In an effort to get rid of extra pounds, women tend to resort to various methods, even potentially dangerous ones. Probably everyone at least once dreamed of a miraculous pill, with which you can become slim. At that time, sibutramine became such a “panacea”. But he is not so harmless. It is worth knowing what properties sibutramine has, and what is the danger of this drug, which helps to quickly make the waist thin.

The composition (active substance) of the drug

Sibutramine is the name of the active substance of various drugs that belong to the group of anorexigenic drugs of central action. It was created specifically to combat obesity in patients who, for a number of reasons, cannot adhere to a strict diet or play sports actively.
This drug has not been commercially available since 2008. Since 2010, in Europe it has ceased to be used to combat obesity due to a large number of dangerous side effects. To date, drugs based on this substance are used only in exceptional cases, and only under the supervision of a doctor.

What is dangerous sibutramine for humans

The drug quickly and effectively eliminates excess weight, depriving a person of hunger. As a result, the need for food decreases, while the frequency of bowel movements and urination increases, and extra pounds melt literally before our eyes.

However, this effect is very dangerous for all health in general.The fact is that sibutramine affects the functioning of the brain by changing the rate of production of the main mood neurotransmitters - serotonin and norepinephrine. At the same time, there is an increase in blood pressure and heart rate - after all, this is the only way to “disperse” the metabolism and provoke the onset of fat burning.
The result of the drug are:

  • mental disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • constant fatigue;
  • anorexia.

Sibutramine is especially dangerous for women with a normal body mass index who are unhappy with their figure and tend to come close to glossy or model standards. Suppressing appetite is potentially dangerous by the development of an eating disorder, in particular, anorexia.

The mechanism of action on the body

Initially, anorexigenic drug was developed as a cure for depression, so its mechanism of action is aimed at changing the synthesis of serotonin. The medicine changes its interaction with norepinephrine, causing a false sense of fullness.

Under the influence of sibutramine, the human brain “thinks” that the body is full, so there is practically no appetite. So, there is no overeating and a set of extra pounds.

As a person reduces the amount of food, a calorie deficit develops. The body lacks nutrients, so it is forced to spend energy reserves, which, as you know, is fat. As a result, the process of burning fat is accelerated, and body weight is rapidly decreasing. Moreover, the greater the person’s initial weight, the faster this process occurs, because a large body needs more energy.

Pregnancy and lactation

An agent for the treatment of obesity during pregnancy cannot be used. There is no exact data on whether sibutramine affects the fetus, however, due to the general negative effect of the drug on the woman's body, there is a risk of complications during this period.

During lactation, the drug is also contraindicated.

Sibutramine preparations

At one time, pharmacies presented a huge number of different drugs with sibutramine. Due to the ban on the free sale of this medicine, which was introduced in 2008, today the number of diet pills has decreased markedly.

The most popular drugs with sibutramine:

  • Goldline Plus - capsules in a dosage of 5, 10 and 15 mg of the active substance, also contain cellulose;
  • Reduxin tablets - in the composition of 10 or 15 mg of sibutramine;
  • Meridia - a popular German drug, contains 10 mg of active substance in one capsule.

The drug is taken 1 time per day. It is recommended to start the course with a minimum dosage of 5 mg per day. After a few weeks, blood pressure, kidney and heart function are monitored. In the absence of complications, the dosage rises to 10 mg. This amount is the recommended dose for the fight against excess weight. Taking 15 mg of sibutramine per day is allowed only under the supervision of a doctor because of the high risk of severe side effects.

The capsule cannot be chewed, it must be swallowed whole with water. The effect occurs rather quickly, a few hours after taking the first therapeutic dose, a decrease in appetite is noted.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug has an impressive list of contraindications. It can not be taken in patients with severe neuropsychiatric disorders and CNS pathologies, including:

  • epilepsy
  • eating disorders;
  • Tourette's syndrome;
  • neurosis;
  • Depressed

Sibutramine-based drugs are contraindicated in people with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, congenital heart defects. Also, you should not take medicine for intracranial hypertension, high eye pressure and glaucoma. Men are not prescribed pills for suspected adenoma and prostate cancer.In diabetes, liver and kidney pathologies, a weight loss agent should not be taken. Sibutramine is contraindicated in people with alcohol or drug addiction.
The tool causes a number of negative reactions that almost all patients encounter. The most common side effects:

  • headache;
  • backache;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • anorexia;
  • tachycardia;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • nervousness;
  • rhinitis and pharyngitis;
  • menstrual irregularities in women;
  • depression.

Despite the rapid action of sibutramine, these side effects are very dangerous and require attention. In some cases, irreversible complications, such as arterial hypertension, may develop. Due to the large number of risks, the drug should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.

Sibutramine and analogues (fluoxetine, orlistat) should be prescribed only by a nutritionist or other specialist. In addition, drugs based on sibutramine are included in the list of drugs with limited circulation, therefore they are sold exclusively with a strict sample prescription.
Before resorting to taking dangerous drugs, it is recommended that you think carefully about the possible consequences. A low-calorie diet and fitness will undoubtedly bring more health benefits than dangerous pills.