Every family loves fragrant, delicious pancakes, and every housewife knows many ways to cook them. And in the days of Shrovetide, mothers and grandmothers try to completely surpass themselves by creating airy, "lace" goodies with a wide variety of fillings.
Chocolate pancakes are quite popular among children and adults, and this section contains the 7 best recipes for this wonderful dessert.
Material Content:
Kefir chocolate pancakes
Kefir chocolate pancakes are tender and airy, with a porous, “holey” structure.
To prepare them, you need to take the following products:
- a half-liter package of kefir;
- 2 eggs;
- a glass of boiled water or fresh milk;
- 1.5-2 cups flour;
- 40-55 g of cocoa powder;
- 3-4 tablespoons of sugar;
- salt;
- a little soda;
- vegetable oil.
How to cook a dish:
- In a capacious bowl, whisk the eggs with a whisk, add kefir, pour salt, soda and sugar, stir.
- Gradually introduce cocoa, without stopping to work with a whisk, so that the powder does not get lumped.
- Add flour in small portions, gradually bringing the dough to the required consistency, and then pour in a little lean fat and start frying.
Tip. So that the pancakes do not turn out to be too “oily”, it is better not to pour fat into the pan, but to moisten a paper towel and then evenly wipe the bottom of the dishes with it.
Pancakes with milk and cocoa
Chocolate pancakes with cocoa can be prepared with fresh or sour milk.
They need the following products:
- 2 cups dairy product;
- egg;
- 1.5-2 cups flour;
- 40-60 g of cocoa powder;
- sugar and salt;
- vegetable oil.
How to cook chocolate pancakes in milk with cocoa:
- Shake the egg with sugar, salt and cocoa, pour vegetable oil.
- Dilute the resulting mass with half the milk and pour flour.
- Gradually adding milk, mix the dough until the lumps break, and then pour in the rest and start frying the dish.
On a note. The dough for milk pancakes should be quite liquid and spread easily along the bottom of the pan. If the consistency is thicker, it is permissible to add a small portion of boiled water.
A simple recipe with chocolate
For the preparation of fragrant pancakes, you can use not cocoa powder, but natural dark chocolate.
You will need these ingredients:
- half a liter pack of milk;
- 2 eggs;
- 1.5-2 cups flour;
- 55 g butter;
- 90 g of chocolate;
- sugar and salt.
How to bake pancakes with natural chocolate:
- Mix flour with sugar and salt, and then gradually add ½ part of the dairy product, carefully stirring.
- Add eggs to the mass whipped with a blender or whisk, mix until smooth.
- Melt the chocolate with butter, dilute with the remaining dairy product and pour into a mixture of flour and eggs.
- Gently mix the dough, let it brew for several hours, and then bake pancakes in a hot pan.
Tip. To make a dessert, you should take natural weight chocolate. The quality of what is sold in tiles often leaves much to be desired. It happened that such a product under the influence of high temperatures did not melt, but melted and burned to the bottom.
Pancakes with Chocolate Paste
For the preparation of pancakes, you can use chocolate paste, only you need to take the mildest composition.
In the process of cooking you will need:
- 550 ml of milk or yogurt;
- egg;
- 150-180 g of chocolate paste;
- some sugar and salt;
- a glass of flour.
How to cook pancakes:
- Stir the egg with sugar and salt, add the paste and a glass of milk, and then mix.
- When the chocolate mass has completely “dispersed”, pour the flour.
- Gradually diluting the dough with milk, knead it until the clots “disperse”, and then pour the remaining and bake portions.
On a note. The taste of pancakes will be more vivid if they stand at least half an hour before use.
Cottage cheese pancake dough
Stunningly delicious, tender chocolate pancakes will turn out on a curd dough.
For cooking you will need:
- 2 packs of cottage cheese;
- 120 ml of kefir;
- 2-3 eggs;
- cocoa powder;
- sugar and salt;
- 130-140 g of flour;
- soda.
How to make chocolate-curd pancakes:
- Scroll the cottage cheese in a blender or meat grinder.
- Beat eggs, combine with sugar, salt, soda, cocoa powder, and then dilute with kefir.
- Combine with the resulting mass and cottage cheese, pour flour and stir until clots disappear.
Attention! Pancakes can only be baked in a hot pan, otherwise they will stick to the bottom and tear.
Yogurt treat
To make chocolate pancakes, you need natural yogurt, without any fillers.
Prepare a dish from the composition of the products:
- 1.5-2 cups of kefir;
- 2-3 eggs;
- 140 g of yogurt;
- 1.5-2 cups flour;
- chocolate or cocoa powder;
- sugar and salt;
- confectionery baking powder.
How to bake pancakes on yogurt:
- Beat eggs in a bowl, add yogurt, sugar, baking powder and salt, and then add cocoa. If chocolate is used, it will need to be melted first.
- Stir the mixture until smooth, then pour the flour.
- Break all the lumps and clots, dilute the mixture with kefir and start frying the pancakes.
Such a treat is served to the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar or garnished with berries. And also sour cream, honey or jam is suitable for dessert.
Chocolate pancakes for children
Pancakes are considered heavy food, and for children it is better to cook this dish based on whey with a minimum amount of oil.
You will need such components:
- 250-280 ml of serum;
- egg;
- cocoa powder or chocolate;
- 1.5-2 cups flour;
- sugar, salt and soda.
How to cook "baby" pancakes:
- Beat the egg, salt, pour cocoa, sugar and soda.
- Dilute the mixture with half the whey, add the flour and stir until the lumps disappear.
- Dilute the dough with whey to the desired consistency, and fry the pancakes.
When serving chocolate pancakes for children, you can sprinkle with coconut flakes or prepare sugar syrup by adding a brightly colored food coloring to it.