To lose weight safely, but slowly, many diets and exercises have been developed. But not everyone wants to build their body for a long time, so for fast weight loss, they choose drugs that are sometimes not safe for health. One of these is Sibutramine. In the framework of this article, we consider the drug: composition, action, instructions. We find out what is the health hazard when taking this remedy.

The mechanism of action of Sibutramine for weight loss

The drug was developed a quarter of a century ago and was initially prescribed for depressed patients to improve their condition.

But, as practice has shown, the substance acted weakly on a person’s mood, but suppressed his appetite, while the patient began to actively lose weight!

As a result, “Sibutramine” began to be used to combat obesity, prescribing it to people as a remedy for hunger. The tool will help those who are gaining weight or are unable to lose weight due to their excessively raging appetite. If you cannot control the absorption of food, stop on time, constantly overeat, talk with your doctor about the possibility of taking "Sibutramine."

A person who takes this medicine for hunger really begins to notice a loss of appetite. The portions are getting smaller each time.

But not only the amount of food consumed affects the rate of excess kg, but also the other actions that "Sibutramine" causes:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • temperature rise;
  • rapid pulse;
  • sweating
  • thirst.

Increased blood pressure and pulse cause the production of adrenaline - a person feels anxiety, even fear. Adrenaline perfectly burns body fat, accelerating the process of losing weight. Due to the increased temperature, a person sweats more, metabolic processes are accelerated! Thirst allows you to drink more water, and this also very efficiently speeds up the metabolism.

Composition (active substance)

Means of synthetic origin. Available in the form of tablets, it is necessary to take orally, washed down with liquid in a large volume.

Sibutramine, a weight loss medicine, is prescribed for people with obesity, but today many girls without indications take the drug to achieve ideal proportions.

The effectiveness of the drug is affected by its potent active substance called sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate. What is this substance, how does it affect the body?

Everything is extremely simple:

  1. The feeling of hunger is suppressed after taking the pill.
  2. Even if a person is not hungry, but begins to eat in order to feel the taste of food (this prevents many losing weight), a feeling of fullness will come quickly, so you can’t eat a lot.
  3. When losing weight, he still eats a smaller portion, because saturation will come quickly, prematurely.

Remember, Sibutramin tablets are not a magic potion that will make your figure slim.

One must also try to eat less, move more, not overeat!

Follow the instructions and use the drug only on the recommendation of an independent doctor, because there are many not only contraindications, but also side effects!

Instructions for use Sibutramine

Do not hope that the medicine will begin to act immediately. The specialist prescribing the drug should warn that the result will be noticeable only after a few months (from 4 to 6). But you will lose weight without hunger, without strict diets, this is a plus of therapy.

The average course is a year, and along with taking pills you need to follow a diet, try to consume only foods that are low in calories, play sports (we’re not talking about hour classes in the gym, enough runs and a daily walk per hour). The first two months you will not notice any positive dynamics at all, but this does not mean that you are taking the drug just like that! Already at the 4th month of the course, a decline in adipose tissue will be noticed.


  1. Inside, orally, always with a drink.
  2. The drug is taken once a day and does not depend on the fullness of the stomach.
  3. A single dose is one pill (10 mg).
  4. If within 4-6 months from the beginning of the course there is no result, then you can increase the dose to one and a half tablets per day (only with good tolerance).
  5. In the case when, instead of positive dynamics, negative (mass gain) is observed, then the tablets are canceled. Another way to lose weight is discussed.

Throughout the course it is necessary to monitor the state of health. Every day blood pressure is measured, a heartbeat is heard. If you are overweight, these parameters can be increased anyway, and Sibutramin will only worsen performance.

If tachycardia, arrhythmia, shortness of breath are clearly monitored, a person feels unwell, then the medicine should be stopped.

The drug is prescribed only by a doctor. In real pharmacies, Sibutramin is very difficult to find, so you will have to use online stores to purchase. They have almost no domestic funds, there will always be a more expensive, but with guaranteed quality Sibutramin. The price of one package of 30 pills averages 1000 rubles.

During pregnancy and lactation

The drug is potent, penetrating the blood. During blood circulation, Sibutramine metabolites pass into breast milk or the placenta of a pregnant woman. The effect of the substance on unborn children and infants is detrimental, therefore, taking medication for pregnant and lactating women is strictly contraindicated.

If there is no pregnancy, but the woman is of childbearing age, contraceptives should be used during the treatment of obesity with Sibutramine, which give the maximum guarantee of safety.

