Measles is one of the most dangerous respiratory diseases. The causative agent of the infection is Polinosa morbillarum. Symptoms of measles in adults are much more pronounced than in childhood. Consequently, the disease is more severely tolerated by adults and has more serious consequences.
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Symptoms of Measles in Adults
The signs of measles in an adult are practically no different from those that manifest themselves in childhood. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that in an adult, the disease is much more severe.
- fever, the temperature is kept at around 38-40 degrees;
- bowel dysfunction;
- weakness;
- bruising
- dizziness;
- age spots on the skin, peeling of the skin;
- bad sleep;
- lack of appetite;
- skin rash;
- hard breath;
- large spots of red hue appear in the sky - measles enanthema;
- conjunctivitis;
- hoarseness in voice;
- cough;
- inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract.
First signs of the disease
Almost all viruses are caused by acute respiratory pathologies. Initial measles symptoms can be seen as early as the catarrh.
These include:
- weakness;
- a sharp deterioration in general condition;
- headache;
- fear of light;
- decreased appetite.
In addition, there is a sharp increase in body temperature, often its indicators reach a mark of 40 degrees. And there may also be cramps, runny nose, wheezing, sometimes the patient loses consciousness.Very often measles is accompanied by symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia.
Incubation period
After the infection has entered the body, the incubation period begins. On average, it lasts from 7 to 14 days. The patient continues to feel well, there are no signs of the development of the disease. The virus begins to multiply on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
During the latent period, the patient already carries a danger to others. Intensive spread of the virus occurs 2 days before the rash appears and ends only on the 4th day.
Catarrhal stages
There are three stages of measles development:
- Catarrhal, which is also called primary. It occurs immediately after the incubation period and is characterized by an acute manifestation of many symptoms. Catarrhal phenomena can be: general weakness, poor health; redness in the eye area; lack of appetite; headache; temperature rise. After all this, a severe runny nose may appear, there have been cases when it was accompanied by purulent discharge. The patient begins to be afraid of light, he may have a dry cough, granularity on the mucous membranes is observed. Intoxication in an adult is more pronounced than in a child. Almost always there is an increase in lymph nodes. Another feature of the catarrhal stage is Filatov-Koplik-Belsky spots. They are formed in the oral cavity (on the mucous membranes), in appearance they resemble white seals with a reddish border. This period lasts up to 8 days.
- Stage of rashes - at this time, the concentration of measles virus in the blood reaches its maximum values. The main sign of the stage is spotted-papular exanthema, that is, a rash that affects almost all healthy areas of the skin. Initially, the rash is observed behind the ears and under the hair. The next day, spots appear on the upper body and arms, and in a day affects the lower parts of the body. Unlike children, in an adult, the rash is always more intense. The signs of the first stage at this time intensify. Only after 4-5 days in the body begins the production of antibodies that fight the virus. However, it is too early to say that the pathology is over.
- Stage pigmentation. Approximately on the fifth day after the appearance of the rash, the signs of the disease gradually begin to recede and the patient feels the first relief. The body temperature decreases. The rash becomes paler, brown spots remain in its place, which disappear only after a week. The remaining signs of measles are pityriasis peeling of the skin, which is most noticeable in the face.
The disease greatly reduces immunity, it may take several weeks or months to recover. During recovery, the body is especially vulnerable to other diseases, especially to SARS. The likelihood of recurring measles is minimal.
Diagnostic Methods
If you have at least the slightest suspicion of contracting measles, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he takes the necessary measures and establishes the correct diagnosis.
- General blood analysis. The following changes will indicate the presence of the disease: the level of leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils will decrease markedly. But the erythrocyte sedimentation rate will, on the contrary, be increased.
- Linked immunosorbent assay. Blood is taken from a vein, the study will reveal antibodies to measles virus. During diagnosis, two types of antibodies are investigated - immunoglobulins M and immunoglobulins G.
- Urinalysis - during the period of the disease, the level of protein and white blood cells will be increased.
- X-ray - it is necessary in order to exclude pneumonia, which can become a complication of measles.
Measles treatment and vaccination
To date, no agent has been obtained that would specifically affect the virus of the disease.Measles is usually treated symptomatically. Both medications and the possibilities of traditional medicine are allowed.
In no case do not prescribe yourself any medications yourself - medications may not be combined.
Comprehensive treatment includes drugs of the following groups:
- antiviral - they are prescribed in the case when the disease has a slow rate of increase, with their help you can ease the symptoms;
- antipyretic - it is better to use those medications that can lower the temperature and stop inflammation. It is advisable to refuse Aspirin: it affects blood coagulability, which can cause internal bleeding;
- antihistamines - with their help get rid of itching and swelling. It is recommended to use drugs of the 1st and 2nd generation, which additionally have sedative properties;
- mucolytic - prescribed to suppress a cough.
If there is a sore throat, take candy or spray. Pain in the eyes can be eliminated with anti-inflammatory eye drops, sometimes with antibiotic content.
If treatment occurs in a hospital setting, measles immunoglobulin may be prescribed.
For adults, measles vaccination is free only up to 35 years old, in all other cases this service is paid. Depending on the vaccine, its cost is from 450 to 1.5 thousand rubles.
There are several types of vaccines:
- monovalent;
- two or three component.
Adults should be vaccinated in the following cases:
- There is a journey to a country with a high risk of contracting measles.
- A woman is planning a pregnancy, but before that she had not had measles.
- Return from the epidemic zone.
- Previous contact with the patient.
Possible complications
As we have already noted, measles virus can significantly weaken the immune system, which creates favorable conditions for the attachment of a secondary infection. Measles is particularly dangerous for women during pregnancy, as the disease can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.
The consequences of infection can be the following complications:
- sinusitis;
- otitis;
- diarrhea;
- enterocolitis;
- kidney inflammation;
- hepatitis;
- pneumonia;
- problems with the bronchi;
- angina;
- laryngitis;
- stomatitis;
- encephalitis;
- myelitis.
Infectious Disease Prevention
To avoid measles infection, you should follow some preventive measures:
- To do vaccination. Measles vaccines are given almost all over the world. Events are absolutely safe, they can be carried out both by adults and children. Before the procedure, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Contraindications are pregnancy, AIDS, tuberculosis and leukemia. In childhood, it is supposed to be vaccinated twice - at 1 and 6 years.
- Immunoglobulin vaccination is done if there has been contact with the patient.
- During an epidemic, try to avoid places where large numbers of people gather.
Like many other infectious diseases, measles requires immediate treatment. In no case should you let the disease drift, as this is fraught with serious consequences.