or brain function.
Composed of fructose, sucrose, lactose and galactose. If a person has hereditary intolerance to one of the substances, the drug should be discarded.

It is also contraindicated in the presence of acute allergic reactions to plant or additional Sinupret components.

Side effects are rare, but sometimes discomfort and disruption of the stomach and intestines are recorded: pain, bloating, stool disorders, etc. Allergic reactions caused by personal intolerance can appear as redness in various parts of the skin, itching, less often - swelling and swelling of the face and other parts of the body, Quincke's edema.

There were no cases of overdose in medical practice. An increase in the side effects described above, general symptoms of intoxication are expected.
For any negative manifestations, you should immediately refuse to take the drug and seek advice from the ENT specialist.

Analogs of Sinupret

Analogues of this drug include drugs that have a similar effect (relieving inflammation, eliminating sputum, strengthening the immune system), made on natural raw materials:

  1. Tonsilgon is a medicine often used for pharyngitis, laryngitis or tonsillitis. The composition includes chamomile, horsetail, marshmallow root, oak bark, dandelion and walnut leaves. Quickly relieves inflammation in the throat, soothes pain, strengthens the immune system, is aimed at influencing the flu and other similar viral diseases. The advantage is fewer side effects, the possibility of use for children at an early age.
  2. Korizaliya - another homeopathic remedy, is used to eliminate rhinitis. The effect is narrower: inflammation, swelling, sneezing, rhinorrhea are removed. It is used not only for the symptomatic treatment of viral diseases, but also for relieving allergy symptoms.
  3. Rinofluimucil is an artificial preparation of local action in the form of a nasal spray. It is prescribed for rhinitis and sinusitis, the course of treatment is shorter than for similar herbal medicines, but there are more side effects.
  4. Gelomitrol - an analogue of Sinupret based on mitrol, has an anti-inflammatory, secretolytic and antimicrobial effect. Available in capsule form. Contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 10 years old.
  5. Remantadine is a cheap but not the most effective drug for treating viral diseases. Release form - capsules containing 100 mg of remantadine hydrochloride. It has a systemic effect, but is reflected in the body with a large number of side effects.
  6. Umkalor is a remedy created on the basis of the root of pelargonium. It is prescribed for almost all viral diseases of the respiratory system. In terms of effectiveness, it is comparable to Sinupret.

The following drugs have similar effects:

  • Erespal (syrup);
  • Rinikold broncho;
  • Ingafitol;
  • Bifox;
  • Gentian compositum;
  • Imupret
  • Cofanol;
  • Rinofluimucil;
  • Malipin.

Sinupret is a safe herbal remedy for getting rid of rhinitis and sinusitis, with an additional antiviral effect. For mild colds, it can be used on its own, but in other cases, prior approval by a doctor is necessary.