Drug interaction

If you want to lose weight, then you need to take medications that contribute to this wisely. We must not forget about such a definition as interaction with other substances.

  1. When taken with erythromycin, cyclosporin, ketoconazole, and others that inhibit the work of CYP3A4, the level of sibutramine metabolites in the blood rises.
  2. Sibutramine is metabolized faster if you take Dexamethasone, Rifampicin, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin together with it.
  3. As for alcohol, it itself blocks the process of burning fat, so taking it during the course is not recommended if you want to achieve a positive effect.
  4. You can not conduct a parallel intake of Sibutramine and other drugs that depress the central nervous system.

Sibutramin tablets do not affect the ability to drive a car, attention and reaction speed. But nevertheless, it is necessary to use the tool carefully when conducting potentially hazardous work.

Contraindications and what is dangerous when losing weight

In Russia, you can buy a medicine in a regular pharmacy only with a prescription from a specialist, since it is included in the list of potent, addictive.

Apply strictly on the recommendation of a doctor and only if other measures to reduce body weight do not help.

"Sibutramine" is applicable if there are no contraindications:

  • bulimia or anorexia nervosa;
  • sibutramine intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children, adolescents and the elderly (before 18 and after 65 years);
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • glaucoma;
  • violations in the work of the kidneys and liver (in severe form);
  • benign hyperplasia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • mental illness.

What is dangerous "Sibutramine" for losing weight? The fact is that in the middle of the course people begin to feel addiction to the drug. Without taking the pill, they show signs of withdrawal, as with drug addiction.

Headache, chills begin, cold sweat appears, side effects are more acute:

  • feeling of anxiety, fear;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • complete loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting;
  • violation of the stool (more often constipation than diarrhea);
  • lack of sleep;
  • pressure rises, tachycardia begins.

In addition to these side effects, the following are less common:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • psychosis;
  • cramps accompanied by a seizure, as with
  • epilepsy;
  • the taste of food changes, the sensation of aromas;
  • dry mouth.

If there are pains in the chest area, its edema is noted, an urgent need to see a doctor, the development of pulmonary hypertension is possible. So far, the connection of the disease with the administration of Sibuiramin has not been established, but the drug is recommended to be canceled.

What results can be achieved by taking the drug

Even with stages 2 and 3 obesity, significant weight loss can be achieved. In the first few months, fat burning is slow, as the body is rearranged to smaller portions of food, learning to consume energy, burning pounds. In the first 4 months, patients can lose 3 to 6 kg per month.

After six months, the drug acts stronger, since the body has already tuned in to a new regimen.

Depending on the initial weight, the amount of kg burned in 4 weeks can vary from 5 to 10 kilograms!

When body fat is reduced, weight loss will decline.

On average, people lose weight over a course of 20 to 45 kg! No diet will give such a result. Of course, you can lose 20-25 kg with a strict diet in 1 month, but this is rare for anyone to stand, and weight will quickly gain after the course.

With Sibutramin, people do not starve, they lose weight evenly, which prevents sagging skin without fat.

With the help of medicine, a person learns to eat properly, to calculate the number of servings. His life includes activity, albeit in the form of a simple walk to work, stairs, walks in the park.

Reviews of nutritionists about pills

According to leading nutritionists, Sibutramin is a potent, powerful weight loss product. But experts do not recommend the drug in the case when you need to remove a few extra pounds, and we are not even talking about obesity. Here, a person just needs to do more, put his diet in order. If you need to overcome hunger, you can buy harmless dietary supplements.

Nutritionists insist that resorting to the powerful substance sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate is possible only in case of danger to human life from obesity. According to doctors, mortality from diseases associated with being overweight is reduced to 40 percent, if you drop only 10% of the excess!

Sibutramine analogues

If there is no medical indication for taking Sibutramine, but you really want to lose weight, you can use similar hunger blockers.

We present to your attention a list of medicines that will help you lose weight:

  • Meridia
  • Slimia;
  • Goldline
  • "Reduxin";
  • Lindax.

We told how sibutramine acts on a person. In similar preparations, this component is also available, so you must definitely consult a doctor before you start taking the medicine!

The tool described in the publication is really very strong, but it has a lot of shortcomings. Many losing weight, taking drugs with sibutramine, noted the presence of poor health, side effects. If you need to deal with a few kilos, then take other methods. Do not resort to the help of dangerous potent medicines that are not recommended even by leading nutritionists. I wish you good health, good luck in shaping a beautiful body!