In 2018, the popular YouGov service conducted a survey that made it possible to find out that the most favorite color among the inhabitants of the Earth is blue. Most fans of turquoise colors live in the UK (33%), and least of all they are loved in Indonesia (23%).
What can love for cold shades say? And what does the blue color symbolize in psychology?
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The meaning of blue in psychology
According to psychologists, people whose favorite color is blue have a number of qualities, including:
- Perfectionism. As a rule, the pursuit of ideal in everything is characteristic of people in creative professions.
- Decisiveness and at the same time a diplomatic approach to the outbreak of conflict situations.
- The intransigence, self-confidence inherent in people with an analytical mindset.
- Organization. Sky tones help focus.
Speaking of the psychology of relationships, the blue symbolizes fidelity and stability. It is possible that a person choosing cornflower blue shades is a calm, melancholic personality, depending on the opinions of others.
What is associated and what symbolizes
It is generally believed that the heavenly color symbolizes peace and tranquility. At the same time, dark sapphire is a shade of masculinity and cold determination, prudence.
Azure tones can be associated with such concepts:
- power (leadership, corporation, primacy);
- sports (endurance, energy, activity);
- peace (peace, passivity, relaxation);
- technology (progress, future);
- honesty (reliability, confidence).
Often items of clothing in bluish tones are used by the leaders of various prosperous enterprises. Calm and confident colors represent power and encourage others to follow the leader.
Interpretation of color depending on the shade
Psychologists attach a certain importance to various shades of sapphire:
- Blue. Tone of naivety, peace, dreams. It helps to calm, as if lulls, but at the same time, it can reduce the concentration of human attention.
- Indigo. A similar shade can cause apathy, a depressed mood, melancholy, and longing. Preferring indigo people tend to plunge deeply into their joyless thoughts.
- Sea wave. Helps to feel its significance, to gain self-confidence. This color is better for people who know how to control emotions. It is also suitable for those who crave public recognition and support from others.
Selectable shades can affect the performance and mood of a person. Cold color schemes in clothes and interior are a peculiar indicator of personality character.
What can color say in clothes, interior
A rich sapphire tone relaxes and pacifies a person, immersing him in personal experiences. Therefore, cold shades should not be used to design rooms where it is necessary to be active. So, for example, do not bother with blue when designing an office. It is best to use it only in interior details.
Some statistics. According to psychologists, men prefer saturated blue. That is why its shades are often found in the interiors of a bachelor’s home.
All tones of turquoise combine well with gray, orange, and yellow. Choosing this combination, you can make the room more lively.
As for the wardrobe, the blue color in clothes is often chosen by people who feel the need for attention of others. Psychologists recommend choosing celestial shades for people prone to mood changes. Some image makers advise businessmen to complement the image with elements of strict cold tones. This approach is able to characterize a person as a reliable partner.
Positive, negative impact on people
There are two aspects of turquoise color schemes: positive and negative. In the first case, cornflower-blue tones personify calmness, and fortitude. They inspire accomplishments, help clear oneself of negative thoughts.
On a note. Those who want to feel the magic of the heavenly color, should turn to him in moments of stressful situations. You can take a full glass of water and spread a blue sheet of paper under it. Next, you should comfortably sit on a chair or sofa and calmly observe the liquid for about 10 minutes. After the specified time, water from a glass is drunk in small leisurely sips. Amazing moisture, which received a charge from a sapphire leaf, has a positive effect on the subconscious.
However, “frosty” tones have a negative connotation. It consists in the manifestation of vindictiveness, coldness and weakness and can act as a companion of sadness and depression.
Did you know? In English, there is the expression “feeling blue”, which literally means “feeling blue”, i.e. to be sad. In addition, the blues music genre is also directly related to the word blue. It is no secret that the sounds of blues are often melancholy and capable of loading the listener into their inner world.
So, blue is certainly a favorite among the rest of the tones. The main thing, psychologists recommend, is not to "dive into the blue" too deeply. Otherwise, a lover of the “cold” around himself may simply not notice how melancholy and spleen will drag him.