Stamp roses will decorate even the smallest garden. A lush bouquet on a thin stalk-leg will not leave anyone indifferent. It is said that these roses were created by one of the royal gardeners 300 years ago, so that court ladies in their magnificent dresses with trains could enjoy the delicate aroma without squatting or bending down.

Stamp roses: what kind of plant, description

Translated from German, "shtamb" means "barrel". Botanists know that this is part of the plant from the root neck to the first branches. Therefore, these roses can not be called bushes, they are more like low trees. In nature, there are no such roses, they are created by man, and they can rightly be called a man-made miracle.

It is interesting that any kind and variety of roses can be grown on the stem, just by successfully vaccinating the rosehip trunk.

This opens up unlimited possibilities for breeders, since two or even three plant varieties can be adjacent to one strain.

The best types and varieties

Stamp roses in the garden are divided into different types.

It depends on the height of the stem:

  • miniature - 0.4 - 0.5m;
  • semi-ram - 0.7 - 0.8 m;
  • standard - 0.9 - 1.1 m;
  • weeping - 1.2 - 1.7 m.

The first species is used for growing miniature and groundcover roses, half-stem - for floribunda roses, standard - for tea-hybrid varieties, weeping - for climbing species.

The most popular types:

GradeViewHeight of the stem in cmCharacteristicsBenefits
KnirpsGround cover70 – 120Lush pink flowers, small foliage of saturated green color.Resistant to frost, rain and heat.
Claude monetHybrid Tea70 – 120Lemon yellow flowers with red strokes, bright green leaves.Good winter hardiness, medium disease resistance.
Leonardo da VinciFloribunda70 – 80Luxurious fragrant flowers in a deep pink hue.It does not get sick, it easily tolerates summer heat and winter frosts.
New dawnWicker100 – 250Cup-shaped flowers of a pleasant cream-silver hue.Shade tolerant, growing fast.
Paul noelWicker100 – 250Bright coral flowers, long, graceful, flexible shoots.Abundant flowering, medium disease resistance.
SchneewittchenFloribunda70 – 120Large white flowers collected in inflorescences. Light honey flavor.It is disease resistant, easily tolerates heat.
Red cascadeMiniature50 – 60Red double flowers with a strong aroma, wide and spreading crown.Continuous flowering.
MaidyMiniature40 – 60Large flowers with cream and dark red petals, juicy, dense vine.High decorative, disease resistant.

How to grow a standard rose on a windowsill

A stem rose on a windowsill is a way out for those who love roses but cannot grow them on flower beds.

In urban apartments, you don’t have to brag about the abundance of space, so miniature standard roses are the best choice.

The place should be bright, but shaded in the hot midday hours. Scorching sunlight can cause burns.

There is nothing complicated in growing roses on a windowsill:

  • It is better to take a container for landing wooden or ceramic.
  • Mandatory drainage of gravel, shards and sand.
  • It is necessary to water as the earthen coma dries up, not allowing it to be completely dry.
  • It is necessary to regularly remove faded flowers or cut off faded shoots by one third.

At home, plants can also hurt, so you need to conduct regular inspections.

Outdoor cultivation and care

Landing is best done in the spring. It is difficult to name a specific date, since depending on climatic conditions this period can stretch from March to mid-May.

When choosing seedlings, you need to pay attention to their external characteristics. The stamp should be smooth, the crown should be branched, the shoots should be healthy and lignified. The best stock is Rose Canina. It grows rapidly, has a powerful root system, is characterized by durability, winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests.

It is better to buy a seedling in a pot, since the standard roses very painfully tolerate moisture loss.

The best place is a well-lit and sheltered from the wind plot with light clay soil. It is advisable to choose a place where there is no high level of groundwater.

Planting and caring for such a rose is not as complicated as it seems at first.

First of all, you need to listen to these tips:

  • Mulch the ground around the bushes with rotted manure or sawdust. This protects the soil from waterlogging and drying out.
  • Monitor the frequency of watering. Better to pour warm water into shallow holes in the trunk circles.
  • Periodically loosen the soil, but only superficially, so as not to damage the root system.
  • In the spring, cut the plant in a timely manner. This contributes to lush flowering, the formation of a compact crown, strengthening shoots and improving the bush. Pruning can only be done with a sharp secateurs necessarily 5 mm above the developed kidney. Slices need to be treated with garden var.
  • So that a thin bole does not break under the weight of branches and flowers, it must be supported by a support.

There may be problems with sheltering the standard roses, as this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the standard. The trunk is dug up with a shovel and gently bent to the ground on the spruce branches. Then the crown is covered with a layer of spruce branches and a film. The root and base are abundantly covered with earth. Shelter is removed only when the threat of severe frost passes.

Proper feeding and fertilizer for lush flowering

The feeding schedule is pretty simple:

  • in spring - after trimming with leaf humus and fertilizers with nitrogen;
  • immediately after each flowering wave - with liquid organic matter and mineral compounds;
  • in late summer or early autumn - phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

In top dressing, it is important not to overdo it. An excess of micro and macro elements, as well as their lack, is poorly reflected in the growth and development of the plant.

Propagation of roses on the stem

Reproduction of such roses takes a lot of time, since it takes at least 3 years to grow a rootstock alone. The easiest way to grow stock is from rose hips, removing the remaining shoots. After this, a budding is carried out - an inoculation with an eye -, departing from the top about 45 cm. It is better to do a double inoculation, then the crown will be more magnificent.

Eyes vaccinated in the summer will grow in the spring of next year. The tops of young shoots need to be pinched constantly after 3-4 sheets. At the beginning of summer, the standard rose will be ready.

Pest and Disease Control

Stem roses are subject to the same diseases as their usual relatives. Rust, spotting, gray rot, powdery mildew - this is not a complete list of diseases. Therefore, for prevention, it is better to periodically spray roses with special compounds.

Garden pests also do not disregard the standard roses. It can be aphids, scale insects, grubs, spider mites, thrips. But modern drugs (Iskra, Neoron, Actellik, Intavir) will help get rid of the invasion of uninvited guests.

Landscape design

The possibilities of using standard roses are quite wide. They can be used to decorate flower beds, flower beds, rest areas, vertical supports in the form of walls and ladders.

The combination of standard and low spray roses allows you to effectively form a multi-tiered space.

  • Pink trees can be planted in the center of the lawn as a soloist, and miniature groundcover roses can be planted in the near-stem circle.
  • Weeping standard forms look very beautiful - they resemble a real cascade or a waterfall of flowers.
  • In large gardens, even real alleys of pink trees are made.

Growing a standard rose is not as difficult as it seems to beginners. If you follow the simple recommendations given by experienced gardeners, lush trees will delight your eyes for many years.