An increasingly popular among lovers of cosmetic procedures is shugaring armpits. Removing excess vegetation in this way makes the skin smooth and well-groomed for a long time. What is the peculiarity of this technique and is it possible to conduct this procedure yourself?
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What is armpit shugaring
Underarm shugaring is called hair removal using sugar based paste. This procedure, according to cosmetologists, is the most modern and common method of hair removal in this zone.
Note. Shugaring is a long-standing method of eliminating unwanted hairs, used for many centuries in a row. So the ancient beauties of Egypt and other countries watched the smoothness of their skin.
Advantages and disadvantages
Home or in-car shugaring has a number of advantages, including:
- Hypoallergenicity due to the natural composition. This factor is especially true for pasta prepared with one's own hand - its composition does not cause concern.
- Convenience. Most often, during this procedure, no more discomfort is felt than with waxing.
- The duration of the result. Smooth and delicate skin after such manipulation is provided for 2-3 weeks.
- A small number of contraindications.
It should also be noted that the systematic removal of vegetation by shugaring paste thinns the hairs, causing them to grow more slowly.
But, despite a large number of advantages, sugar depilation of armpits and disadvantages has:
- The laborious process. Before applying to the skin, the sugar mass should be warmed up and kneaded for even distribution. The procedure for hair removal itself involves the accuracy of movements.
- Mistakes in the process of making pasta. Due to misses with proportions or non-observance of the cooking time, the paste can turn out to be excessively hard or, conversely, very liquid.
- The required hair length. This indicator should be 3-5 mm. It is difficult to get rid of shorter hairs by sugar hair removal.
- Some soreness of sensations, which, however, is reduced with each new session.
If we talk about professional hair removal, then in the salon shugaring will cost more than a wax procedure. This is due to the need for longer training, as well as the requirements for the professionalism of the master.
Preparation for the procedure and care after
Shugaring is a procedure that requires careful preparation, on which the final result largely depends. Before its implementation, several preparatory recommendations should be considered:
- A few days before depilation, it is recommended to make a soft peeling using a cosmetic scrub. As a result, dead skin cells will be removed and the mixture will adhere better to the skin and hair.
- Immediately before shugaring, you should steam the skin with a warm compress based on plant herbs or with a bath. Such manipulation will help open the pores and make the removal of hairs less painful.
- The optimal hair length for shugaring in the armpit area when removing them with sugar paste should be at least 3 mm.
After the procedure, the armpits need some care, which will help mitigate possible unpleasant consequences:
- You can eliminate redness and skin irritation by treating it with Panthenol cream.
- A few days after shugaring should not be in the sun for a long time, and also visit the solarium in order to avoid burns.
- The first day after the removal of hairs, do not use a deodorant, since there is a high risk of various infections penetrating through the inflamed skin.
At the end of the procedure, it is permissible to use a delicate cream for sensitive integuments.
How to do it yourself
Is it possible to carry out hair removal in the armpit zone yourself? Quite. However, you should consider a number of tips that can facilitate the procedure:
- The skin in the area of the armpits is very sensitive, and therefore the hairs should be removed with maximum accuracy.
- Performing the procedure at home for the first time is quite difficult. Beauticians recommend practicing using a bandage technique, that is, using special strips for depilation.
- In the course of sugar depilation, care should be taken to ensure good lighting and a mirror for full control of the situation.
As for the process itself, the template is carried out in several stages:
- The necessary zone is treated with an antiseptic.
- Talcum is applied to the skin of the armpits for the purpose of degreasing.
- A small piece of paste is flexed in the hands and distributed in the desired area in the direction against the growth of hairs, as if squeezing into the skin.
- A paper or fabric strip is distributed over the applied mass, which is also smoothed.
- The strip is sharply removed from the surface of the skin in the course of hair growth after 1-2 minutes.
Note. For a more complete removal of vegetation, paste is permissible to be applied to the treated area several times, but no more than 3.
The required number and frequency of sessions
Shugaring is an almost universal procedure, suitable for removing vegetation not only under the arms and legs, but also in the bikini area, as well as other parts of the body. The frequency of hair removal sessions in a particular area depends on several factors:
- literacy of the procedure;
- the quality of the paste used;
- hair regrowth rate;
- necessary care after the procedure.
In the armpit area, as a rule, hair grows faster than in other areas. To achieve an optimal length of 5 mm, they will need 1.5-3 weeks. Therefore, the armpit hair removal procedure should be performed 1 time per month.
Tip. Those who wish to resort to the procedure of shaving the armpits at home as little as possible should use creams that slow down hair growth a few days after the manipulation.
Consequences and methods for their elimination
For various reasons (improper shugaring, sensitivity of the skin, etc.), the skin can respond with a number of negative reactions, including:
- Armpit irritation and redness. It is considered a common occurrence that passes after a few hours. To speed up the healing process, the skin can be wiped with a herbal decoction.
- Bruises and bruising. Often are the result of non-observance of shugaring technology and require the indispensable treatment of the skin with an antiseptic.
- Ingrown hairs that can lead to the appearance of acne. The grown hair should be released from the bulb in the most sterile way possible and treat the area with an antiseptic.
Tip. To minimize possible problems with the skin, the first few sugar depilation procedures should be performed by a qualified craftsman in the salon, observing the progress of his work.
Contraindications to the procedure
Shugaring is a procedure that does not have a very large number of contraindications. The main ones are:
- diabetes;
- epilepsy;
- viral diseases, in particular herpes;
- pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
- allergy to the components in the composition of the paste;
- skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema);
- wounds, abrasions, or moles in the area of suspected hair removal;
- menstruation;
- pregnancy.
Important! Under no circumstances should you be sugaring people who are intoxicated. Also, hairs cannot be removed from integuments that have received a sunburn.
Sugar caramel hair removal is a popular method to maintain smoothness and beauty of the skin. It differs from other methods of hair removal by the ease of use of the paste and the hypoallergenic nature of its composition. In order to facilitate their work, beginners in this technique are recommended to visit the master in the cabin, taking note of the subtleties of the procedure.