Amazing work by a talented artist from French Lyon named Olivier Beaumont make you think deeply about the problems of the mortal world. Olivier in his illustrations exposes the most acutely social "sore spots" that cannot worry our contemporaries. In these figures you can see how the society is functioning now, and how an individual person lives.

In 2013, Olivier participated in the Annecy Festival of Animated Films. Alas, his works were not selected for awards. But, as they say, the main thing is participation! Well, we appreciate the work of the artist and we.


A musician wandering along a lonely road. Behind is a sad past, ahead is an unknown future


Nuclear Threat - Poison Cake


Now the connection with the Higher "I" also occurs through technology


We live in different worlds, predetermined by genetic differences.


The main thing is to think about money and business. Feelings will wait


I went to conquer a big city, not yet knowing that I would have to abandon traditions


Because of money, the motto of scientists is: “I see nothing, I hear nothing, and I will not tell anyone”


Each of us has little time, and it is already divided into competing sectors


And so often, we forget about how recklessly we exchange precious watches for rustling pieces of paper.


When the only one who understands and accepts you is a dog


Regardless of skin color, the world of millennials is about the same ...


When a village plunges into urban culture to drown in it forever


What women give birth to in the conditions of modern ecology?


Due to professional burnout, psychologists are already lining up


False rich people will tear off the last shirt from the poor

And which of the problems depicted in Olivier’s drawings seems most important to you, and why? Tell us in the comments.